This fun toys at the moment has become the dream of every mother. Here are just a ready-made items are quite expensive. Create such a thing on their own - it is easy and not very expensive. It needs only a little imagination and patience.

What you need
Each owner you need to carefully examine their holdings in the garage and the attic. Certainly there exist almost all the necessary parts to build such a board. The ideal element - is the drive from the old home phone. A real rarity!
Look for old handles, sockets, plugs, locks, latches, hooks, magnetic locks. The case goes all!
Next, purchase a board or piece of plywood of all sizes. It depends on how many parts you have found in their bins.
It is also desirable to acquire the lock-chain, various stickers to decorate the boards, cheap bells, buttons. This is all very much a child.

Some images have a color printer to print, cut and laminate. For example, phone frame, to which you will mount the disk.
Small doors are also needed. Use for this purpose a set of coasters for hot cheap, store bought, or cut them yourself.
Board-based and doors can paint, but you can leave it as is. The main thing - make sure that all the wooden surfaces are perfectly smooth, otherwise the kid can drive a splinter.
Also use a laminated image on stickers. They can shoot, play with them, and then glued back. Only removable parts should not be too small.

Teach your child to play
It may happen that at first the child does not show interest in your product. But this is only temporary. Show your child how to play. Surely he does not know what to do with this abundance of locks. Spend time with him and learn all the tricks of the board.
Give this board child up to a year early. Only after a year he has expressed an interest in such things.