The need for heating bathrooms obvious. In this bathroom is a room that has a specific function and the special operating conditions, so the decision to issue their heat It requires knowledge of the technical characteristics and the variety of heating devices, which are now available consumers.
Let us consider the types of devices suitable for this purpose, and which one unit can be used as a heater for the bathroom or the bath.

Requirements to the heater for the bathroom
Operation bathrooms and baths due to destination of the premises is characterized by the following general factors:
- humidity;
- Equipment frequent direct contact with water and steam;
- compact space.
On this basis, the equipment bathrooms, including heating, imposed demand mismatch which eliminates the possibility of the operation of these units on the premises type. Consider these requirements in more detail.
Security. High humidity in the room air increases the risk of electrocution injury on contact with electrical equipment in the event of circuit wiring in the housing. Due to the fact that the person in the bathroom may be without clothes, the probability of injury electricity in such a situation even more increases. From this it follows that the isolation and grounding of electrical equipment, wiring of the bathrooms should be given special attention, and sockets - installed in waterproof performance.

Factor lack of clothing on the person also increases the risk of burns on contact with the body casing excessively hot heater or a heating element. Therefore, the heaters in the bathroom should be located in places, avoid contact with the human body, or fitted with protective covers, or be safe value exchanger temperature (Corpus).

Waterproof. Execution of heaters for the bathroom should be designed for contact with the spray, steam and high humidity to the heater under the influence of these factors do not fail prematurely.
Furthermore, the heating device fabrication materials should not be afraid of water or high humidity. Details heaters made of corrosion-prone material, coated with a protective paint composition, resistant to heat and moisture.
Compactness. Bathrooms are rarely spacious, so bulky heaters are not suitable for them - take up much space and, again, increase the risk of burns to the small room. Therefore, the heater in the bath should be compact, selected for a specific installation location.

enough power. Despite the necessary compactness of the heater, the heater power should be enough for comfortable stay of a person without clothes and heating finishing the bathroom. Small size premises simplify this task, however, according to temperature standards in the areas set out in IEC P 51617-2000 "Housing and communal services", the temperature in the bathroom should not be below 25 degrees, which is 5-9 hail. higher than the corresponding figure for the required other facilities.
Hygiene and aesthetics. Bathroom or bath - room, to the sanitary conditions which are increased requirements, so not all types of heaters are suitable for heating of rooms. Using, for example, heat guns for liquid fuel in the bath is not allowed due to incomplete combustion of fuel in these devices.
Aesthetics of bathroom heaters should also be at a high enough level - psychological state Human largely depends on this factor, as in the indoor tenants must be configured to recreation.
Types of heating devices for bathrooms
For heating bathrooms and bathhouses used by many types of heating devices. Eligibility - compliance with the requirements listed above and the interior space. Consider a few of the most popular heaters.
Electric heaters, towel warmers
These compact devices are stand-alone, as it does not depend on the water and heat supply systems. The heater consists of a tubular coil decorative configuration in which a heating element is placed, which transforms power from the household network into heat.
Produced two types of heaters, towel rails:
- liquid - a sealed tubular housing filled with oil or antifreeze heater is installed;
- Dry (Cable) - a heating element in the tube is self-regulating heating cable.
Installation of these heaters is simple and does not require professional skills - the unit is installed on the wall with the help of standard fasteners, included with the unit.
When the resemblance of these two heater-towel warmer varieties of different specifications, the knowledge of which will facilitate the choice when purchasing the unit.
liquid towel
The operating principle of the device and this kind of heater does not differ from the oil heater - heating element mounted in a sealed housing with oil. The presence of oil, the amount of which should ensure that the convection of the fluid in the body, and more complex security system, causes large size and weight of a liquid aggregate, than the cable devices. Furthermore, to ensure the liquid tightness radiator heater design static, ie not contain rotational elements that enhance comfort when operating the unit, drying things.

