In winter, the Russian housing to be heated even in the southern regions, and this is caused by demand for our customer many types of stationary and portable heating equipment. A vast niche in the Russian market of heaters offered by foreign and domestic producers, took a group of infrared devices with the general principle of environmental impact, but consists of sub-groups, which differ in construction and, as a consequence, functionality, and efficiency.
Let us consider one of the types of housing for the infrared heating devices - wall film heater, used in everyday life relatively recently, but due to a number of advantages, already enjoys stable demand consumer.

The operating principle of infrared heaters
Infrared rays - is not visible from electromagnetic wave length from 0.74 mm to 1.5-2 mm. Any heated body becomes a source of infrared radiation - emitter, and the emitter is made by heating conversion into heat energy from one energy source types - electric current, gas, solid or liquid fuel.
Infrared radiation, meeting an obstacle in the propagation path, it causes vibration of the surface layer with increasing speed of movement of the molecules, which causes temperature rise of the subject on a certain depth.

the wavelength range of infrared radiation, in turn, is subdivided into the following components:
- shortwave - 0,74-2,5 microns;
- average wavelength - 2,5-50,0 microns;
- longwave - 50,0-2000,0 microns.
The heating rate depends on the surface of objects radiator temperature - the higher it is, the shorter the wavelength of IR radiation and to a greater depth obstacle surface is heated. IR-rays do not alter the propagation of the temperature characteristics of the transit environment - air is heated by them not pass, but due to heat transfer to it the heated objects.

heat transfer method using infrared radiation is not associated with heat conduction or convection, so the IR heaters can transfer heat even through a vacuum.
Apparatus membrane electric heater (FREH)
All IR-heaters are divided into high-temperature and low-temperature short-long wavelength. Film-type heaters belong to the second group.
Visually Film IRelectrothe heater is a flexible sheet or strip of a certain format. If the model - not a decorative design (heater-picture), the transparent outer layers allow you to see the location of the component elements.

Important! Plan - is an abbreviation meaning "Film radiant electric heater" and not registered by someone trademark.
Structurally, any kind of domestic film-type heater includes the following components:
- resistive heating elements - made of carbonaceous materials or metal, tape or plate, capable when passing through them of electric current to warm to 35-55 degrees;
- teploraspredelyayuschaya basis - one or two layers of thin aluminum foil, which are fixed resistors, for the uniform distribution of heat from the heating surface of the screen;
- thermostat with temperature sensors;
- Two protective layer laminated film with a melting point of up to 210 degrees, between which the foil and the heating elements;
- cable to connect to the network Plano.
The total thickness of the heating sheet does not exceed 1.5 mm.
Schematically PLEN can be represented as follows (the thermostat is set separately):

1 - Device to connect contacts 220 V;
2 - a flexible double-layered sheath polymer film on Mylar or polyester carrier basis;
3 - the point of industrial, carefully isolated compound feed wire heaters contacts (self-replacement cable is not provided);
4 - heating resistive elements (belt or separate plate, connected by conductors);
5 - aluminum foil;
6 - hologram to protect the heater from counterfeit production.
The principle of operation FREH
When included in the power supply cable network resistive elements for 10 seconds, heated to a pre-set temperature values (35-50 ° C). Film heaters not household purpose (for minisaunas, agricultural dryers) are used in rooms with ceiling heights of more than 3.5 m, have a structure resistive elements of the wire, rod, plate execution of nichrome or fechral multicomponent alloys, providing a higher temperature heating.
Heat is transferred to the foil heaters and, due to the high thermal conductivity of aluminum is uniformly distributed on its surface, which allows the heater to its entire area to generate IR radiation is equal to intensity. Upon reaching the indoor air temperature setpoint membrane heater switched off the signal of the temperature sensor in a thermostat and heated by radiation subjects continue to give heat. With decreasing temperature in the room by 1 degree the thermostat again work on inclusion, and a foil heater will execute a new cycle of work on radiation.
True calculated combination of the reflective layer material, its thickness, resistance heaters arrangement provides converting electricity into heat, and then - in the IR-radiation with positive for human perception wave length 8-15 microns.

