The word "brown" comes from the "cinnamon", which in turn is a diminutive of "bark". Color Nonspectral belongs to the group. He is not independent and should consist of a number of pigments. For this reason, brown relates to a composite (mixed) color. It obtained from the three basic colors and green, magenta, purple and orange. High-grade brown tone can be synthesized from two colors, even in the domestic environment. Shades massively used in the textile industry, interior design, decoration. In the RGB color system has coordinates 150, 75 and 0. In an alternative model, they are 0 CMYK, 50, 100 and 41. By HSV brown hue corresponds to 30 °, saturation and brightness of 100% to 59%. Withdrawn the special classification with light and dark shades.
- color Features
- Psychology and color perception
- From light to dark: a variety of colors
- As it turns brown in color and its shades
- Every style has its own shade
Use brown shades in different rooms
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- nursery
- study
- Entrance hall / corridor
- bathroom
Rules of combination of brown and shades of other colors
- With white
- With beige
- With gray
- With purple
- With green
- With the orange and yellow
- With blue and blue
- With turquoise
- With pink and red
- conclusion
color Features
Brown formed by mixing several chromatic colors. Are mainly used a combination of two pigments: purple - yellow, green - red or orange - blue. The role of foundations is played by purple, green and orange. The number of possible combinations is measured by several tens, use different proportions of other colors. Feature selection is to use opposite colors on the color wheel. Brown is widely distributed in nature. The pigment is found in rocks, on the bark of trees, fur animals. It is in the natural environment variety of colors appeared. Only part of brown color tones formed as a result of synthesis. Brown, brown, coffee, chestnut, sepia, sienna, chocolate - a short list of known natural and synthetic colors.

Psychology and color perception
Most people associate his association with the land, plants, buildings. Brown causes predominantly positive emotions. Symbolic expression includes the phenomenon of fertility, diligence, earthiness, soil, foundations, autumn, conservatism. Despite the fact that the present scheme tint tones of different color temperature, brown mainly perceived as a warm color. The presence of this color on the clothes makes its owner to consider as a kind and open person. Frequent use on textiles due to the fact that the color will never lose relevance. Getting into the realm of fashion trends has occurred due to the use in the decoration of interiors and facades. Finish brown objects can "report" of a certain status and importance. In the fine arts color it is one of the most important, and is presented as an alternative to a multi-colored palette.

From light to dark: a variety of colors
The Panton palette, for example, 195 shades of brown are considered different colors. The nature and quantity of life of longer at times. Shades give red and gray tint, sometimes - gold, orange and purple. Notable bright colors - coffee, color sandstorm, beige, ocher, wheat. Dirty greenish-yellow shades over saturated. They are followed by color alloys. Bronze, copper and brass have a characteristic orange-red glow. Even darker shades of most trees and fruits. Colors were named: coffee beans, palm oasis, withered leaves, chestnut. Dark shades are caput mortuum, sepia, taupe, dark brown, maroon, the color of dark chocolate, liver, brown willow, blueberry, color, and truffle color brunette. The darkest tone contain black pigment.

As it turns brown in color and its shades
Brown produced a variety of ways. For example, by adding blue color to orange with a ratio of about 1 to 3 - as a result we obtain a classic brown tone. Also suitable violet and yellow. If you fill the container at the first 9/10 and 1/10 of a second, resulting in a dark brown color. Herbal tint will have a mixture of green, red and orange with a predominance of the first. Light shade is imparted with a white color. Enough about one twentieth of the total volume. To create a paint terracotta shade, you need to dilute orange brown ready. If you replace a green orange - will khaki. Combining red and brown gives a lot of different shades. Among them, maroon, reddish-brown and dark red. Golden sheen is obtained by fusion of brown and yellow in equal proportions with the addition of a small amount of white.

Every style has its own shade
Brown has found application in the interior and fashion. As for the interior decoration, the significant role played by the brightness and hue. In contemporary design use is encouraged saturated with reflected light brown average brightness. The atmosphere in the style of Provence includes color bleached pastel shades: ecru, beige and zinnwaldite. preferably choose a dark brown for the realization of ethno-style. Yellowish and reddish tones are compatible with Arabic, Moroccan and Mediterranean style. Brown plays an important role in the transmission of the style of clothing. In the classic strict dress grayish tones underline the solidity. Characterized by freedom and easy casual negligence is used in almost any shade. Bright and yellow suit to the style preppy, using features of school uniforms. Retro - a style of dark muted shades of brown. Clothing in military style is colored greenish tones.
See also:The color scheme of the interior - solutions from designers
A few more combinations of style and tone:
- Loft - shade with a purple tint.
- Romanticism - cream shades.
- Boho - brown with a pronounced shimmer.

