- Toilet bowl and drains: compatibility issues
- How to install a toilet in a private house on a wooden floor?
- How to install the tank on the shelf?
- How to properly install a toilet in a private house for different types of grounds?
Installation of plumbing in an apartment building is not particularly difficult, if only because communications, as a rule, are unified. A private house is a completely different thing. The field for fantasy here is, as they say, untouchable. The type of communications and applied building materials depends only on the idea of the owner. Therefore, a variety of factors affect the way the toilet is installed. Let's consider various options how to properly install a toilet in a private house.
to the table of contents ↑Toilet bowl and drains: compatibility issues
The way to install the toilet is influenced, first of all, by the method of sewage disposal.
The sewer pipe goes to the floor vertically. This type of descent is considered morally obsolete. Despite this, vertical drainage is used in private homes, when the toilet footage is small, and you need to save space. Plumbing in this case is mounted directly on the pipe.
The toilet is attached to a horizontally mounted fixture. This method of laying sewage is today the most popular.
Depending on these data, you need to choose the plumbing. There are three types of toilet bowls:
- oblique release. A universal option, suitable for both types of sewage.
- Horizontal release. Such a toilet bowl can be connected to a horizontally located pipe.
- Vertical release. This kind of toilet bowl is suitable for vertical draining.
Important! In addition, a distinction is made between overhead and floor toilets. The pendant version has not yet received a large distribution due to the relatively high price.
In either case, the connection uses fan, plastic or corrugated pipes, as well as eccentric cuffs.
Fan tubes are the most aesthetically advantageous option. They, together with the toilet, visually form a single whole. The material for the manufacture of the pipes can be:
- Porcelain.
- Semi-porcelain.
- Faience.
Important! Since these pipes have ceramics in the base, they can neither be shortened nor bent. Corrugated pipes with eccentric cuffs make it possible to make connections even in the most difficult places for access. The corrugated sleeve is very flexible, but has significant drawbacks: if it is strongly stretched, it becomes less durable. In addition, the capacity of such pipes is small, clogs are not uncommon. To reduce the risk of emergencies, it is worth choosing corrugated pipes with thick walls.
Plastic pipes are easy to install, practical and reliable. For this reason, when installing the toilet bowls they are most often used.
to the contents ↑How to install a toilet in a private house on a wooden floor?
If there is a task, how to install a toilet in a private house on a wooden floor, there are 3 ways of mounting:
- On glue.
- On the dowels.
- On the taffeta.
How to put the toilet on the dowels?
This is the most common and simple method, the popularity of which is explained by the small amount of effort. To fix the toilet on a wooden base, special connections( dowels) are used, which often go in one set with plumbing. If the fasteners are not included, you can buy them in the building store.
Important! The dowels have a limited area of use:
- When it comes to massive stone or cast iron construction, they can not provide stability to these products. Such fastening is used for toilet bowls made of faience or sanitary porcelain.
- This method is not suitable for uneven floors. The toilet simply runs the risk of falling off the fastenings due to height differences.
Let's consider the order of installation of a toilet bowl on dowels on stages.
Substrate laying
When installing the toilet on a wooden floor, the wizard is not advised to attach the product directly to the base. Between them it is desirable to install a gasket( for example, from linoleum).
Important! The gasket is needed to ensure that the place of contact between the floor and toilet surface is more hermetic.
The substrate is made as follows:
- Place the toilet on the linoleum and circle the contour.
- Now it remains to cut the substrate of the desired size and shape.
- Place the toilet on the base of wood and circle it. In this case, the chalk is preferable to the marker, since it is much easier to remove traces than from the marker.
- Apply sealant to the contoured area, glue a pre-made substrate to it.
- After the adhesive has seized, it is possible to start drilling holes for the dowels.
- If you want to raise the plumbing a little bit above the floor, you can use a wooden stand. To do this, use a board with a thickness of 30-40 mm, which, like the substrate, needs to be cut along the contour of the base. In this case, the board is first laid, and a substrate made of linoleum or rubber is adhered to it.
How to distribute mounts?
Focus on the diameter of the special holes for fastening. Note the location of the holes on the surface of the substrate and proceed to the attachment.
Important! Experts advise to use a drill with a diameter slightly smaller than the holes for fastening. In this case the plumbing will be more stable.
Screw the dowels into the holes drilled in the tree and install a toilet on them. Tighten the fasteners. All. The work is finished.
Important! Do not overdo it with tightening the fasteners. Ceramics, from which the toilet is made, can crack.
How to connect the toilet to the sewer?
