To maintain the purity is sometimes not very easy, especially women know this very well, conducting most of the time at work.

To quickly tidy up the house and put things in places, useful ideas for the production of containers.
To store all sorts of things you can use the material that could be thrown away, such as a cardboard box from under the shoe, plastic bottles, and even the hub of the toilet paper.
- Cardboard in the service order
- Help comes textiles
- How to store small items
- The use of available tools in the kitchen
Cardboard in the service order
The simplest organizers for storing different things can be made from cardboard. It is the most technologically advanced material handling. Do not hurry to throw away cardboard boxes, in fact include imagination, you can make a variety of containers, cases, boxes and other containers for storage of various small items.
That can be stored in these boxes:
- clothes, clothes and other wardrobe items;
- ornaments and jewelery;
- footwear;
- radio and fasteners;
- stationery.

Everyone familiar with the situation: open drawers or linen closet, and there is everything at once, and try to quickly find your favorite T-shirt and a pair of clean socks fails.
Under the arm comes across an old shirt, 4 right sock and one left.
To avoid this, in the dresser drawer chest of drawers or a shelf is proposed to place the same size shoe box, where all things are neatly folded, in one place will lie lingerie in other socks, tights and so on. d.
Similarly the receptacle may be made convenient for shoes.
Escho is very comfortable to hold shoes in plastic boxes from a fruitsEmitted by wholesalers in the market. Such containers should be placed on the lower shelves of cabinets.
Of cardboard boxes, divided into sections, you get a good box for storing jewelry and cosmetics, placed in the dressing table drawer. To give a more aesthetic appearance can paste over it with colored paper or magazine clippings beautiful.
Help comes textiles
For storage of toys can sew bags and cases made of fabric, decorated with colored appliqué. These suspended cases are obtained for any details. Thus it is possible to use a dense material on the structure, for example, old drapes have served jeans tapestry covers for its intended purpose.
The same compact pockets quite simply hung on a cot to accommodate all sorts of bells and whistles for the chest of the child (children's creams, powders, rattles, pacifiers).
How to store small items
Shoe cover from the package, separated by cardboard partitions, can be used as an organizer for storing any small radioactive elements, fasteners (screws, screws, nuts, screws). This makes it easier in case of emergency to find the necessary parts.
A further embodiment melkohozyaystvennogo storage equipment is shown in Figure. It is proposed to make container made of plastic or glass jars with lids of the same size. Beautiful, visually and aesthetically.

Big problem in homes create multiple cables from the various chargers, computers.
Very handy storage container is obtained from a shoe, which are placed around the sleeve of toilet paper. Constricted electric wires, which is located in a container.
Similarly, you can build an organizer for stationery. Compartments for pens and pencils are made from the same bushes, partitions for small things you can build from Matchbox. Most importantly, it's all conveniently placed on the surface of the main container.
From a piece of wood will pencil holders. To do this, cut drilled holes for pencils.
Storage lipstick, nail polish, mascara, shadows and other cosmetics, can be arranged on a cork backing. For this purpose, it is necessary to consolidate a number of reels of adhesive tape or a bottle of yogurt and decorate cloth. Such a device can be hung on the closet door.
The container for eggs is a convenient repository for sewing small things: buttons, pins, needle beds, the thimble, etc...
Rings of the curtains of the bathroom allow nice to hang scarves, stoles, belts on hangers in the wardrobe.
The use of available tools in the kitchen
The shops sell a variety of containers for bulk products. Buying such a container is not always economically feasible. After all, there are many other ways of storing food:

- Glass jars.
- Plastic bottles.
- Tin cans of tea.
It is convenient to paste on each tank sticker and sign the name and date of acquisition of the product.
The stickers can be used as a band-aid.
Jars of baby food will turn out good capacity for storing spices.
At the request of the author can be decorated in various ways:
- in decoupage style;
- using painting;
- using burlap.
Similarly, the large glass jars made containers for different bulk products.
Plastic bottle with a neck cut are well suited for storing spaghetti.
Good idea to placing caps on the pots and pans on the inside cabinet doors. For this purpose it is necessary to fix a special roller.
Imagination and creativity will create a greater comfort in the room.