Liquid Towel manufactured capacity from 0.3 to 0.6 kW, under which the correct operation of the security system is sufficient to heat heating the surface to a temperature of 70 degrees - safe for short-term contact with the body and provides a comfortable mode room.
Important! Liquid heaters can be connected to the network via a waterproof socket or concealed manner, but must necessarily be grounded - a third grounding wire in the supply cable.

Cable towel
Since the heating element in such devices is a self-regulating electrical cable, the requirements for the tightness of the tubular body is not as high as that of the oil unit - housing cable device should provide protection for the cable only from mechanical damage and moisture, so the design of such units are included for the convenience of the movable (rotary) elements.
Cable heaters are by weight and dimensions significantly less liquid aggregates made possible configurations that can select the device for a specific installation location.

The power of such units, depending on the model, is 60-120 W, which leads to low power consumption. The device is rapidly heated and rapidly cools the same, which is not a disadvantage, but this feature of the heater, characterized by simplicity and installation and security of operation - the device grounding is not necessary, and the housing surface temperature does not rise above 65 degrees. Connect the heater to the network is made as a plug-in or a hidden way.
thermal fan
Heater is one of the most simple heating devices, which is the power 2-2.5 kW available throughout the price range and which are suitable for use in bathrooms rooms.
The unit is a casing in which a supercharger - fan blows air through the room heating elements. Heater more high performance can be equipped with a thermostat and a temperature sensor, that control the on / off device to maintain a predetermined temperature in the room mode.

On-site devices are divided into floor, wall and ceiling.
Floor devices compact and lightweight, they have a lower power can be transferred at any convenient place and directed in a desired direction.

Wall heaters - the more powerful heaters having a stationary installation location, but their mobile deflectors allow you to change the direction of hot air flow in the vertical plane.
Heating fans ceiling placement are the most convenient, since, in addition to space heating, blowing prevent the formation of condensation on the ceiling. Sufficiently high power devices such causes their application in large baths and showers, as well as rest rooms and dressing-room saunas.

Important! For bathrooms are preferred for wall or ceiling heaters have been floor inhibit foot traffic and more prone to undesirable direct contact with water.
The heating element into the heating unit can be a ceramic, tubular and spiral (TEN).
The most advanced and effective devices are fan heaters with ceramic heaters.
As electricity into heat converters used in these devices PTC thermistors - semiconductor elements in a ceramic shell having the form of plates. To increase the heat transfer area of the heat transfer heaters are made of cellular lattice of aluminum.

The temperature of the semiconductor elements is not above 150 degrees, which increases the safety of their use. In addition, PTC thermistors have the property of self-regulation - the ability to increase with increasing temperature resistance up to complete conduction block. Thus, as the indoor air heating heater such power consumption will be reduced gradually, which saves not only electricity, but also the automation system.
Naturally, the cost of heaters with ceramic heating elements well above heaters with other types of heaters.
Devices with spiral open heating the following reasons are less preferred when selecting a heater for the bathroom:
- accidental touch to the human red-hot helical fraught produce burning and electric shock;
- there is a danger of ignition of small articles in contact with the hot coil;
- heating up to nearly 1000 degrees spiral thread is in open contact with the air, and therefore short-lived;
- Prolonged use of the spiral heater degrades the atmosphere in the room;
- combustion of the dust that falls onto the hot spiral, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

But the low cost spiral heaters and the ability to repair their own production contributes to the demand for these devices.
Tubular fan heaters - high power durable devices (3-3.5 kW), using the same heating coil, but placed in a stainless steel tube, with smooth or finned filled with quartz sand or manganese oxide - TEN.

In domestic premises, including the bathrooms, are powerful heaters are used very rarely.
electric convector
This heating device is an electric heating element closed type (TAN), mounted in the housing with a control system that converts electricity into heat and giving it the surrounding air. The heated air rises, yielding a cold place and thereby causing circulation of convective currents - convection.

