Volumetric snowflakes: 5 ways to manufacture, step by step, the necessary materials at hand

Preparing the room for the New Year holidays, people often think, what decorations to use and whether it is possible to do something with their own hands, to add comfort. A good option are articles made of paper or other scrap materials. There are 5 ways to manufacture bulk snowflakes that can be used not only as interior decoration, but also a gift to loved ones.

5 methods of manufacturing bulk snowflakes


  1. delicate beauty
  2. Snowflake-pochitayka
  3. Rainbow hack
  4. geometry Princess
  5. Snow mesh

delicate beauty

you need to take for the manufacture of snowflakes:

  • festive napkins;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a paste or a sticker.
delicate beauty


Fabrication process snowflakes
  1. Take a napkin, fold it in half and divide into 2 parts. The resulting halves divided again into 2 parts. As a result, one should be able napkin 4.
  2. The edges of each mini-napkins connected together so as to obtain 4 cones.
  3. Take one whole cloth and stick at it face-ready 4 cone - ends have to "peek" at 100-200 mm per edge of the base.
  4. Actions repeat 8 times, using 2 more napkins. Once closed the outer circle (the distance between the parts should be the same: 0.5-1 cm), proceed to the inside, reducing the number of cones tripled.
  5. To create a second round is necessary to take 2 towels and divide each of them in half. From these parts make the plastic bag 4 and sticking them to the tip of the main work surface.
  6. In the middle of putting a sticker crafts. Snowflake ready.


This method implies at hand:

  • old newspaper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • white paper;
  • glue.


  1. Make eight identical strips 10 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, connect the "tails" of each strip.
  2. Loop gain gather together by a thin strip of blank paper, received the first "pen" crafts.
  3. 7 to produce the remaining parts.
  4. Make a mid - circle using a strip of newsprint 15 cm long and 3 cm wide.
  5. Combine all of the crafts glue. Snowflake ready.

Rainbow hack

For the manufacture of jewelry, instead of newsprint, should be used:

  • material of all colors of the rainbow;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • button of a flower;
  • white thread;
  • needle.
Rainbow hack


  1. 5 cut from paper strips 3 cm wide, 4 of them should be 10 cm long, and 5-th - 15 cm.
  2. Glue the ends of each strip to get a loop.
  3. The resulting "fan" to assemble a strip of white paper.
  4. To make 4 more "fans".
  5. Connect the tails of the resulting parts to each other in the form of snowflakes.
  6. Sew a button to the middle-flowered. Iris is ready.

geometry Princess

To make a snowflake, consisting of geometric shapes, it is advisable to take:

  • scissors;
  • colored paper or cardboard (color of your choice);
  • glue;
  • line;
  • pencil.

Manufacturing Process:

Snowflake consisting of geometric shapes
  1. On a flat surface using a ruler and pencil paper divided into 3 equal parts.
  2. Painted lines on the material being cut.
  3. The obtained preform folded in half.
  4. Each blank 2 draw line 10-15 cm 2 and less than 500 mm.
  5. Cut the material along the lines.
  6. Bend the figures obtained on the front side.
  7. The edges of the parts to combine the snowflakes with glue. Hack ready.

Snow mesh

For the manufacture of handicrafts will need:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • line.


Snow mesh
  1. Mark on paper strip 10 and cut them.
  2. Put on a flat surface 5 pieces at a distance of 0.5 cm apart.
  3. They put in the middle of the 1st horizontal stripes.
  4. Following 4 positioned at a distance of 50 mm from each other: the result is to turn the grid.
  5. The tips of the two extreme vertical and horizontal strips of the right upper corner connected so as to obtain a spiral.
  6. Repeat steps 3 remaining corners.
  7. To make the second part of snowflakes along the same lines.
  8. Connect 2 snowflakes sticking unused portion of the existing spirals from the inside. Snowflake ready.

Despite the variety of different ready-made options for decorations, the human imagination knows no bounds.

Consequently, it is possible to come up with an even more unique and extraordinarily beautiful crafts.

They will make any occasion more colorful.

The house will look more elegant and very festive.