- How long should trousers be?
- What tools are needed to shorten trousers?
- How to shorten your pants yourself?
Modern men during the selection of new clothes often face such a common problem, as the unsuitable length of the trousers. Men of low and medium height are especially affected, which is extremely difficult to find a normal clothing for all parameters. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved, and you can do it yourself. Today we will learn how to shorten pants at home. Of course, the masters of any studio can help in this, but why pay someone extra money, if you can do everything and so on qualitatively and quickly.
to the contents ↑How long should trousers be?
Before learning the technique of work on shortening trousers, it is necessary to determine, and what length is considered normal. To find out how long your trousers should be, you need to try them on with the shoes with which you plan to wear them.
Important! Remember that even shoes without a heel on a flat sole even though slightly, but raise a foot. That's why it's so important to try on trousers with shoes.
Then you should tuck your pants and you will get the right length. It will be necessary to simply fix the bottom of the pants with pins, so it was easier to work with them. In such a case it is desirable to find an assistant to avoid making mistakes with measurements.
to the contents ↑What tools are needed to shorten the trousers?
Do you decide how to shorten your pants at home? Then first prepare all the tools that you will need in the course of work:
- Adhesive for working with fabrics. If you do not find this, then you can use the most common PVA glue. But remember that the main goal is a reliable attachment of the material, so the glue must be of high quality. By the way, after washing it can dissolve, if it is picked up incorrectly. Carnations or pins for fabric. With their help you can make a quality ironing pants. But first the trousers will have to be decomposed on a solid plane.
- Threads in tone and needles.
How to shorten your pants yourself?
Now we will consider several options for how to shorten pants at home without a typewriter using glue and ordinary stitching.
Shortening with
Adhesive During work, the glue is not squeezed out at once, but applied with a clove. It must be spread from the original edge on both pants on one side. Then fold, like the cuffs on the shirt. In other words, the legs need to roll inward. Then carefully press the place of gluing the fabric so that the glue works and fixes it. Do the same with the second side of the trousers. Once both sides are processed, you need to put something heavy on the legs and fix it in a stationary state until the glue dries.
Important! If in a short time you decide that you need to shorten the trousers a little more, you can turn them around and glue them together again, using the same technique. But at the same time you have a noticeable and fairly thick layer of tissue that will not look very nice. It is better to make wider cuffs, but keep in mind that the thin strips look much more interesting, especially if you wear such pants will be low and medium-sized guys.
Shortening of trousers with the help of fastening
There is a stitching as follows:
- First you need to open the old seam. This is done with the help of the most ordinary clerical knife. As a result, you should get a fully embroidered hem.
Important! If such a knife you do not, then use a manicure scissors or an ordinary sharp knife.
- Fix the bottom line of the pants with pins, iron the pants. If you attach them unevenly, you have to correct the situation immediately, otherwise - you will then get an uneven seam.
- Try on the trousers again to double-check, the correct length you measured or not.
- Remove the pins, cut the excess piece of cloth along the line. Use for this you need not ordinary scissors, but a zigzag. They are designed specifically for processing fabrics in such a way that then it does not crumble. Do the same with the second leg.
- Fold the bottom of the trousers so that they can be sewn, but leave the allowance at 1-1.5 cm. Using a needle and thread in the tone of the pants, hem bottom.
- Go to the end and secure the thread so that it firmly holds the fabric. The same is repeated with the second leg.
In principle, the same actions can be performed on a sewing machine, but it is not always at hand. And the listed shortening options are considered to be the most simple and fast in execution, requiring no special skills and knowledge.