Heating units for liquid fuel used by man over a hundred years and it does not lose popularity. customer requirements for quality heating equipment are constantly increasing for the house, so the manufacturers not only improve construction of units produced, but also regularly replenish the market with new types of liquid-fuel heaters and increased efficiency functionality.

Despite the differences in structure and capacity, all the heaters on liquid fuel, united by a common factor - their operation requires the attention of the consumer and compliance with certain rules of fire security. However, these difficulties are compensated by the advantages of liquid-fuel units, one need only correct guided in their characteristics when choosing a model - choose the device with reference to the specific conditions application.
Consider one of the types of heating equipment - a kerosene heater in a comparison perspective, with the boiler working in other liquid energy.

Warmers kerosene
Kerosene - transparent oily flammable liquid, colorless or yellowish color generated from petroleum. Without going into details of physical characteristics, the potential of the substance can be judged by such a scope as fuel (or its components) for rocket and gas turbine aircraft engines, as well as kilns glass and porcelain products.
In everyday life, the same kerosene - the most common of all types of liquid fuel energy source, as used in heating units operating in residential premises, commercial, utility and industrial destination. The higher the grade the cleaning of the fuel, the lower the combustion products released into the air by using a heater.
Refills household heaters used in some aircraft marks (TC-1, T-1, T-2, T-1C) and illuminating kerosine (CA-20, CA-22, CA-25, CA-30).

Characteristics of aviation fuel are high, but its price is not can be attributed to this compound is widely affordable consumer combustible materials, so the lighting is used mainly in home heaters kerosene.
The operating principle of the device and domestic kerosene heaters
Heaters, kerosene heat generators are engaged in space heating via infrared radiation. Infrared rays have no effect on the transit environment - air, but met with obstacles in the propagation path, increase the intensity of the molecules on their surfaces, which causes an increase in temperature of the upper layers items. Thus the interior is heated then gives heat to the air, it initiating a convective flow.

Conventionally, kerosene heater consists of a housing, in which the following components are arranged:
- a fuel tank (or in a detachable structure);
- electric ignition device (optional);
- wick to the radiator and combustion rate controller;
- protective grating.
Kerosene from the fuel tank is supplied to the wick, which is lit and heats the metal mesh-emitter. Combustion intensity is regulated by a device that changes the length of the burning wick. To exclude burns if accidentally touched withdrawn radiator protection grille. In the fuel tank cap has a valve substitutive Incoming air at the heater housing - fuel level indicator and the unit switching device. For the convenience of moving heaters are equipped with folding handles or special grooves.
Depending on the design and execution of class heaters differ functionality and, consequently, price.
Varieties heaters kerosene
Infrared kerosene heaters are made in rectangular or cylindrical enclosures, the size of which is directly proportional to their capacity.

rectangular deviceUsually more powerful cylindrical devices and are manufactured in the form of a unit, in which the body of the emitter on one side is a screen-reflector concentrating infrared radiation in the opposite direction. Adjusting the heating direction of such aggregates is done manually - the heater by turning in the right direction.
The most powerful kerosene heaters with rectangular housings available a fireplace floor accommodation Removable fuel tank and the function of electric ignition on battery.

Heaters cylindrical shape made of two types - directional and carrying out heating round. This line of kerosene heaters is composed of units, more compact due to the body geometry. In addition, some models of cylindrical devices are used not only for heating but also for the light, reminding the effect of this function the gas lamp.

Consider the characteristics of the kerosene heaters with reference to specific units.
Heater "Caron» (Kerona WKH-3450)
- Power - 3.8 kW
- dimensions - 50.6 × 32.5 × 32.5 cm (height x width x depth);
- a consumable fuel - air or lamp oil;
- energy carrier consumption - 360 g / h
- capacity fuel tank - 4.8 l
- heating area - up to 20 m2
- ELECTRONIC wicking device;
- device switching device rollover;
- unit weight - 12 kg;
- producer - the Republic of Korea.

The model is one of the most popular, due to its flexibility - the ability to use for heating both residential and storage, economic and ancillary facilities.
For use in living rooms kerosene heater is desirable to pre-ignite outside property, and give it there to work the first 5-7 minutes - until the termination of the formation of soot, and then put in the room. However, ignition is possible in the apartment - followed by 5 minute ventilation
Important! The combustion of the fuel in the heater occurs with consumption of oxygen from the air space, thus the heated necessary to ventilate the room periodically - regardless of the degree of presence in the housing from burning odor kerosene.

The principle of operation of a heater:
- a fuel tank equipped with bottom valve push action which opens when installing the tank into the specially provided in the housing;
- fuel from the tank is fed to the base of the porous wick and capillary method impregnates it;
- after ignition of the wick is heated combustion chamber, may influence subsequent evaporation of kerosene vapor and combustion it;
- reticulated combustion chamber walls are heated to a high temperature, and begin to generate infrared radiation.
Important! After heating the combustion chamber is performed manually adjustable operation of the wick, which determines the calorific value of the heater, the intensity consumption and completeness of combustion.

dignity infrared kerosene household fireplace heaters execution:
- mobility;
- autonomy (battery);
- durability, including the wick;
- shortness of smoke formation (on / off);
- aesthetics.
- relatively high cost, heaters (9 thousand. rub.);
- high cost of fuel;
- factors of open fire (flammability, oxygen consumption of room air).
Get a better idea about this kerosene heater will view the video:
IR heater kerosene FUJIX M168
Cost-effective hand-held device, a sort of "burner" for heating and cooking, case shape reminiscent of a kerosene lamp for outdoor lighting.
- ignition type - electronic;
- Automatic - Staff adjustable thermostat;
- system shutdown rollover;
- body material - metal / glass;
- fuel / flow - kerosene / ≈ 0,25 l / h;
- capacity tank - 2.5 l;
- calorific value - 2-2.5 kW;
- while working on one filling -10 -12 hours;
- dimensions - 33h33h44 cm; weight - 4.7 kg;
- Country of origin - China.

