Heating housing conditions in Russia, even in its southern regions, is a prerequisite for living opportunities so domestic heating appliances market offers a lot of heaters of different designs, each distinguished by a principle of action, and characteristics.
A separate niche in the group radiators, whose operation is based on the principle of convection, occupy oil electric heaters. Despite the fact that the rating of oil heaters in comparison to some other heating devices is not high, these devices due to a number of advantages are in demand by the consumer.
Let us consider what the oil cooler, its characteristics and rules of operation, so how to choose the best heater with today's variety of units produced is not easy.
What is an electric oil heater
This heating device is used as main or auxiliary heating means of residential, office and industrial buildings. Oil heaters operate on household power, their operation is simple and does not require daily care devices. Number of heaters needed to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature depends on the room size.
Design and function
Oil electric heater is a sealed container filled to 85-90% of the volume of mineral oil for neutralization of the expansion of the liquid during heating. The use of more expensive synthetic oil with additives is not necessary, since the device has no moving parts, and therefore the friction factor.
The heater is equipped with a device for the stable fixation location.
The oil reservoir is embedded heater (tubular electric gated) with the cable connection to the mains. Available devices and integrated with several heaters, and therefore the power consumption of such a unit is significantly larger.

TEN after inclusion in the network begins to gradually warm up the oil in the tank, which forms a convective flow inside the enclosure and through the surface gives heat to the air space.
The heater has a platform with controls and monitors the operation of the device unit.
To be able to adjust the mechanical power is used in the aggregate has a rheostat, which shut off the instrument reaches the temperature exhibited by hand. This system is not very convenient, since it is not tied to the room temperature, and the set value requires correction at different times of the day.
For automatic heater control thermostat mounted on it (thermostat) with temperature sensor, which periodically turn on / turn off the heater to maintain a predetermined room Manual mode.
How to choose a reliable heater with a thermostat?
Thermostats are mechanical and electronic. heaters cost-equipped electronic devices, higher than units with mechanical thermostats as electronics functionality is wider, there is the possibility of programming the temperature regime of the time of day or even days week. But mechanical automation has its advantages - it is more reliable, as almost does not react to heat and infrequent repair it is much cheaper. Therefore, the answer to the question, which of the control system is preferable not.
Important! In the event of failure of a rheostat or thermostat on all models of oil heaters available an automatic shutdown in case of overheating, the unit prevents heating to the explosive temperatures. Even in case of failure of automatic tripping devices oil overheating of the radiator lead to the triggering of a safety valve located in the bottom of the radiator and designed to relieve pressure in the safe direction.

Important! Use in an oil cooler to reduce the temperature of the heater surface to safe values in the 50-80 degrees with potential PETN 800 ° C.
The first models of oil heaters produced with the hole that allows oil pour into the container. Modern oil-filled heaters are made airtight.
Space heating takes place by convection - the circulation of the air flow due to heating in contact with air heater surface and its movement up towards the ceiling.

The higher ceilings in the apartment, the greater the power to be the oil electric heater.
Varieties of oil-filled heaters
Oil heaters can be classified by the following characteristics:
- radiator profile;
- manufacturing material,
- power;
- installation location.
According to the profile of the radiator filler performance elektrootopiteli divided into ribbed and flat.
Ribbed heaters resemble traditional cast iron radiators have been collected from the same in shape, interconnected sections.

But the section of oil heaters are made not by casting and welding and pressing of ferrous workpieces steel sheet thickness 0,8-1 mm, so their integrity depends on the accuracy of dimensions of composite details. In this regard, for the manufacture of preforms sectional applied laser cutting, characterized by high accuracy and evenness of the cut edge, as well as the lack of temperature deformations treated steel sheet.
The finished sections heaters are performed openings for their communications with each other, after the combination of which elements are interconnected nipple method using a press-and spot welding.
Ready heaters are painted using powder technology, including product placement in special oven for the polymerization of the paint coating with highly protective and aesthetic properties.
The presence of edges in the construction of oil heaters increases not only durability, but also the efficiency of their use - due to the increase in the number of times the heat transfer area. But this same design feature makes the ribbed heaters heavier and cumbersome, making it difficult to install them on vertical surfaces.
Flat oil heaters by definition differ from the finned radiator only profile that represents two welded together extruded metal plates with grooves, the combination of which forms a cavity in the assembly to accommodate oil and Heaters.

