Father Christmas - Christmas is the main character, which must be in every apartment. Most of the figures of the fairy-tale hero are quite expensive, and they can buy not everyone. In this case, we can only hope for the New Year's magic, or turn a plastic bottle in Santa Claus yourself. The second option is more realistic, so consider it worth it.

- Basic elements of the image
- Simple ways to manufacture
- From the standard bottle
- From curly capacity
Basic elements of the image
In order to made their own hands Santa Claus was the most similar to the hero of fairy tales, it is necessary to examine his image in detail. In it must present the basic elements that distinguish a character from a popular Christmas its western analogue.
Elements of the image of Santa Claus:

- red or blue coat;
- staff;
- a long beard;
- high hat;
- warm gloves;
- felt boots;
- big bag with gifts.
Most of the listed accessories must be provided and toys made of plastic bottles.
Simple ways to manufacture
For figurines of Santa Claus is sufficient to prepare the necessary materials and tools. They can easily be found without leaving the apartment. The easiest option to create a New Year's character involves the use of an empty plastic bottle.
From the standard bottle
This method of making New Year's character is considered to be the most economical. This is due to the fact that the items will be used, which can hardly be applied to any other purpose.
The list of required elements:

- standard plastic bottle of milk or a carbonated beverage;
- wool;
- Paper sheets red;
- black clay;
- red cloth;
- Empty packing from tablets;
- scissors;
- a pencil;
- quick-drying glue.
During the manufacture of Santa Claus also possible to use various decorative elements. With their help, it will be easy to create the smallest details of the image and converting the product into a real masterpiece.

The process of making the fantastic character is simple and consists of the following steps:

- Empty plastic bottle thoroughly washed with tap water. It is important to take a responsible approach to this work, as the remnants of milk or drink can ruin the appearance of the final figures.
- Capacity left for a few minutes are needed to evaporate the remaining moisture inside.
- Red napkin is rolled into a tube and gently pushes a bottleneck. If one piece is enough, you can put a few more items of the same color.
- In the next stage of the work made the eyes of Santa Claus. To do this, take the empty packaging of tablets.
- Using scissors separated two adjacent cells.
- Inside is placed a pre-stuck together from black clay pupils.
- Back foil cover of the cell, and then paste them to the outer surface of the bottle.
- Fold of a piece of wool circle that will be used as the nose.
- It is adhered to the base a short distance from the eyes.
- On a sheet of red paper is applied to unwrap the cone.
- Then it is cut, folded and glued in contact.
- To the top of the formed headgear is attached a piece of cotton, and the lower - frill of the same material.
- Of wool rolled long blank (future whiskers), which is positioned above the nose fantastic character.
- Similarly, do the beard and hair.
- All parts are glued to the plastic.
Separately, you can make the staff to be leaning against the figure. If you have the desire and time, it is recommended to decorate the fairy-tale hero affordable decorations.
From curly capacity
Make yourself grandfather frost is possible and of containers of irregular shape. To work best to choose a bottle that their appearance resembles the shape fantastic character. In this case, suitable plastic container from under the popular brand of carbonated beverages. Except her, will need the following items:

- wool;
- PVA glue;
- cotton pads;
- scissors;
- brush;
- red paint;
- satin ribbon;
- colorful markers;
- water;
- Wheat flour.
The last two components are needed for the preparation of glue (natural adhesive). He is well-performing its basic function and is safe for young children.
The sequence of operations:

- In a suitable size container 4 cups of water is poured.
- The liquid is heated to high heat, and bring to a boil.
- The bowl 1 is poured glass flour and poured into the same quantity of cold water.
- The components are thoroughly mixed, turning into a homogeneous mass.
- She added in small portions in a pot of boiling water.
- Paste simmered for 2 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to stir constantly to avoid lumps formed.
- Ready natural glue is cooled to room temperature.
- After that, it is moistened cotton pads.
- They are glued to the plastic bottle and gently smooth all the bumps.
- The preform is allowed to dry for 24 hours. Speed up the process, you can use the dryer. In this case, the drying will need to spend about 20 minutes.
- Then take a brush and red paint that covers glued cotton pads.
- After about 2 chasa applied second paint layer.
- Colored markers draw eyes, nose and mouth fairy-tale hero.
- Of ordinary wool forming cap sleeves, and coats the edge.
- In a place where there should be a belt tied satin ribbon.
- Thereafter adhered mustache, eyebrows, beard made of wool.
- Of the same material made gloves and paint them red.
- To attach the hand staff made from any suitable available material.
Make yourself from a plastic bottle of Santa Claus is very simple. Taking into account the main features of the image of this fairy-tale hero, you can create a realistic character, which will decorate the room on New Years Eve.