Key - a very important thing. Without it, it is impossible to open and close the apartment, car, garage and even a mailbox. The keys have lost property that brings a lot of inconvenience. Typically, in such cases it is necessary to address in special workshops. But you can make yourself a duplicate key. This will require not so much time.
- High-quality cast
- process of manufacturing
- Special tools
High-quality cast
In any city there are masters engaged in the manufacture of keys. But to find a master who quickly make a qualitative counterpart, is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Besides his work is going to cost money. Those who do not want to waste my time and money, can try to make a copy of their own.
The manufacturing process should start with the impression. On how accurate it is, the quality depends on the duplicate.
To make an impression, you will need:
- Plain clay;
- any grease;
- a thin sheet of metal (steel line will do).
On the metal plate should apply a layer of clay is not more than 15 mm thick and cover it with a lubricant (e.g., oil). This will prevent the adhesion of the key. Then you need to firmly press the original key to the plasticine to on it was a clear trail. Ready mold can be used to make a copy.
Another option - with a ruler to measure all the parameters of plasticine impression and transfer to the paper. On them to create a drawing, which is further used in the production of a duplicate. The complexity of this method is the need to comply with the maximum precision. Even the slightest deviation will lead to inaccurate or that the copy key would be unsuitable.
But there are situations when it is impossible to use the original cast because of his loss. Then we can proceed as follows:
- Insert the metal plate into the keyhole up to the stop.
- Head clamp pliers and turn to the right as much as possible, having made an opening movement.
- Make several vertical and horizontal movements.
- Turn the plate to the left and again to make a move up and down.
After that required to pull the blank from the larvae. It should be clearly imprinted internal pins.
process of manufacturing
When the mold is ready, You need to purchase a special procurement. It can be found in the store. Using a needle file or a file, you need to cut it out on the workpiece all notches, ridges and valleys, just copying the drawing or mold.
Duplicate feature is that it penetrates into the lock more difficult than the original key. To simplify the process of opening and closing, it is recommended to make the corners and the edges are not sharp, and slightly rounded. The main thing - do not overdo it and do everything with maximum accuracy. Otherwise there is the risk of spoiling the workpiece. Then the painstaking process will have to be repeated again.
Another embodiment of manufacturing a duplicate - using adhesive tape and tin. BTo make the switch in such a way, you need:
- Heat the original over the lighter until the soot on it, cool.
- Stick on strip of adhesive tape onto the black surface of the key, press, peel it.
On the sticky side of adhesive tape will mark the exact shape key. You need to paste a strip on a fragment of a tin can and cut out a copy of the black silhouette.
As the metal, which produces cans, quite soft, to work with him, you can not use the file and scissors. Of course, in such a way to produce the duplicate to open the front doors and the car is not necessary. This option is suitable for a mailbox, a secretary and a drawer.
Special tools
Cutting a copy of the key with the help of available resources - it is a long and laborious. Special tools can greatly facilitate and speed up the process. If you are available vise, machine for cutting grooves and a drill, it is possible to proceed as follows:
- Cut from a rectangular metal blank with a file sanded edge.
- Insert it in a vice, secure it with a clamp and hex.
- Drill with a drill hole in the upper part of the template.
- At the bottom make the necessary deepening of needle files.
- With a special machine dimples and grooves impart the desired shape.
Special equipment for the manufacture of keys requires the most careful handling and observance of all safety regulations. Otherwise, in the process, you can get seriously injured.