Efficiency of use below but, respectively, and they consume less power. These devices are lighter and more compact fin assemblies that under special bracket allows you to install these heaters on the wall.
By manufacturing the radiator filler material electrical heaters are made of steel, aluminum or combinations of these metals.
Steel manufactured floor flat and ribbed devices having considerable weight and therefore prone to damage in the event of a rollover.

Because aluminum produced flat low power heating units not exposed to high internal oil pressure values.

The more powerful model manufactured with cast thick-walled ribbed radiators which have high strength and is several times greater heat transfer area. Such devices are often installed in the premises without the outer insulation of the walls.

Radiators oil heaters top models can be made by two-layer - of two metals with widely different characteristics. The inner layer of the radiator body to increase the strength is made of steel and the outer (smooth or ribbed) It made of aluminum having high thermal conductivity and provide better heat exchange with air premises. Such heaters are called bimetallic.

Important! Bimetallic heating radiators with power-up and during cooling produce crack due to the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of steel and aluminum.
According to the electric power consumption of oil heaters are divided into 3 groups:
- low power - 0.5-1 kW;
- average capacity - 1-2.5 kW;
- high power - 2.5-3 kW.
In everyday life, common units of medium power, as designed for low-power low-floor space with low ceiling heights and high power devices are not economical - low correlation coefficient power / efficiency.
On-site electric oil heaters are divided into floor, wall and universal.
The principle of operation of all these species is the same, the only difference is in the constructive possibilities installation on horizontal or vertical surface.
Ribbed steel appliances, usually made of floor performance as placing them on a vertical surface will significantly reduce the heat radiator fins side walls, and the dimensions of the unit placed on the wall in the sum with the minimum distance to the enclosing structure will create inconvenience for tenants. Outdoor heaters are available with fixed feet for installation in the right place, or can be equipped with small wheels for easy moving devices within the housing. Floor-standing and heaters can be a flat radiator, as a rule, low power.

flat oil heaters, compact and less weight made for wall layout, one of the walls of the protective screen which must be equipped in order to reduce thermal influence on wall. The price of wall units are much higher floor models because of the low temperature system on the body (in to fire,) of increased performance requirements and a higher level of aesthetics performance.

Universal by location electric oil heaters - a device with a flat radiator, with legs (swivel casters) and brackets for wall mounting. The housing unit is designed for installation of both sets of components - depending on the design space of the device location.

Typically, these devices no screen protection is one of the parties, and for mounting on a wall necessary to perform heat insulation base unit opposite the stacking insulating foil material.
The calculation of necessary capacity oil cooler
One kilowatt of electricity is converted into oil-filled heater 850 W of heat. To calculate the required power of the heater when it is used as a main heating means take the condition that on heating of 10 m. Apartment area is required 1 kW of power. Approximate calculations are shown for illustrative purposes in the following table:

If oil heaters are not the main and additional heating means, the magnitude of the required power is reduced by half. But these values are relative, since they averaged and may fluctuate in both directions, depending on the following factors:
- ceiling height - the higher the room, the more powerful must be the heater;
- temperature walling - presence in the room exterior walls, their manufacture and the degree of thermal insulation material;
- space heater installation - installation under a window sill or in a niche will reduce heating efficiency by 5-7%;
- area and the method of glazing - large window openings enhance heat loss, but modern windows in window units retain heat in the premises;
- Orientation flat on the horizon - a window to the south contribute to room heating sunlight in winter.
Considering these factors need to 1 kW power unit for heating 10 m. the area may increase in half to two times, and energy consumption oil heater, even for a month will result in a decent amount.
Important! Efficacy of multisection oil filled heaters when the number of sections is reduced more than ten, so the use of two or three heaters total capacity of 3 kW is preferred using one high-power unit with the same consumption electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric heaters oil
To objectively compare the oil-filled electrical heating with other heating means, list the pros and cons.
- High degree of safety - several levels of protection against overheating, auto rollover presence on the radiator below the safety valve, the absence of harmful emissions;
- noiselessness - except crackles bimetallic radiator in the primary heating and cooling;
- ease of installation, operation and routine care;
- compactness and mobility - the ability to transfer or reinstallation;
- durability - an elementary respect for instructions on how to operate heaters are 15-20 years old;
- the possibility of production of repair - the replacement of defective components does not require highly qualified specialist;
- aesthetics - a variety of design allows you to choose the model for any interior space;
- affordable price range - are expensive only top models of wall electric heaters oil.
There are shortcomings, but not much:
- relatively high power consumption;
- at failure of the thermostat there is a risk of burns on contact with the surface of the radiator, but this can be avoided by using a protective net casing.
An impressive list of advantages determines the popularity of the use of oil heaters (especially in As additional heating means), even though, as this type of electricity consumption heaters.
operating rules
Before switching to a mobile network, you must install the heater in an upright position and fixed - mounted at the place of operation.
If the portable device is carried or stored horizontally after installation in the design position it is allowed to stand for about 5 minutes to allow the oil to the glass walls of the tank.
Brackets wall units must be securely fixed to the base with the following standards:
- distance from the floor to the bottom of the heater panel should not be less than 7 cm, and on top of the sill to the unit plane clearance is maintained for at least 8 cm;
- the gap between the heater and the wall should be not less than 3 cm, even provided that the thermal protection of the insulator foil.
Important! Oil-filled electric heater as any appliance should be earthed - the AC power cord should be a grounding contact.

Drying of things with the oil cooler is permitted only if it has a special removable devices.

The unit should not be placed close to furniture outlets or switches to prevent them from spoiling, reflow.
Using the appliance with damaged insulation on the power cord is not allowed.
When you first turn on the oil heater after purchase need to warm it in a ventilated room at maximum capacity to eliminate odor from burning out extraneous layers.
Important! Gurgling when you first turn is not a sign of failure - from the oil by heating the dissolved air is released.
Basic rules for the use of the oil heater set forth in the Operating and binding instructions.
Review of the best models of oil elektrootopiteley
This type of heaters is produced for decades, so the consumers of these products had a steady objective opinion on the majority of manufacturers. Answering the question of which oil heater is better, you can create the following list of the most popular manufacturers of these units:
- Timberk;
- delonghi;
- Zanussi
- electrolux;
- hyundai;
- General Climate.
If oil heaters grouped by location, price range, in each segment, you can select multiple products, proven in the Russian context. Consider some popular models, arranging them by price, ascending.
Timberk TOR 21.1507 BC / BCL
Not expensive, but good quality Chinese electric oil heater with electricity consumption is only 1.5 kWh. It is effective even as the primary means for heating rooms up to 15 m., Quickly goes to a predetermined power. Made of cold-resistant material and equipped with a mechanical temperature controller, which is controlled by a device for protection against overheating.
Aesthetic design without frills, but the wear and performed at a high level. Heating device is recommended for use in apartments and country houses, since it is not demanding to leave. The price is around 2,500 rubles.

Unit Uor-940
This outdoor oil heater can be purchased for about the same amount, but in receive power gain (up to 2 Kw) and the number of sections (9). Unit Uor-940 is a popular classic heater performance as a mechanical regulator temperature and all the necessary steps to protect equipped with a minimum of options, but it is functional.

Royal Clima ROR- C7-1500M
This 7-cell unit floor-standing Italian production (Russia supplied the Chinese assembly) equipped three power levels (600-900-1500 W), a mechanical temperature controller (thermostat) and the chimney effect has heating. With a small weight (7.9 kg) is effective heater for heating rooms up to 15 m., Durable and safe in operation.

