- What is a mosquito trap?
- Self-adhesive tape
- Electric traps
- Homemade traps
- Insect control
It is impossible to avoid encountering annoying mosquitoes during the summer. To date, there are many effective tools that have chemical components in their composition, which naturally have a negative impact on the person, or are completely safe, but ineffective in fighting mosquitoes. If mosquitoes simply got you, then the mosquito trap made by yourself will not only effectively save you from annoying bloodsuckers, but it is still safe not only for you, but for all households.
to the contents ↑What is a mosquito trap?
Mosquito traps are devices that help to catch, not destroy or poison mosquito chemicals. So, to the category of such adaptations it is possible to carry:
- Velcro.
- Light traps.
- Ultrasound.
- Thermal.
- Self-made.
Many wonder why mosquito traps are needed, if you can use chemicals or folk remedies, all sorts of grass, rootlets, solvents. We will tell you a secret - the fact is that only pregnant females bite us, because they need food in the form of human blood for breeding their offspring.
Important! When you apply creams, sprays, spray yourself and clothes with aerosols, then you start to smell the male. But since the female is already pregnant, she simply tries to avoid contact with males, so she does not bite you for a while.
You can not constantly use creams and aerosols, because they contain poisonous substances, so as an alternative, use at home or at the cottage various spirals and other devices working through the network. But again, they all expose the body to chemicals that are released into the air. Therefore, the safest remedy is a trap for mosquitoes.
Let's consider the principle of the above-mentioned traps and we will suggest several ways of making devices with our own hands.
to content ↑Self-adhesive tape
Velcro is a sticky tape covered with various enzymes that attract females. You do not have to buy them, you can cook them yourself.
Such a mosquito trap can be prepared from improvised means:
- Prepare a cardboard sleeve, on which the adhesive-treated paper will be attached:
- On the sleeve, fix the thread that will serve as a fastener.
- Attach the paper to the manufactured cartridge in any way.
- Prepare the adhesive. All ingredients must be melt in a water bath and carefully, very carefully mix. You can use several variants of ingredients, in particular:
- Pine resin - 300 g, wax - 10 g, linseed oil - 150 g, honey - 50 g.
- Rosin - 200 g, castor oil - 100 g, turpentine - 50 g, sugarsyrup - 50 g.
- Glycerin - 40 g, raw honey - 100 g, rosin - 400 g, vaseline oil - 200 g.
- Apply ready-made adhesive to paper.
- The mosquito trap is ready. Place it at the window, the entrance doors and any other place.
Electrical Traps
Mosquito Traps and similar mosquito traps generate light in the visible and invisible spectrum that affects mosquitoes, attracting them. Some of them are equipped with nightlights for the convenience of users.
Mosquito Killer, Electro Frog devices offer a variety of bait aromas for mosquitoes and attract not only these bloodsuckers, but also sand flies, flies and houseflies.
According to the principle of action, it is possible to classify such mosquito traps:
- CO2-based systems use carbon dioxide as an additional component, for example, to ultrasound. Some models of devices have settings that allow the owner to program the speed of removal, and even the very removal of CO2 from the cylinders. Some traps burn propane to release CO2, while others use pure CO2.
- Temperature systems use the form of heat transfer to attract mosquitoes. The source of heat itself is next to the trap start system.
Important! Electrical fishing systems are one of the simplest and most reliable systems. They are executed in different versions, for example, it can be a fan that captures mosquitoes with the help of air and places them in a water intake bag where they die. Other devices use a fan and a collection tray, where insects can no longer escape and die within a few hours of dehydration.
Typically, one standard electric mosquito trap is capable of securing a room of up to 50 m2.
Do not expect that a steep Shaitan machine will instantly catch all the bloodsuckers. It just imitates a person in the room, but to whom the parasite will fly - on you or on a trap, this is known only to him alone. In addition, in the vicinity of your house there are several types of different mosquitoes. One species can react to red, and another to smell, and some species prefer birds or frogs.
Important! Proceeding from this, buying all the electric traps from mosquitoes for crazy money is at least irrational. Better buy for the same amount of chameleon, which will catch not only mosquitoes, but also flies.
to the contents ↑Homemade traps
If you have decided to fight thoroughly with bloodsuckers and show your imagination, we offer you several ways how to make mosquito traps yourself.