In fact, all the heating devices that give off heat when working the surface to the ambient air, called convectors - a radiator water and steam heating, oil heatersStoves for solid and liquid fuels, gas heaters, etc. But in common parlance is called convectors only electric heaters with heating elements.

For spacious bathrooms and saunas Predbannikov the best choice in this group of heaters are wall heaters - stationary devices of small thickness, but with a large heat exchange area, protected against overturning, rigidly attached base.
In small bathrooms can use portable heaters small capacity outdoor performance
The maximum power produced for household electric heating convector conditions is in the range of from 0.5 to 2 kW, which allows for comfortable conditions in the bathroom of any size, using one or more of these instruments.
The popularity of using panel heaters in bathrooms due to the following advantages:
- Security - the body temperature is above 65 degrees;
- waterproof construction;
- ease of installation and daily care;
- automatic control;
- quiet operation;
- quick access to the operating power;
- a slightly negative impact on the climate.
The disadvantages of these heaters, as well as all heaters with heating elements on the basis of the helix refers high consumption Electricity - posistors economical due to the relatively low temperature heat in such devices (without a fan) is not apply.
The range of the value of the electric convector can not be considered widely available - the price of such a device depends on the power level automation equipment and design, the two devices with the same characteristics of the product to be more expensive the more famous manufacturer.

Infrared heaters
Infrared radiation - is invisible to the human eye wave located in the spectrum after the red light. These rays act on the surface of the items, which reach - to excite a certain depth of the movement molecules, and thus increase the physical body temperature, but not transit heated medium (air) at passage. The heated infrared objects give off heat the air and thus raise the temperature in the room.

Heating units, whose operation is based on infrared radiation are called infrared heaters.
On-site infra-red heaters are made of floor, wall and ceiling locations.
Infrared heaters for a bath more convenient wall or ceiling-mounted, but it is possible to use outdoor and infrared instruments - compact models with a vertical reflector.

Bathroom with high ceilings infrared heaters ceiling placement are particularly good - such devices are not visible even under considerable size, but their effectiveness is independent of the distance from the device.
Advertising infrared heaters for saunas, manufacturers of these devices presented as an independent heaters that can provide the required temperature. In fact it is not. The heat in the sauna supports other heating equipment, infrared heaters used in the dressing room and a relaxation room with a Finnish sauna. In itself, the sauna, these devices can be used except in the manufacture of repair baths in the winter - to provide a temperature technological regime.
A convenient variation of the IR-heaters for bathrooms are panelpower convectors - instruments water-resistant performance of high-end aesthetics. IR panels are manufactured as a colored (monochrome or imitating natural stone) and combined with mirrors, which conceal the true - a heating function of this element in the wall. Decorative panel infrared heaters for the bathroom causes their high price relative to other infrared heaters.

Bathroom modern infrared heaters ceased to be something exotic - so wide assortment of their species, most of which is offered at a reasonable price.
A variety of domestic heaters foreign and domestic enterprises produced today, allows you to select the instrument not only safe and optimum power, but also fit harmoniously into the interior of the bathroom, and even is an independent element of decor premises. However, priority in selecting the heating device must be, of course, safety.
The main essence of the article
- Bathroom - a room with high humidity and periodic short-term contact with water walling. Therefore, heaters for baths, saunas, showers and saunas shall comply with the relevant requirements, first of all have a water-resistant performance and a high degree of safety exploitation.
- In addition to the priorities, it is necessary to know and secondary requirements for bathroom heaters, causing sanitary conditions, the required degree of comfort, aesthetics and ease of use of these devices.
- Electric heaters - the most comfortable heaters that depend only on the state of the power supply, so their installation in bathrooms justified. But not all types of elektrootopiteley suitable for use in bathrooms, but those devices, the use of which is allowed in the baths, have varying degrees of efficiency of use. Therefore, choose the heater for the bathroom need to know the basic characteristics of the most common types of heaters.
- Priority purchase bytovog