General Climate NY23LA
Good oil heater outdoor Russian-British production of durable housing sections 11 total maximum power of 2.3 kW, equipped with two heating elements and three operation modes (2300-1300-1000 W). Obrudovan unit protected from freezing, and therefore is designed to operate in environments with temperatures below freezing. Effective for heating rooms up to 20 m., Implemented as low rub 3500-3800.

11-sectional outdoor oil heater Sweden production (China) with a maximum power of 2,2 kW (3 levels) - guaranteed the possibility of heating rooms up to 28 m. Aesthetic performance - for an amateur, but the efficiency of the operation and security of high level, that does not diminish the popularity with consumers. Heaters are within the price range of 3700 to 4300 rubles.

Independent production of heating oil-filled radiator
In areas where the requirements for aesthetics heating equipment is not high (garage, workshop), you can to save on heating, make yourself an electric heater, filled with waste oil. Let us consider such a possibility.
Homemade oil heater of steel pipes
As industrial manufacturing and assembly, such a heater must include:
- radiator (register) with the support structure;
- Heater with power cable;
- oil;
- control system.
Radiator Manufacturing Box and heaters
The dimensions of the composite heater element selected based upon the dimensions of the room. Typically, a register made up of two or three pieces of steel pipe, which will be positioned horizontally, communicating between themselves by binding smaller diameter pipes.

manufacturing option.
Steel seamless pipe 100 mm in diameter is cut portion 3 2-2.5 m in length, which cuts are trimmed. Lathe steel sheet 4-6 mm thick 6 machined internal plugs. Four of them are inserted at both ends of the pipe element 2-hundred and carefully scald on the perimeter, ie elements jammed.
Given the significant size of the heater design to its performance is better to use two average power PETN (1.5 - 3.5 kW) that must be installed at the ends of the third fragment -Weave pipe. We can restrict, and one, but more powerful heater (35 kW), but then it is advisable to heat sink embedding pump - for better circulation of oil, or mount additional piping sections smaller tubes diameter.
Important! it is not necessary in the oily medium - while the presence or lack of the magnesium anode does not matter for steel pipes heating elements should be selected from copper or stainless steel.

In the case of using the two heaters in the same lathe machined steel two couplings 5-7 cm in length with an internal thread corresponding to the external thread heaters. Clutches are welded centrally in the plug, which is then mounted to the ends of the third element of the pipe and carefully weave scald.
Then, depending on the number of heaters in the embodiment is performed tying register sections steel pipes of 40-50 mm diameter with mounting connections or without legs and installation heater. The upper register element is welded with the pipe stub to which a safety valve is installed - for possible emergency pressure relief.

In coupling the ends of the lower section are screwed register TANS using gaskets paronita or oil-resistant rubber. The heater connected power cables, which must have a grounding conductor.
According to the formula for determining the cylinder volume (the product of the square base and the height) of each element computed Capacity manufactured radiator, after which the obtained values are summed up - the need for waste oil is 90% of the volumes.
Specifications for homemade oil heater
Ideal for filling oil heater handicraft production is a new transformer oil. But, based on the fact that the purpose of self-production of this unit - the savings used it expensive high-grade oil would be contrary to the idea. Therefore, we consider applications of the material used, that is, how to choose a balanced correct.
You can buy for a song used transformer oil, which is added to the electrical substations in the replacement of transformers for the new. After the new aggregate is the second-rated version.
Spent automotive engine oil is also suitable for filling, but consider the following nuances:
- oil heater suitable for any organic engine or transmission oil, preferably - viscous;
- synthetic oil liquid, and the convective motion in the radiator will be accompanied by noise;
- mixed with an organic synthetic oil are not recommended because the consistency of the mixture during heating can become unpredictable inhomogeneous movement convective flows in the radiator slow, and the heater surface during operation be heated unevenly.
The selected oil is poured into the radiator in an amount of 85-90% of its volume through the filler cap in the upper section, and then screwed on the socket cap with safety valve.
security device
If the radiator of steel pipes oil filled correctly - in the required quantity, the presence of the relief valve is rather an additional safety measure than a necessity, since the steel can withstand high loads on gap.
As for the heater temperature, it is measured initially at different points of the heat sink and evaluate the efficiency of the heater. If low temperature - heating elements should be replaced with more powerful ones. If the radiator is heated excessively, that is, two out of the situation:
- heaters set at power;
- heaters in the chain add thermostats (number of heaters), placing them on the radiator in the vicinity.
Thermostats should be selected with a suitable temperature range. The apparatus of domestic iron, for example, is hardly suitable for this, since the lower threshold adjust its temperature is still too high for the oil cooler.
Important! The heating unit must always be grounded. In the absence of professional knowledge and skills, design and installation of security systems homemade oil cooler is better trusted person who will minimize the risk of using the electric heater made artisanal way.
Oil heater from cast iron radiator
If the presence of iron there is an old battery from water or steam heating system, a homemade electric heater for waste oil to be drawn from it, without buying a steel pipe.