Use brown shades in different rooms
Brown is used throughout the interior. For some rooms - the color of the wallpaper or linoleum, for others - a shade of furniture. The brown scale collected warm and cool shades of different brightness - this is the palette, which you can fill the entire room. The interior decoration popular coffee, taupe and terracotta hues. Brown combined with any structures. Brown furniture on the background of the stone walls, terracotta tiles in the bathroom, brown volumetric wallpaper in the bedroom - all of these options are good. Accommodation better finish in the same scale, but with different shades for individual rooms. Walls of child should draw the lightest shades. any tone suited to the bedroom. For the living room and the corridor is better to choose something in between. Brown will come in handy if you need to give the color depth of the situation. Against the background of brown color decor looks good.
Different rooms is better to draw a variety of colors one color.

Living room
In the living room brown color it is one of the most popular. Appropriate will be primarily light shades. The room in classic style is better to issue the average brightness of colors. In this case, Brown should "wash out" in bright stripes of other colors, or in other colors. The interior can waft the thought of the earth, the monotony. But color also symbolizes the harmony and happiness - a good option registration room for receiving guests. The atmosphere of comfort and relaxation will need the presence of sand and coffee shades. Golden tones add elegance. Brown recommended with saturated lighting. As a result, elements of the interior will be more pronounced and clear and understandable. If you spend heavily on the decor and furnishings, will be able to "transfer" in the Victorian era.

Brown is not familiar to the kitchen, and this is a plus. Appearance of the premises would be expensive and stylish. It appears positively on mood. From the good mood and increased appetite, and cooking food becomes more enjoyable. Furniture is not necessary to buy wood, plastic and fit. Kitchen last even better. The interior space can be carried out in a concise form with straight edges. After all, in itself already an unusual brown solution. Moreover, the originality reinforce some elements, such as a radiator with flat panel tableware unusual color, a refrigerator with a wooden or stylized tree surface. The central landmarks of interior design will perform hanging from a tree. Walls is better to issue in light colors. Colorful stickers color organize the transition from the surface to the furniture.

The bedrooms look great both dark and pastel shades. Decorate the walls with wallpaper better, for example, with a white-brown pattern. Wall lights, in turn, will give even more aesthetic. The color of the walls and furniture should contrast. Brown color should also complement the curtains, canopies, cushions, decorative pillows. No less interesting solution - wallpaper with brown paint on one wall. Bedroom - a great place to experiment with different color compositions. Thus it is possible to simulate the use of natural wood. Browns promote sleep, as they allow to relax. With color is best combined white linens. With brown also recommend to implement various design techniques. Thin walls and niches - what you need for a bedroom.

Room for children should be made out in bright colors. However, for the sake of avoiding the monotony, the wall is decorated with a picture or an interesting combination. The general background is sometimes diluted with bright lines. Brown - a very good solution for the children, because if you want to be able to turn the room into a thematic place. One of the options - the sea style - drawings of ships, chests toys, ropes. In this case, you need to use more and blue or blue color. Marine theme can be developed into a pirate. The premises need to add black paint and dark fabrics, such as dark brown drapes. Another way to design - in the spirit of westerns. It is better to implement, if the room has natural wood furniture. The general background is diluted as yellow or orange highlights. Other interesting options:
- style of safari;
- patchwork;
- Egyptian style.

Brown - the color of science. This is the main shade for registration offices. Furniture, shelves, books, tables, lamps, accessories - all this classic accessory kit can be carried in a brown color. Their overall gamma is able to create a particular atmosphere. The color of furniture selected natural as possible, so the wood would be just in time. The finish is necessary to include a number of different textures. Color perform better realize three shades of brown in proportions of 6: 3: 1. The same color is suitable for registration offices. Despite the popularity of other colors, namely brown improves concentration and performance. It is advisable to leave the contrast: dark furnishings and office furniture is light or vice versa. Interior in brown show customers the business approach and the company's confidence in their actions.
When equipping the cabinet must be considered:
- dimensions;
- level of natural light;
- the number of items and accessories.

