Fantasy people engaged in the work of the home, has no boundaries. Master craft coming up with new techniques and methods for the realization of their talents in various fields of decoration and ornaments of clothes and household items. The presence of the Internet has accelerated the processes of transmission of interesting experiences. Thus, the Russian met jacarelado, simplicity and sophistication of techniques which have made this area one of the most fashionable and popular in our country.

- History and nature crafts
- Tools and materials
- Process of creation
History and nature crafts
The date of the invention of this type of needlework is not certain, but the term itself is derived from the Portuguese word «jacar», denoting the caiman, alligator or lizard. This allowed a very loosely translated title of the art as "crocodile skin", which truly reflects the impression made as a result of its use. Brazil is considered the birthplace of the direction from which jacarelado spread throughout the world.
Another, no less aptly named a "false mosaic".

In Russia, has been widely recognized, only one - the simplest - a variant of this craft, though the Brazilians created three different ways, each of which offers original and dissimilar Disain effects. The main feature and simultaneously art difficulty spanning decoration process, is that the work can be performed only on the horizontal surface. Therefore, three-dimensional objects such as boxes, require considerable time-consuming. Embarking on a new product decoration hand only after the previous dry.
Tools and materials
This technique does not require any special tools and performed improvised means at each home. It offers space for imagination craftsmen. When the need:

- plastic knife or spatula for applying the primer and the alignment layer;
- brushes for PVAc and the main background color;
- pipette (you can use a cocktail straw or disposable syringes) to create a mosaic of droplets;
- toothpicks, with which drawing doctored.
But the choice of primers and paints depends on the goals that the master puts in front of him. In Brazil, where jacarelado perfected and created real masterpieces decoration skills, used stained glass paint Vernix Vitral on an organic basis, giving the product a glossy sheen, and as a primer - composition Falsco Mosaico, specifically designed for such creativity.
Domestic yourselfers achieve results more economical means. To create a pattern with the effect of crocodile skin are usually taken:

- plasticized adhesive or primer;
- PVA glue;
- acrylic or stained paint;
- lacquer.
The elegance and sophistication of the resulting pattern are able to please the eye, but on the reviews of people who had the opportunity to compare such performance with the best foreign samples, amateur crafts look paler and are designed for a shorter period operation.
Process of creation
Dressing takes place in several stages. Pre prepares the working surface of the article that should be flat and smooth, fat-free and has no noticeable damage. After that, you can begin to create a drawing:

- Primer. On the cleaned surface of the dense layer of glue is applied medium thickness, which is then spread with a knife or a brush. After that, he must allow to dry, so it is well absorbed in the foundation. Otherwise, create a relief not work.
- Create a background. Paint is applied on the resultant primer and it is also necessary predrying before applying the next layer of PVA diluted with water to a state of a liquid cream. If the background is not required, the PVA is put directly on the primer.
- Paint in a syringe or pipette and gently applied over the entire surface, taking into account that each droplet will subsequently imitate the tile. The thinner the outlet, the smaller the droplets and elegant image.
- Getting on the glue, ink droplet sinks and creates a relief groove. At this stage it is necessary to finalize the contours of a toothpick, draw drawing and add color saturation as needed.
- Drying the resulting product must be produced in vivo, which can take up to two days because the adhesive layer is very thick. The use of a hair dryer or other heating devices may lead to the fact that the image will float to create a crocodile skin effect will not work.
- At the final stage false mosaic varnished for strength and gloss.
Direction jacarelado gives the opportunity to try themselves in abstract painting, to dream and to fully unleash your creativity and aesthetic.