Since the problem of heating of housing in Russia, there are many hundreds of years, the Russian market of heating equipment regularly updated with new kinds of heaters, and the existing heating devices constantly improved. Acquiring another heating device without knowledge of the characteristics offered by manufacturers equipment, the probability of buying little functional or not in accordance with the existing conditions device.
For those who give priority to the new generation units for home appliances, consider what Micatermic heater - modern compact appliance for heating that is available a wide range of consumers.

Micatermic idea of housing the heating unit
Micatermic infrared heater - one of the types of heating appliances manufactured on the basis of recent technical developments, but it Production has already mastered many foreign and domestic companies focused on advanced technologies.
Consumer demand on Micatermic Heaters is quite high, so take a closer look, what it is.
design Features
At the core lies the essence Micatermic units for home heating micanite heater - the infrared radiator made of Micathermic technology.

Mica - a mica paper, natural tiny flakes of mica - a material which, as a dielectric, and has good heat resistance and sufficient thermal conductivity. Mixing mica with a heat resistant binder, and subjecting the resulting mass is pressed into forms prepared heat-resistant sheet products of different profile with dielectric properties.

Micanite emitter for Micatermic infrared heater manufactured as follows:
- extruding a mixture of a mica paper with a heat resistant binder in the form of a predetermined size to give an insulator - the base of the heater;
- turns on insulator deposited nichrome wire or flat resistive heaters, e.g., Rescal or Kantal, with terminal ends for connection to the network;
- over heating elements micanite mixture thin layers are applied on both sides with a binder;
- on one side of the electric heater manufactured applied two additional layers of special materials - a reflector and a radiation concentrator;
- both sides of the heating element covered mica or refractory micanite mixture with a binder;
- to the working side of the heater over the micanite mica fastened to the rigidity thin aluminum protective plate (heat exchange efficiency it is necessary to fit tight to the plane mica emitter) .

Important! Separate performance of additional openings in the mica heater, for example, when attempting to transfer to another member device, would entail failure of the heater Micatermic, since they are only performed in the manufacturing process (compression) emitter.

The structure of mica heater provides uniform temperature over its entire surface.
Micanite heater installed in a metal casing, equipped with mesh walls, which do not hinder the passage of infrared radiation. The housing is equipped with support legs or, for ease of movement, compact platform on wheels.
When included in the network mica emitter comes into operation and in half a minute, depending on the model and the exposed power mode, is heated to a temperature of 200 - 400 degrees. The distance between the working side of the heater and the outer protective mesh of a few centimeters, and the heater is covered by a heat insulating structure on the inside the basis of basalt, so the surface temperature rises above 60 degrees - value not tolerant hand, but secure by brief contact with this plane.
Besides radiant energy transfer, job Micatermic heaters and accompanied by the generation of convective currents. On heat stake transmitted infrared radiation, about 80% power, convection - about 20%.
Micatermic heaters are equipped with an automatic shutdown response when overheated unit - on the basis of a thermostat bimetal.
The equipment may present an electronic display, illuminated buttons as additional options.
According to the infrared radiation pattern Micatermic heaters produced three varieties:
- bilateral;
- one-sided;
- circular heating.
Heaters double acting
The most widespread execution Micatermic heater - floor. In micanite heater emits only one - the operating side of the plate, so the upper segment heaters range power produced with two flat mica emitters arranged parallel to one another - non-working surfaces inside. Such devices flat shape, with mesh the protective grid from two directions.

Important! The intensity of the infrared radiation with increasing distance from the emitter is reduced, so the optimum Micatermic efficient use of space heaters is achieved by their remoteness from the heating object 2-3 m.
sided heating units
Such heaters have the flat mica heater design, opposite sides of which the radiating body installed in a perforated Protective wall, while the rear side heater Micatermic outer wall almost continuous performance - there are only the ventilation slots in the bottom part.

Heaters unilateral actions are made for floor and wall mounting as blank rear wall of the device housing It is not exposed to significant heating, which allows you to place it close to the subjects of an interior or mounted on the cladding design.

Important! Power unilateral Micatermic heaters lower than the instruments of bilateral heating, but the effect of the two wall heaters, rationally installed in the room, not less than one unit of the same capacity, but the wall placement gives a prize to use space.

Heaters cylindrical and oval
Manufacturing process heaters micanite (pressing) allows to manufacture radiators in various fields. With the development of manufacturing technologies mica emitters were produced ring (tube) and the semiring (of the two half-rings) heaters.

Thus, based on unilateral mica heater ring or semicircular design with outward radiating surface can be discharged Micatermic heaters with cylindrical or oval body.