Entrance hall / corridor
Hallway there are not many embodiments, however, it is appropriate for virtually any style. Since most of the corridor furniture done in browns, it remains just agree with her color of the walls. Paint and Wallpaper in oak, cherry and walnut tones are abundantly present in the market. As for style, it is most often used classic. Lighting makes the most saturated, and tint range do not include too dark colors. Rural and eco-style implies the use of furniture with irregularities. Retro-style - is shades of cognac textile and availability. Interior of the corridor is better to complete the picture. One of the best stylistics for a square hall and a long corridor - minimalism. Formed a neat environment with high quality materials. The walls are then painted in a shade of coffee or ecru color, and all the items are folded into a large storage system.
See also:Gray in the interior, and its combination with other colors + 25 photos

Brown bathroom - a great place to relax. Since the premises are finished mostly large tiles or small mosaics, with the color combinations are not so much. However, the situation is different if there is a dark interior plumbing. Then you can decorate the cover of a combination of a brownish shade and some bright colors. The situation should not be too dark, because the feelings will be even less space. White tone perfectly with the brown and "dilute" the darkness. So one of the standard forms of combinations - "coffee with milk". Adding patterned tiles improve aesthetics. "Mixture" of light beige, gray and brownish tones - too common. It turns out a kind of "rock" atmosphere. Another interesting move - to turn the bathroom into something like a steam room, use a light-brown tone.

Rules of combination of brown and shades of other colors
Brown palette contains a sufficient number of different embodiments to be combined with almost any neighboring colors. Brownish tones perfectly suited to the role of the dominant pigment. And what they are lighter, the more chances to make an attractive color combination. Since the mixed color is brown, then interact with the rest of it is in a special way. Application of the basic tones will not cause occupant feelings saturation. However, cold set inks relationship worse than warm, neutral and white. It is not recommended to carry out experiments with interleaving two dark shades. They should at least separate the light stripe. In this regard, useful colorful wallpaper - they are already perfectly designed sequence. Will only choose the furniture.
The most traditional "companions" brown are:
- white;
- yellow;
- Orange;
- green.

With white
One of the best combinations for brown. Behind it got the name "classics of the genre." And all because of a similar color scheme is very similar to coffee and milk or a two-color chocolate. White-chocolate interior is perceived differently by people. For someone it is interesting, and some boring. In which case it is decorated with colored accents, and you can use any color. Brown and white room - a great place to surround and graphic decoration. Perfectly fit into the overall picture even cause acid colors, not weakened with the important qualities of the fundamental tone. With white interior looks much more as compared to the monotonous brownish color. A similar design in any case will remain neutral in color, even furniture, only cold or hot color.
For this you need to find interior accessories fine white.

With beige
Such unification is ideal for kitchens, halls and bedrooms. Some doctors recommend to increase the amount of beige in the interior to relieve stress. With beige blends chocolate hue. Creamy chocolate interior looks noble and friendly, especially with good lighting. It becomes smaller, but they come at the most notable parts in one embodiment, the dark shades. As these elements are the pillows, picture frame, door panels, bedding sets, bed headboard. The green items are best suited as decoration for the room. It is not necessary to combine beige with the darkest tones. In the second embodiment mainly it is done brown. Then used pieces of furniture in beige tones. The combination of these two colors in the interior of the principle of harmonization corresponds to light and dark shades of one color.

With gray
At first glance, it's pretty boring combination. Some consider them to be poorly compatible. However, much depends on the width of the tint scale: the larger it is, the easier it is to create organic color. For the rule data tones contrast. If one color is dark and cold, then it should be to pick up a light and warm. Differentiation also improves compatibility. Gray furniture looks good on a brown background, and vice versa. You should also avoid the massive furniture designs, otherwise it will be difficult to arrange a room in a different style, in addition to country. In favor of the aesthetics of the decoration and artistic elements, non-standard forms of furniture designs. This color combination is sometimes diluted with white or bright tone palette to add clarity. Designers determine the optimal gray species for use with brown.
It is best to be in harmony with him:
- ivory hue of the skin;
- tin;
- gray flannel;
- bog oak;
- aluminum shade.