Corrugation is used for this. This is a plastic pipe, which has the shape of an accordion, which stretches to the required length. Connect one end of the corrugation to the outlet of the toilet bowl and the other to the sewer flare.
Important! To seal the joints, pre-thread the corrugation from both ends with liquid silicone. Armored adhesive tape allows you to make the connection even more durable and airtight.
How to install a toilet bowl with your own hands in a private home on epoxy adhesive?
In terms of labor costs - this is the least time consuming method, but with the use of the toilet it will be necessary to wait a little until the epoxy has completely solidified.
Important! If you put the toilet on the dowels, you can immediately start using it, then when using epoxy glue you will have to wait about half an hour.
Which glue should I choose?
These types of epoxy adhesives are on sale:
- Single-component. It is a ready-made mixture of epoxy resin and hardener.
- Two-component( two tubes: with epoxy resin and hardener).After both components are mixed in a certain ratio, a usable formulation is obtained.
The epoxy differs according to the degree of thermal activity. Some formulations require heating before use, others - they are used cold.
Important! To mount the toilet, you can use a variety of epoxy compounds, but with one-component work much easier.
Kleim toilet bowl on wood
How to apply to properly install the toilet in a private house:
- Before installation, the toilet seat and the floor area are coated with epoxy glue, after cleaning and degreasing the surfaces.
- The wooden surface is also sanded to improve adhesion.
- When installing, make sure that the flare of the toilet seat is in parallel with the sewer pipe, otherwise - there may be difficulties with the connection.
- Remove excess adhesive immediately with a moistened cloth, without waiting for the composition to harden.
Important! At the end of work, you can not even touch the toilet. Hato in 12-15 hours of plumbing will be linked to the floor literally tight.
If you prepare the glue yourself
If there is no epoxy adhesive available on the market, you can also make it yourself:
- ED-6 resin - 100 parts.
- Solvent - 20 parts.
- Hardener - 35 parts.
Make the glue yourself:
- Heat the resin in a water bath and mix with the solvent and hardener.
- Then add dry cement( 200 parts).
Important! It is important when mixing to observe exactly this order of the combination of ingredients.
Plumbing for the taffeta
This is a universal method. It also works when installing a toilet on the old swollen wooden floor.
Important! Taft is a wooden substrate, carved into the shape of the base. Thickness of wood is from 30 mm. It is important to choose a quality tree, without rotten patches and knots.
How to put a toilet on a wooden floor with taffeta?
In the "inside" of the taffeta, nails are driven in such a way that the hats protrude 20-30 mm above the tree. Nails perform the role of anchors, make the construction more rigid.
Algorithm for installing sanitary ware on the taffeta:
- Pour the screed from the cement-sand mortar.
- Sinking taffeta into the screed( with the anchors pointing downwards).It should be ensured that the combination of the screed and taffeta is complete, without any irregularities or gaps.
- Connection of taffeta and toilet bowl with screws.
- In order not to damage the ceramics, rubber pads are placed under the heads of the screws.
- The last step is performed after the screed has solidified completely.
Important! Taft, made of wood, plays the role of shock absorber, which does not allow splitting the toilet bowl( this happens when installing it on a base of wood).
to the contents ↑How to install the tank on the shelf?
For mounting the tank you will need:
- 2 bolts.
- Sealing gasket: made of foam or rubber( put on drain hole).
Operation procedure:
- The washers and rubber seals are put on the bolts.
- Now it remains to install the tank on the right place, align the holes and tighten the fasteners.
- The tightening of the bolts must be done manually, as the key can damage the structure.
- To connect the tank to the water system, use flexible water hoses with nuts at the ends.
- All threaded connections are sealed with rubber gaskets. It is also useful to use FSM tape.
How to properly install a toilet in a private house for different types of grounds?
In addition to the wooden floor, there can be other floor coverings in the bathroom. Consider the specifics of the installation of sanitary ware on different materials of the bases.
Concrete floors are popular in private homes. The toilet is installed on a special "pillow" made of cement. At the base of the solution are: cement, sand and water:
- First, a wooden or metal frame is placed in the plumbing installation site, and then the cement slurry is poured.
- Plumbing is pressed into the cement.
- In this case, the excess solution must be quickly removed.
- After the cement has dried, the frame is removed.
In this case, there is no need for a substrate. It is enough to glue the plumber to the floor with a special compound. The best option is epoxy resin.
Important! Adding dry cement to the solution improves adhesion.
Which method you use, accuracy and accuracy - an indispensable condition for the plumbing to serve you long and stable. A thoughtful and responsible approach is important in any case.