Cracker can be called indispensable attribute of any holiday, because it is like both adults and children. Her loud sound adds fun to any celebration, causing laughter and joy in others. Especially interesting is the fun will be if you make a cracker of paper yourself instead of buying it at the store.

- Hack in the art of origami
- simple option
- Dual cracker
- Toy with confetti
- easy way
- complex product
- triple model
Hack in the art of origami
For the manufacture of handicrafts in the origami technique need only paper. The material is better to take a tight, otherwise the cotton will be weak. It is worth to pay attention to the folds, making them the most clear, otherwise similar errors also badly affect the sound output.
simple option

To make a cracker of paper with your hands, it will take an A4 sheet of any color. If the material is set to white, you can then paint with paint, crayons or markers, that this occupation has become even more interesting for the child.
First sheet must collapse half vertically. Followed by a curl so that their edges form a single line. The result is a workpiece consisting of two triangular shapes. After that, it is necessary to bend inward. Should get a trapezoid corners inside.
Further future flapper half folded back and unbent. This must be done to obtain the fold line. To get the circuit to be folded edge, after which the product was again folded in half and unbent. As a result, on paper are oblique fold line. Now bend the corners should be to get the loops to form a diamond.
The figure is flipped to the other side, to free its corners pointing upwards. Further, diamond is folded in half.
Clapper is ready, you can begin to use it. For this purpose we take the product of the free edges of the inner side and to send forward, then pull sharply. If you can correctly make a cracker of a sheet of paper, thus you will hear quite a loud sound.
Dual cracker
Toy get even more interesting if we make it a double. This option will emit a loud sound, though fold it as easy as the previous one. To make a double cracker made of paper, it is necessary to follow the instructions of its manufacturing:

- Take a sheet of A4 paper, put it on a hard surface to make it easier to work with. After that you should bend the corners of the material on the left and right so that they touch the middle.
- The resulting preform is folded in half horizontally. Then you need to fold it in half again, only in the opposite direction - in the middle. As a result, should get a pentagonal shape with a sharp, two obtuse and two right angles.
- The left and right side of the product is placed inside, after which a cracker to bend in half.
- The result is a double flapper. It is used in the same way as the previous version.
If the technique of origami seems too difficult, first best practice on plain paper tetrad. It is thinner than a special material for this art, so work with it will be much easier.
Simple toys can be made more interesting if the manufacture fill them with confetti or glitter. Then the cotton will be accompanied by a beautiful spectacle.
Toy with confetti
At home, you can do a toy similar to those sold in stores. On it will have to spend a little more time, because such options are made using glue or tape, but the result will be worth it.
easy way

The basic material for the production of this model will be a cylinder made of cardboard. To do this, you can take the sleeve of toilet paper or a roll of foil for baking. Also need scissors, colored paper, balloon, tape and accessories for decoration (wrapping or colored paper, bags for gifts, and so on. D. ). After preparing the necessary materials, you are ready to step by step instructions on how to make a firecracker paper.
From the end of the balloon you need to cut off part of the length of 0.5-1.5 cm. This segment can be thrown out, because it is not needed for the crafts. On the side where the ball has a hole for the inflation, it is necessary to tie the knot.
Now you need to put a balloon on one end of the cylinder and pull until it stops. After that it should be fixed on the basis of using tape or electrical tape. Do not be sorry material, because the ball is necessary to securely attach to it does not pop up during the shot. To do this, you can also additionally use rubber band, wrapped it around 2-3 times crafts.
Making sure that the ball is well fastened, you can start decorating the firecrackers. To do this, it needs to be pasted colored or wrapping paper. On sheet should measure the length of the cylinder, adding 1 cm to bend the material on the side where no balloon. Then, the preform be cut and flappers to attach inlay with glue or double-sided tape.