With purple
Purple is one of the most elegant colors. He, like Brown symbolizes reliability and status. Another similarity is the ability of relaxing influence on the psyche. Bedroom is a combination - is ideal. This color selection is suitable for decoration: ornaments, patterns and designs. Using a light purple magenta instead of conventional improve aesthetic quality. The combination will make the atmosphere of enigmatic and mysterious - the perfect solution for children's rooms. It is not necessary to arrange the kind of environment in the bathroom, because in small spaces like design distracting. Accessories to violet-brown color should be chosen in a different tone. Weaken the effects of the color of the Union can be achieved by switching the light, and, on the other hand, the dark inserts it becomes harder or else nothing will change.
See also:Tiffany color in the interior: the shades and combinations

With green
One of the most harmonious combinations dictated by the same nature. Excellent environment for it is environmental style. To the natural effect did not have too much of severity, designers offer a combination with shades, quite distant from the standards. In general, the number of shades of both colors is large enough, and the selection of the original union will not take a lot of time. But we should resolutely abandon the "natural" environment. Someone may seem primitive, but it is perfect for a comfortable stay, moral and physical recreation. Each of the colors will enhance the role of each other in any multi-color interior. There is also a simple rule: if the room is not the other colors, the couple should be brown light green tone. Suit or apple green and light green.
This combination looks nice in offices, and green - as wallpaper, and brown - in furnishing.

With the orange and yellow
This "symbiosis" has been a smooth transition, similar to the conversion of yellowed leaves in brown. Orange brown and perfectly complements all its shades. Combinations with it are necessary for people who prefer the comfort and peace. The combination at the same time saves energy. Feature of the joint application is the full compatibility of all shades of both. As for the separate brown and yellow, it is also proven palette. Dominant here should choose a darker shade. Yellow inserts on brown background looks like jewels. The interior can be made as expensive or as simple and restrained. The second option provides no wallpaper. It should be remembered that the yellow - the color is quite annoying, though this is not felt with a brownish tinge.

With blue and blue
Brown-blue finish looks cold and can cause apathy. Neutral Brown little help. Therefore, there are two main options: to continue to adhere to the palette, which is obtained, or add warm shades. Long search for a solution is not required: suitable terracotta, dark beige, sienna, ocher hue of burnt bricks. Blue and blue colors convey the appearance of the sky and sea. This should be taken into account in emphasis. Blue inserts look meaningless unless placed at the bottom or presented as obscure figures. Smooth transition between scales provide figures on the blue upholstery. it is recommended to pick up soft blue hue for curtains and tyuley. Then the room will be more easily understood. Do not use brown with a dull blue color. This uninteresting combination.

With turquoise
A feature of this combination is that both components of the classical shade of neutral cold / warm scale. In addition, it is very thin and stylish combination. There are plenty of options for the interior, where we could use it. Turquoise give room femininity, weakening the impact on the human psyche the other colors. No worse than the classic in this pair will look gray-brownish tint. If the interior is planned in the spirit of luxury, exclusivity, pompousness, the turquoise tone to use chocolate. Design get cozy at the same time expensive. The combination has long been known designers. That is why it is found in hotel rooms, fashion stores and a variety of decorations. You can use this palette, and for the children, diluting a few bright accents.

With pink and red
Sharing with pink color is perfect for baby girl's room. Pink in this case is associated with femininity and brown - with children's sweets. The combination can improve the yellow paint. Pink and brown combination of appropriate and in the bedroom. In large rooms such as the living room pinkish shades should be used only in the form of narrow strips, as they look very infantile. Brown looks pretty aggressive with red, which is unusual for him. For use red as a complementary rather than dominant color should be given to him no more than 1/4 of the entire surface. The advantage of the combination lies in the organicity transitions as sharp or smooth, intermittent. Turnover brown to red well emphasizes the details.

Brown is well perceived by the person. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that it is one of the most commonly observed colors. But still it has a neutral properties and has a relaxing effect. Over time, the tone has become part of the classical methods of interior decoration and clothing. Many designers use color options have been tried. Now everyone has the opportunity to perform the steps of the arrangement of the different rooms without the risk of making a mistake. Brown "welcome" in the living room, study, hallway, bedroom. In children, bathrooms and kitchens it is used as the original version. Alternated brown does best with white, green, orange and yellow. Particularly interesting compositions are obtained in conjunction with a turquoise and purple. You can implement and soft options - with blue, beige or pink.