The vertical arrangement of floor-standing heaters can save on the location of the device in the area rooms with modest dimensions, where this form of units, in addition to visually increase the height ceilings.
The principle of operation of the heater Micatermic
The use of this type of home heaters, as well as other infrared heaters is based on infrared radiation properties. Micanite heater reaches operating temperature begins to emit infrared waves that on the path spread, resting on the obstacles, increase the intensity of the Brownian motion of molecules on their surface. The transit environment (air) is not heated, and its movement (drafts) does not impede the propagation of infrared waves.

Accordingly, the temperature of the surface layers of the obstacles is increased to a certain depth which depends on the wave length of the infrared radiation and its intensity, causes the emitter temperature. The heating beam method objects themselves become a source of heat, which is given to the environment.
Given that the share convection account for up to 20% of the total amount of generated heat heater, heaters Micatermic ceiling placement are not issued.
For writing on the ceiling more suitable aggregates, in which the proportion of the heat given off by convection minimal - infrared heaters with emitters lamp type (quartz halogen).

Determination of heating devices such as power requirements Micathermic
When selecting Micatermic heater using the basic principle of the approximate calculation of the required power unit - for heating 10 m. area must be expended 1 kW of heat. Then, in the result of calculation is necessary to amend the form factors that take into account the characteristics of the region and a series of heated space.
This is not a simple method for determining the preferred use of special tables or online calculator to calculate the power of the infrared heater. Receiving the current value, it is rounded up to the nearest value of a commercially available type selected unit.
Advantages and disadvantages Micatermic heating devices
After getting acquainted with the features and performance of this unit the question is born naturally, which is better - the heater Micatermic type or convector. We list briefly advantages and disadvantages with heater micanite heater.
- energy consumption per unit heating area lower than the IR heaters other species - the difference may be up to 30%;
- compactness and light weight;
- output short-time operation mode - an average of 1 minute;
- relatively low temperature of the surface unit, excluding the preparation of burns;
- quiet operation;
- lack Factor oxygen combustion in air of the room;
- prices availability - by 2.5 thousand. rub.
- low intensity heating interior with their distance from the source of more than 3 m;
- opportunity to be heated only indoor unit location;
- complexity of the content in fineness - through the perforated wall of the heater to the heater falls dust, combustion is accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
- the high price of top-end performance models.
The question "Micatermic heater or convector" has no definitive answer as heaters, initiating convection currents, there are several types. Their characteristics are such that any parameter, which is a disadvantage in certain circumstances, it may be advantage in other situations. shortcomings are often referred to only particular heaters, unlike other devices, without Rounds to purchase and do not meet the requirements for use in specific circumstances.
Give an objective answer to this question can only be applied to a particular apartment, for which you want to purchase multiple heaters to be compared.
Rules of operation of heaters Micathermic
Since the assessment of household electrical appliances in the first place is their safe operation, we list the rules for handling Micatermic Heaters:
- Using the machine must be carried out in accordance with the Instructions for Use;
- not include heaters network with visible damage the housing or the power cable;
- exclude the possibility of contact with the device open with moisture;
- heater power cord must be visually available;
- positioned too close to the unit area (1 m) flammable substances is strictly prohibited;
- placed on the appliance to dry items is not permitted;
- not to send the heater on interior components that can be deformed by a high temperature;
- excluded from entering the device through the perforated walls of bulk material capable of causing a fire or internal electrical circuit;
- to prevent significant contamination of the internal heater should be periodically cleaned dust, and better - to vacuum after removing the unit from the mains and wait for it cooling;
- Use for cleaning abrasives casing will damage the protective paint and corrosion of steel parts.
Micatermic heaters - convenient for use in household electrical conditions. But as the primary means for heating in the winter unless they are suitable only for small-sized apartments. But at the beginning of the heating season and spring, when the periodic cooling, these heating units confident recoup the cost of their purchase by providing the ability to disable the main autonomous heating system based on boiler.
The main essence of the article
- Micatermic heaters - convenient home appliances line of devices using the latest technical developments.
- Micanite heater - main structure Micatermic heater element defining its name. Main characteristics of the heating device due to the peculiarities of mica emitter.
- Internals and accordingly Micatermic heater power depends on the nominal focus IR radiation and space aggregate location of: placing underfloor heaters have one or two mica heater wall arrangement - one heating plate.
- Micatermic Heaters - devices that consume electricity, and with a view to the safety of their operation must be conducted in accordance with the supplied instructions, and treatment with household rules elektpropribrami.