However, it should be noted that the volume of work in this case, at least, will not decrease, and will need certain skills.
First of all, the heat sink is necessary to inspect for cracks and chips. Then it is necessary to revise - to disassemble into separate sections, cleanse their insides and screw connections on the scale, then reassemble using sealing thread sealants. This is done because the oil, especially hot, is much higher than the water permeability.

special key needed to perform the audit of the batteries, which are turned out connectors nipples sections, and if the operation is performed for the first time, help, or at least consultation locksmith heating engineer.
The iron radiator heating element is inserted as well as in the steel pipe - the bottom, instead of standard plugs.

The upper diagonal Threaded iron radiator is set a safety valve - valve with the possibility of an emergency pressure relief.

Important! Iron works worse in tension, so to iron radiator protection system against overpressure more demanding than the heater of the steel pipes.
Proceeding from the above, the production of iron from the oil heater central radiator heating, particularly security, are best left to someone who has practical experience doing this type of work.
Modern oil electric heaters for home - reliable, safe and affordable device. Assortment proposed aggregates producers able to meet any need. Use self-made heaters, and even more units, produced by unknown artists, at least, unwise - amount saved would unexpectedly modest, and possible damage in case of fire or injury when using such a device is not predictable. In addition, operation homemade electric power company authorities prohibited and fire service.
The main essence of the article
- Oil-filled electric heater - a device for the heating of residential, office and industrial premises. The oil unit is available for several decades, so its design is adequate for today is perfect and safe, which leads to widespread popularity of this device in the home.
- Demand for oil electric heater due to a number of advantages with the only drawback - the increased power consumption.
Choosing oil-filled heater, you can be sure of convenience and simplicity of its operation, as well as the reliability of multiple security levels.
- The device is an oil heater - electric heater, placed in a mineral oil-filled sealed housing. But there are several varieties of these heaters, which differ not only power and design, but also design the installation place - floor, wall and versatile units.
- When choosing an oil heater, you need to focus on the degree of need for heating, so it is important to be able to calculate the required heating capacity, know the factors affecting the efficiency of operation of this device. The best oil heater - it correctly chosen for the specific conditions of the unit.
- Besides the technical characteristics, the model oil-filled heaters have individual rating, due to consumer reviews and price matched the quality of his heater. When selecting a heater you need to know what kind of products the firm is well proven in the Russian market, and the rating of manufacturing companies.
- Possessing the necessary knowledge and skills, you can make the oil heater yourself. Methods for manufacturing these devices are not much, but the technology contained a number of points that are directly related to the safety of operation such heaters - material manufacturing radiators, how to ensure tightness requirements for the spent used oil.
- Safe use of household electrical equipment - a key factor in evaluating device. Therefore, when a home-made heaters Waste oil is necessary to objectively assess their capabilities to ensure the operational safety of the manufactured heater. If there is any doubt in their abilities, it is better to abandon these plans and to purchase a reliable and safe unit of industrial production.