This kerosene heater is compact, is light to move, and therefore suitable for the garage, small greenhouses, garden houses. how heater for tents device may be used provided it sufficiently regular square and ventilation.
It is better to be guided when buying a video help comparing the products of the Chinese and Korean:
Line heaters for liquid fuel company "Solyarogaz":
- "KO - Mini 1.8";
- "KO - 1.8 Caprice";
- "PA - Mini 2.5";
- "PA - 2,5 Mini +";
- "ON - 2.5 Savo."
These also apply to heat generators of infrared heaters, thus can run on kerosene or diesel fuel. The models differ from each other not only by the power and fuel consumption, but also constructively - firing profile, its material of manufacture, the reflector configuration.
Consider the most popular modifications.

The furnace is located in a ceramic cylinder, with three sides is designed for heating, the top - for the installation of dishes.
Features "KO - Mini 1.8":
- calorific power of the burner - 1.8 kW;
- liquid fuel flow rate - 0.2 L / h;
- capacity tank - 2.5 l;
- time work on one refueling - 18 hrs .;
- dimensions - 30h30h30 cm;
- weight - 4.3 kg.

In line heaters "Solyarogaz" The unit produces steel cylinder around the hearth of the furnace and the environment on three sides by a reflector. The upper part of the grid is designed for installation utensils for cooking.
With dimensions 37h42h32 cm device weighs 5.6 kg.
A calorific power of 2.5 kW oven at averaged fuel consumption of 0.2 l / h. The capacity of the fuel tank of 3.2 liters, which lasts for 14-18 hours on stream the heater.
Liquid-fuel stove "software - 2.5 Savo» efficient for heating flats, small country houses and cottages of buildings, but the power used in the buildings, units must comply with the area of heated space, and an outdoor fire firebox requires periodic ventilation units rooms. Even better device copes with heated garage, small greenhouses with heating and cooking.
operating rules
- Liquid-fuel heaters in order to fire safety must be placed on a stable surface, horizontally and at a safe distance from the elements of interior space.
Safe positioning of the liquid fuel heater in the room - Filling the fuel tank only when the heater or extinguished in another room - in a remote from sources of ignition. At the end of filling the tank cover must be firmly closed.
- Fuel storage must be carried out only in specially designated areas that meet fire safety requirements.
- In the transition from one mode to another liquid fuel must be drained from the fuel tank residues from refuse scheduled.
- Peculiar smell at the first ignition heater does not indicate a malfunction - a burn preservative compositions.
- Do not use liquid-fuel heaters in children's rooms, cabins and salons motor vehicles, caravans and trailers while driving, boating, poorly ventilated rooms and basements.
- It is not allowed independent heater design change.
Diesel gun - a heater Local
Use of diesel fuel for heating is accompanied by a great evolution of combustion products into the environment than heating kerosene, so mini-oven by Company "Solyarogaz" in the case of filling their diesel engine in a stationary housing do not use - in the air is the smell, and the walls will appear yellowish over time plaque.
Given the attractiveness of the price of diesel fuel, heaters Local produce other designs involving removal of harmful substances on the side street. Examples of such heaters may be heat gun diesel, but - from the group of units are not direct, and indirect heating.

Heating aggregates indirect heating for removing diesel combustion products require a connection to the system ventilation, the potential of which should ensure that the need for a heater in full to waste does not enter inside.

The main characteristics of heat guns is a calorific capacity, the amount of heated air supplied, and an energy flow.
Power units, depending on the purpose of the model is in the range from 10 to 200 kW. For heating housing equipment used in the 15-25 kWh.
Consumption kerosene or diesel range from 1 to 7 l / h. The more powerful model or above the value of the regulator heat intensity, the greater the flow.
The operation of these devices is accompanied by a slight noise, which imposes certain restrictions on their use for home heating. But these heat generators there is no equal when warm great room you need quickly, with no fear of poisoning by combustion products people can stay close. In addition, the noise level from the operation of the heat gun can be lowered if you place it in another room, equipping sleeve-heat line or simply by sending a stream of hot air generated by the open door of the adjacent room.

Comparing the heat gun on diesel fuel with kerosene units from the perspective of the efficiency of residential heating, should be based on region of residence and housing area. 1-2 rooms of the apartment in the middle zone in an emergency can heat the heaters of sufficient power for kerosene. Detached house also require much effort, and then one of the solutions to the problem is to install a heat gun on diesel.
Kerosene heaters - useful device in the home. But, deciding on housing heating, rely on them completely is impossible, it is - a temporary solution in situations where the main heating equipment out of order, it is necessary to raise the temperature in distant room, etc. However, the purchase of the unit on kerosene "just in case" - a solution more than reasonable, since most accidents with central heating systems - unexpectedly.
The main essence of the article
- Modern heaters for liquid fuel - efficient heating appliances, construction of which is constantly being improved.
- Kerosene heaters - not the cheapest way to home heating, but use them in an emergency or in the field effectively.
- Fireplace execution unit kerosene - the device of sufficient capacity capable of heat a room with an area of 20 m2.
- Kerosene heaters with cylindrical body - a compact device, many models are not inferior in power units, fireplaces.
- The range of liquid-fuel heaters companies "Solyarogaz" - one of the best solution for heating and cooking in field conditions.
- Heat gun for liquid fuel exceeds the power kerosene units, but its use is justified only when necessary heating large areas.