The product is almost ready - you only fill it with materials that will fly at a shot. You can use the Ready to shop confetti or homemade stuffing. To this should be crushed colored paper with hole punch. Suitable options will be candy wrappers from sweets, rain for the trees, gift wrapper, pages from magazines, which must be cut into small pieces.
Now the filling should be put inside the workpiece. you need to pull the ball to create a fun atmosphere for the end and release. firecrackers advantage that it can be used repeatedly, Re-filling toy confetti.
If the hand is not the sleeves of household goods, the basis for the product can be done independently from any cardboard. Give it the desired shape easily - should roll it into a cylinder and glue tape in a circle, so it does not creep away during use. The balloon can also be replaced by using a fingertip or medical latex gloves small size.
complex product
Toy made by this method, complexity is not too different from the previous one, but it almost looks like a shop. For it will require a pair of scissors, thread, thick cardboard sleeve or cylinder made of this material, thin cardboard (suitable boxes of tea, candy or chocolate), normal and double sided tape, corrugated paper, glue, toothpick or matchstick and confetti. Get interesting product succeed, if we follow the pattern carefully. Make a paper firecracker as follows:

- From cardboard to make the basis of a cylindrical shape, and twist it well fixing tape so it does not fall apart.
- The resulting tube put on thin cardboard and cut around the circle, which will then be cut so that its diameter is slightly smaller than the cylinder bore.
- Corrugated paper you want to cut a rectangle with two sides 15 and 20 cm. In his mid-bonded wheels made of thin cardboard.
- In the center of the cardboard circle need to make a hole with a needle and pull the thread into it, leaving a fairly long finish. To him should tie a small part of a match or toothpick.
- On one of the sections of the cylinder is attached double adhesive tape, which is glued to the corrugated paper box. We need to do this so that the circle of cardboard with a tied match was inside.
- Now you can begin to decoration items of wrapping paper, ribbons, or any other decoration. At this stage you can prepare confetti or other content for toys. They should be placed inside the cylinder.
- To complete the manufacture of firecrackers, should make the cover for her. To do this, of corrugated paper should cut a circle. Its diameter should be approximately 20-25 cm. This element should be adhered to a cylinder slice with the opposite side where the rectangle with a thread.
Homemade firecracker ready. To enjoy the effect, you need to sharply pull the thread. This product also can be used repeatedly. Will only need to update the mechanism for toys, gluing it to the base after use, and every time a new cylinder filling confetti.
triple model
Those who want to get a particularly powerful explosion when using a self-made toys, like triple cracker. For its manufacture will be required:

- 2 sleeves of paper towels or thick cardboard for manufacturing bases;
- scissors;
- stretch wrapping paper;
- strong thread or thin cord;
- a small piece of loose cardboard;
- adhesives and adhesive tapes;
- beautiful ribbon.
If used as a base board, and not the hub, it should be rolled into a tube and glue the edges to get a cylinder. It is necessary to make two of the same size element.
From wrapping paper to be cut two squares of such a width that they overlap the hole in the cylinder. One of the receiving elements should be glued to the baseBy closing the cut. The same should be done with the other cylinders.
From cardboard cut out a circle corresponding to the diameter of the base tube. In the middle is necessary to make a hole through which the pull cord. This element must be secured inside a cylinder using tape. Cardboard circle and can not do. In this case, the thread or string attached to inside of the tape substrate.
Then, the second cylinder is to be cut in half. The resulting items are inserted in the first tube so that the edges remain protruding portion cardboard measuring about 1.5 cm.

The product is filled confetti or any other chopped material which will depart with cotton. Now tie a ribbon to be between the cylinders so that the clapper is more like a piece of candy, and then you can begin to use it.
Although homemade crackers are safe to use, you should still pay attention to the simple safety precautions. It is not recommended to use them in the presence of animals and small children, as they can be very frightened of loud sound.
Home replacement flappers shopping is much cheaper, to the same child and adult will be interesting to make a toy with their hands. Cost to show a little patience and care that this hack has become a must of all family celebrations.