By purchasing housing for the heating device, it is necessary to pay attention not only on the technical characteristics of the machine, but also on its safe use. To select the safest heater, should assess the extent of its fire at presence of oxygen consumption factor - its intensity, the temperature of the heating body and the other options. Indeed, for example, if the heater housing during operation will be very hot, it can be burned accidentally touching the device. One of the first places in the selection of a heater unit also holds the degree of environmental friendliness - a particularly important feature if the child lived in the house.
oil Coolers
Attention: Among all kinds of heaters, the most reliable and secure oil are considered. They consist of a sealed housing filled with oil, and an electric heating element. All current models of such devices have a thermostat, designed for manual control of the heating temperature of the device. Heaters are equipped with high performance timer for programming the heating and liquid crystal displays, displays the current settings of the instrument. Models equipped with a built-in fan, faster and more evenly heated room, speeding Movement of convective currents and intense stirring in room air layers with different values temperature.

The housing of the oil heater, depending on the type of aggregate has a shape of a flat iron bar or a central heating radiator - consists of separate sections, assembled in the battery. The more sections in such a device, the more intense will be space heating. The capacity of the radiator of various models of oil heaters can be different - it is possible to increase the heat transfer area of the battery change sections of the profile while maintaining the essential dimensions of the unit.
This heating equipment has the following advantages:
- simple structure;
- quiet (fanless models);
- affordable price;
- availability of automatic control;
- security.
Among the shortcomings can be identified high power output and low speed operating mode - the result of the heater will be felt not earlier than 30 minutes after switching on. Furthermore, it should mention the significant enough oil radiators weight - from 18 to 25 kg.
The main advantage of fan heaters is their compactness and ability to quickly warm the room. Electric heater consists of a heating element and a fan.
Important! Heaters, depending on the power of the model can be used for heating of residential buildings and large industrial facilities a large area, such as warehouses or hangars.
Domestic heaters are easy to operate and compact. Their cost and the quality depends on the type of heating element is installed, which is used as:
- spiral;
- TEN;
- a ceramic heater type.

The main disadvantages of spiral heaters are also increased power consumption and high spiral heating temperature - in contact with the dust spiral burns, releasing unpleasant and harmful for the human smell.
Important! Inflammation accumulation of dust can cause a fire, must therefore include aggregate by visual inspection starts working.
Heater must be installed out of the reach of children, who can not leave the appliance unattended enabled or charging monitor his work for children.
TENovye types of heaters are equipped with a heating element made of wire or graphite. They are safer to use than the spiral counterparts, but surpass them in value.
The most sophisticated of heaters are ceramic model, equipped with heating elements covered with a layer of porous ceramics. The ceramic coating is a kind of heat insulator, which lowers the temperature of the heater surface, making it safer. However, the effective design feature also causes the higher price of these devices.
Convectors are used for a long time for the heating housing. It is safe and effective heaters that will quickly warm the room. Furthermore, this device is not able to cause scalding - its body temperature does not rise above 60 degrees.
IMPORTANT! The high degree of safety performance convector allows you to leave enabled at a time short (1-3 hours) the lack of tenants, holding temperature regulator, 2-3 degrees less than usual.

Convector characterized compactness, the presence of additional options, for example, touch panels, a mode selector switch, a high heat capacity.
Infrared heaters
Infrared heaters are a very popular means of heating and housing facilities for other purposes. They are sources of infrared radiation being capable of heating the objects in the room, to which are infrared rays. Most of these emitters are mounted on the ceiling or walls, but there are also portable units tripod performance.
Attention: With these heaters can provide a quality heating topical areas in the room. For example, you can warm up a working or sleeping place, and the temperature in the rest of the room to maintain without significant changes, which increases the efficiency of heating.

IR heaters have the following advantages:
- resistance to moisture;
- quiet;
- relatively low power;
- enough to power a wide range of manufactured instruments;
- do not change the index of humidity in the room.
The distance from the infrared heaters to the nearest object in the path of infrared rays to avoid fire should be at least 2-3 meters. In the room where the infrared heater, there should be no flammable materials (wool, paper, wood chips).
In an effort to effectively heat a room, many prefer electric fire with the effect of "live fire".
Note: in fact, such a conventional electric heater is a heater with a visual imitation flame movable. The cost of this type of heater depends largely on the model, but is usually high due to the high-end decorative housing version.

Typically, the electric heater is embedded in a wall, or set closely to the enclosing structure. The device is efficient, reliable and sufficient power. In addition, the heater can be used not only for heating, but also as a room decoration.
non-electric heaters
To operate all heaters require electricity above. But in the absence of power supply the heating demand does not disappear, and in these situations is indispensable gas convector. Such devices differ heating efficiency, durability and reliability. Town gas during combustion hardly form harmful substances, it is not necessary to extract the device area. However, the combustion gas is accompanied by the consumption of oxygen from the air and the heated room must be periodically ventilated.
Gas convector equipped devices automatically stop the flow of gas at the extinction of the burner (flame detector) gas pressure surges on the pitch or roll-over device.

Also proven excellent infrared heaters operating at a reduced gas (propane, butane), or diesel fuel (Model with a tap outside the combustion products).
For space heating can be used and more powerful devices - gas gun, but used them more often in industrial buildings, where people are not present constantly, periodically. However, even in such a situation, fire safety - a factor that takes the first place in the operating requirements of such equipment.
Of all the above heating devices are the safest oil heaters and electric heaters. But, whatever the heating appliance you may have purchased, at its operation is always a factor of high temperature equipment enclosure and the risk of fire or burns. Therefore, you should always keep in mind safety and to abide scrupulously by its rules. What kind of heater you use, it depends only on the direction of security, which is a priority.
In addition to the general rules for the use of electric or gas appliances are required to fulfill the individual requirements set by the manufacturer in the instructions for use.