Any person not only wants high quality heat the apartment, but also the opportunity to do this as cheaply as possible. The desire to save understandable. But not everyone is aware what kind of heater better best suited for apartment and more economical. As practice shows, at choosing heater pay attention not only on its technical characteristics and appearance, but also its value. In addition, always taken into account and the costs associated with its operation.
What is included in the concept of cost-heater
Attention: The concept of efficient heater comes in little need for devices in a particular energy resources, which he uses for his work.
The financial equivalent of issues related to heating are:
- price energy source;
- cost of the device;
- time;
- possible risks.
The main objective of the budget heaters - is to help in reducing at least one of the resources listed above. Usable climate equipment may be fuel oil, electricity or gas. But when you select should also take into account that some of the heater are more suitable for apartments, and the other, for a country and a private home. Moreover, much depends on whether they are used as the primary or additional heating.
Some of these types of HVAC equipment can operate autonomously, while others, on external communications. Working autonomously are commonly used for heating private houses, and working from the central communications, installed in apartments most often.
volatile devices
Some people believe that if the heater for which electricity is used is an economical, means that it consumes a small amount of this resource. But this is not true.
Attention: The quantity of electricity that is required for heating will depend on the intensity and power of the heater operation.
That is, if you offer to buy an economical electric heater - it does not mean that it will be "less" greedy than other types of devices.
By heating appliances using electricity for their work include:
- oil heaters;
- ceramic plates;
- heaters;
- quartz heaters;
- convectors;
- Infrared heaters.
Economic instruments are those that are able to maintain the desired room temperature conditions without the expense of energy. Usually it is possible thanks to automation. But if you intend to save money, then you should not choose heaters, quartz and ceramic plates, as they are long cool down and warm themselves. In addition, they have not too much convection and electricity use occurs inefficiently and well not be able to save.
As energy-efficient heater for the apartment worked well convector, which makes it possible to maintain the desired temperature. This type of heaters is different rapid, uniform and efficient heating of the entire premises. Due to the thermal sensor, the device is able to automatically switch on and off when the maximum or minimum temperature. Convector rational use of electricity and can rightly be considered one of the most efficient heaters for apartments.

If you want to quickly warm the room, you can use an infrared heater or a fan heater. Last heats the air, and the first, subjects were in their zone of radiation. But choosing the infrared heater should not be forgotten that the desired temperature in the room will be maintained only while it is running. After the IR heater is turned off, the temperature will drop quickly. Heaters not have this drawback.
Often, the heater is needed to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartment in the off season, to the point as the central heating starts. Although air conditioning is often used if the central heating system is unable to cope and in the apartment cool.
Select heaters for apartments is a snap. It is necessary to immediately abandon the devices running on liquid fuel. Their use in the apartment is irrational. They are well suited to heat-town, private houses, etc.
Such energy for heating an apartment as a gas, is also not recommended.
Attention: The most sensible thing to use for this purpose, electricity and appliances that work on it, for example, heaters, oil heaters or infrared heaters.
Not bad a proven track record and heaters.
The convectors are sufficiently effective and economical means for heating apartments. In their paper there is air circulation. Once in the convector, cold air is heated and lifting, spreading throughout the room. Among the advantages of convectors are the following:
- Uniform heating throughout the room.
- Economy of use, which is achieved due to the presence of automatic control. When the temperature reaches a predetermined value, the convector itself off, and when the room starts to become cooler, it again begins to work.
- Fire safety convector is at a high level. it automatically turns off when overheated panels.
- Security is provided by the presence of the container body, wherein the heating temperature does not exceed 50 degrees. Convector without fear can be used in children's rooms.
- Quiet convector due to the absence in it of the fan or other devices that generate noise. He does not cause discomfort households during its operation.
- Appearance of the device rigorous and attractive. Convector fits perfectly into the interior of any room. In addition, it is quite compact. Its weight is not more than 8 kg, a thickness of not more than 7 cm.
- Easy maintenance is another plus convectors. It is only necessary from time to time to brush away the dust from the input and output arrays.

The air in this apparatus is heated due to the presence of the heating element - PETN, which is a bent steel wire, located in a metal housing. Convectors can be of two types - stationary or portable. In the first case, this kind of HVAC equipment is mounted on the wall. If the portable convector - is installed on the floor.
Infrared heaters
Fairly common climatic devices for heating the apartments are infrared heaters. This is largely due to the fact that they are not warm the entire room, but only a certain area in it. This makes it possible to achieve significant power savings.
When the infrared heaters, heating occurs no air, and objects in the area of emissions. They, in turn, transfer the heat to the surrounding space.

In addition, you should know how to choose the infrared heater. After all, some of these types of devices are not recommended for use in residential areas.
Among the advantages of infrared heaters are the following:
- energy savings;
- efficient heating a specific area in the room;
- oxygen is not burned and not dried air during operation;
- normal humidity in the room;
- It fits perfectly into the interior of the room;
- quick and easy installation;
- rapid heating of the room.
Despite some shortcomings, infrared heaters make it possible not only qualitatively warm apartment, but also save money on electricity.
Using heaters to heat the apartment, can not only qualitatively but also quickly reach the desired temperature in the room. To do this, you need only to choose the right model of power.
Attention: Heater is a heating element which is in a plastic or metal housing.
With an integrated fan, the mixing of air masses, and they are warmed up spread throughout the space heating it.

Among the advantages of fan heaters can be identified:
- compactness;
- low weight;
- a quick heating;
- security;
- ease of use.
Fan heaters are table, floor and wall. They are quite versatile and can be used not only for heating but also, for example, for drying clothes. They can be used in summer as an ordinary fan. The cost of buying this type of HVAC equipment and their subsequent operation does not require large financial costs.
oil heaters
Oil heaters have long proven to be effective. Despite the fact that they are required to heat the room for some time after they are able to maintain the desired temperature. Knowing how choose oil heaterYou can not only heat the room well, but also greatly save. Be sure to pay attention to his performance. Do not forget about the additional features. Indeed, thanks to the presence of, for example, a timer, the current models are able to heat the room with little or no human intervention.

To choose the oil heater is simple enough. We just need to carefully read its specifications. Especially should pay attention to power. After all, it will depend on it, as the heat is in your apartment. Oil heater on the appearance of similar to a conventional radiator. It represents a metal housing with a container for oil and TAN. Heated, oil transfers heat to the metal casing, and that in turn warms the room evenly.
Among its advantages should be noted:
- security;
- mobility;
- solid power;
- quiet;
- quality heating;
- efficiency;
- high efficiency.
Of course, there have oil heaters and some flaws, but they are not critical. Using it to heat the apartments, you can effortlessly achieve the maintenance of the required temperature.
Attention: If you require not only effective, but also cost-effective heater for an apartment, you should pay attention to the infra-red heaters, fan heaters, oil radiators or convectors.
Of course, each of them has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. But be that as it was not using these types of HVAC equipment, you will be able not only to maintain the desired temperature in the room, but also a good idea to save money.