Option No. 1
The mosquitoes search for the victim by thermal radiation, as well as by the smell of lactic acid. But one of the most powerful factors that attracts bloodsuckers is carbon dioxide, secreted by warm-blooded creatures and animals. It is on this principle that a trap is used in which carbon dioxide acts as a bait.
To make a trap, you will need:
- Plastic bottle. Scissors or knife.
- Bait( half a glass of warm water, half a cup of sugar, 5 g of yeast).
- Opaque paper or metal foil.
Stages of manufacture:
- Cut the plastic bottle across so that the neck( cone) is ⅓ of the total length.
- Turn the plastic funnel upside down and insert it into the lower, cut off part of the bottle. The container for insects is ready.
- Stir the bait ingredients carefully. Make sure that the water is not above 30 degrees( otherwise the yeast bacteria will die), pour the mixture into the bottle.
- Wrap the bottle with a metal foil or opaque paper( newspaper) so that the mosquito does not confuse the light.
- Seal the joints of the cone and the bottom of the container so that carbon dioxide does not escape from the slots, but only from the neck.
- Put the device in a dark corner and a successful hunt!
Important! The solution poured into the bottle will immediately begin to wander and the yeast bacteria absorbing the sugar will release carbon dioxide, which will attract mosquitoes. If the amount of yeast and sugar is sufficient, the process can last for more than one day. Mosquitoes, sensing carbon dioxide, will fly into her scent and fly into the bottle. If they do not find an outlet, they will remain there to perish. Change the contents of the bottle every 2 weeks.
If you replace yeast with a thick sugar syrup or jam, then such a trap you can catch the wasps and flies that will reach for the sweet stuff.
Option number 2
Mosquitoes, like other nocturnal insects, are in the habit of flying to light. They can be lured to some kind of lamp and sucked into a gauze bag with an electric fan, such as installed on computer power supplies. The airflow created by the fan, together with the light, will not allow mosquitoes to enter the room if you hang the device in front of the open window of the room.
Advantages of this device:
- No toxic chemicals.
- There is no ultrasound that affects not so many mosquitoes, but as many people.
- No high voltage.
- Simplicity and accessibility of construction.
The only drawback is the quiet fan noise.
For the manufacture of the device you will need:
- Small bulb( from the refrigerator).
- Wire for handle.
- Cardboard two-liter tetra-package from juice for making the case.
- Scissors.
- The electric fan( from a computer power supply unit with a diameter of 8-12 cm).
- Gauze bag.
- Eraser for hair.
Stages of manufacture:
- Cut the upper end of the cardboard tetra package.
- In the sidewalls, pierce two holes.
- Through the holes, pull the handle from the wire.
- In the bottom of the package, cut the hole under the fan assembly.
Important! Position the instrument fan so that it draws air from the lamp down.
- At the bottom of the case, attach the gauze bag with a hair clipper.
- Attach the lamp holder to the wire handle bent so that the suspension hinge is formed from above.
- Connect the light bulb and fan to the mains using special adapters.
- Fix the construction in the corner of the window opening or in any other place.
The insect, attracted by light, will approach the lamp, and under the influence of airflow, it will be first tightened into the cardboard case and then into the gauze bag. Once a week, clean the fan blades from the adherent insects.
Important! Instead of a tetra package, you can use another suitable cardboard package or glue it yourself from cardboard.
to content ↑Insect control
To protect your house from mosquitoes:
- Make sure that there is no standing water around the house in which mosquitoes can lay eggs.
- Decorative fountains and ponds are treated with specialized means designed to destroy mosquito larvae.
- Fill the ponds with mosquito mosquitoes.
- Dragonflies also feed on mosquitoes and larvae, so if they appear around the house, spread them.
- Grass and shrubs shortcut so that the parasites do not have a place to rest during the day.
- Install outdoor lighting that repels mosquitoes.
- When seeing a dense swarm of mosquitoes, spray sprays from insects.
- Hang around the house traps and Velcro from insects.
- Use mosquito nets for windows and doors.
We hope that with the help of our advice and recommendations, you will get rid of annoying bloodsuckers and will relax with pleasure in the garden, at the cottage, the terrace. Have a nice rest and let nothing disturb you, including mosquitoes!