Important! By increasing the current strength or failure of the thermostat temperature resistive graphite heater to rise, leading to their destruction and the failure of the household of film heater as a whole, ie, resistive elements fulfill more and protective fuse Fuse.
Variety of film heater
One of the main differences are the film-type electric heaters their format and size. Plano produced in the form of tapes of different lengths and widths. Self-correction of the amount of such films is not possible, so Plano are made in a wide range of dimensions, allows you to choose the best option. The most common size tapes three widths: 35, 51 and 65 cm.
Film width of 35 cm and 51 have two zones free of resistive elements and arrangement intended for mounting to a stapler - the edges. 65 cm wide tapes are three such zones - the two edges and along the middle one (as an option - two at the edges and between them with a certain lateral pitch).

Flexible Membrane IR-heaters may be installed on both vertical and horizontal surfaces - the design of electric heaters pellicles type does not depend on where it is installed, with the exception of Plano-paintings, which by definition must be in the best places review - walls. Classification of a particular heater as the membrane wall, floor or ceiling unit It is determined only by the design of its location - an important factor affecting the performance of this IR devices. Thus, the film heater to the wall after installation of the ceiling in use is converted into a ceiling.
Consider the options of accommodation in Plano premises in ascending order of their performance.
Wall location of film heaters
Plano accommodation on the wall is the least effective because of the limited impact of the sector Infrared radiation protecting designs - most of the infrared rays heat the surface of the wall opposite, almost without affecting the floor and ceiling.
Mounted on the wall is stationary Membrane devices are effective as the main heating means only if opposite the base has a large area - then the heat transfer from the heated surface it will be enough air in palpable.

If the area of membrane installed on the wall heaters is not significant, and the base opposite to the same has window openings, the efficiency of such infrared heater is low. But stationary wall heaters Membrane small area suitable as additional heating equipment - to enhance the comfort temperature of a certain place or area in room.

A variety of wall-film-type heaters are portable devices with IR decoration imitating pattern. To their application was efficient and effective, paintings heaters to use in small size rooms for heating, for example, a workstation, or groups, the total heat transfer area which is commensurate with the size room.

Floor placing IR film-type heaters
Infrared radiation is arranged such devices affects the floor and ceiling. The warm surface of the floor increases the comfort of the contact person there - you can walk without shoes, sit or lie on the floor, etc. Besides, release of heat during the cold floor lower layers of air space is also heated room, as cause the occurrence of convective streams. But the energy of that portion of the IR rays which penetrates the floor, is consumed to the heating of the ceiling, which is less Effectively - Ceiling base little need it, since its temperature is already high enough to result convection.

Important! Positioning Membrane infrared heaters are not appropriate in furniture locations - bulky objects made of materials with low thermal conductivity create barriers to infrared radiation.
Ceiling mounting of film infrared heaters
When using a film-type heating device as the primary means of heating their placing on the ceiling is most efficient, so such as the impact of their location provides exposure to all walling premises, regardless of the configuration, and are there items.

Important! Choosing the place of installation Plano ceiling, it is necessary to take into account that the heating efficiency of infrared rays with increasing distance from the radiator is reduced. Infrared heaters are film-type low-temperature long-wave device, so their use in the ceiling height is greater than 3.5 m is not rational.

The advantage of placing a ceiling Plano, except for high efficiency heating, a minimum the risk of accidental damage to the heater, situated at a sufficiently safe distance from the area movement. However, there are drawbacks - the location on the ceiling makes FREH vulnerable to leakage from above, and installation work at height more laborious.
Characteristics electroheater membrane structure.
When choosing a foil infrared heater should be guided not only by its size - Plano possess other characteristics, including relevant for specific conditions:
- voltage current consumption - 220 basically, but produced and 110 V;
- Power - 500 W, the power consumption of one square meter of film heater (power density) may be from 70 to 170 W;
- maximum heating temperature - 35-50 degrees;
- current consumption - 0.7-1.2 A;
- specific weight - 350 g / sq.m.
For clarity, we reduce the description of data on the characteristics of film heaters, with reference to their sizes:

Mounting IR heaters film-type
Installation of film of flexible heaters, regardless of the place of installation, does not require the availability of high-quality artist skills, but must conform to the following rules:
- FREH installation location must be smooth and dry;
- Cutting rolls if it is provided a model should be performed only by the manufacturer of said marking;
- checking of inclusion in the network folded in a roll heater is prohibited;
- The length of each fragment of the strip of film should not exceed 8 m;
- adjacent heating strip are spaced at least 5 mm;
- Plano bending at an angle greater than 90 degrees is excluded;
- assembling the base film is performed using staples or the staple gun special fasteners (use of conventional nails and screws do not effectively);
- perform the mounting work at temperatures below zero is forbidden air - after heating the film strip spaces increase in size and form creases.
The sequence of installation of membrane IR heaters
The base under the Plano location to protect it from overheating must be equipped foiled reflective screen that acts as thermal and waterproofing, for example, penofolom, Izolona.
The protective coating is mounted on the base with adjacent edges overlaps each other is 3-5 cm, to accelerate process, it is advisable to use special clamps for fastening, available in a wide range in sale.
Top joints of the screen strips are glued lengthwise special foiled tape.

Laid on top of the screen are mounted heater elements of film - after pre-layout and according to accompanying the product installation instructions. Installation is carried out taking into account the rules - on 1 square meter of flexible film should fall 8-10 fasteners.
Preparedness installation of the heating circuit is made to be connected to the thermostat, which should be located at a height of 1-1.5 m from the ground, and testing of the system.
In addition, for the correct temperature monitoring in the room thermostat should be located away from other heating devices, be based on a heat-insulating lining, to be protected from direct sunlight and drafts.

At positive results of the infrared device testing is performed laying finishing materials - flooring or the ceiling, which are mounted with a gap in the device between 10-15 mm and the cladding film.
Important! Completely transparent to Plano materials do not exist - any finishing on top of the film is the screen, in one degree or another debilitating radiation.
Read on - how to strengthen, and to lay the glue penofol.
Individual comments and recommendations on the operation of
- Expect high performance of film of infrared heaters, as well as any other heating units, in the absence of insulation walling housing should not be.
- Marketing approval of the length of the waves in Plano 8 microns, supposedly optimal for human perception does not correspond Actually - the infrared radiation heaters is always in a certain range and can not consist of waves of some the same length.
- Installing FREH in the same room, even on the entire area of building envelopes, will not solve the problem for home heating other rooms.
- FREH work is not accompanied by a decrease in oxygen in the air of the room, so the frequency of ventilation during use of film heaters increase is not necessary.
- Disabling FREH system for the summer period is not necessary - enough to set the thermostat the desired temperature.
- According to the manufacturer the durability of film infrared heaters (up to 50 years) - the value of a hypothetical, since Plano was started relatively recently.
- household electrical appliances safety standards, including the film-type set forth in GOST R 52161.2.96-2006.
Film heaters - the device has many advantages, but a significant portion of Plano advantages inherent in most heating units electricity. To objectively evaluate the information on the technical characteristics of these devices offered by sellers, you must have a clear understanding of the operating principle of heating films. Many parameters, claimed by retailers Plano, do not correspond to reality and are just marketing techniques. For example, the low cost of the installation of infrared films as compared to the water heating device based on gas boiler - this is true only with considerable remoteness of gas line.
The main essence of the article
- Wall Film electroheater - a modern efficient solution to the problem of heating the room.
- Plan - appliance that emits infrared waves, so the principle of the device housing the heating does not differ from Environmental Impact IR emitters of other types - heating objects and structures without changing the parameters of the transit environment.
- The apparatus of film electric heaters does not depend on the installation site, so separation in Plano Wall, ceiling and floor device other than paintings, films, due to their only planned location.
- Installation of film infrared heaters not highly time consuming, but failure to Installation requirements for lead at least to a low efficiency of their work, and even to perish device.
- Knowledge of the principles of work and nuances Plano operation will separate the true statements manufacturers from marketing techniques so common among non-discerning technical the seller a question.