- Symptoms after a bite
- First actions after a bite
- Than to treat?
- What not to do?
- Popular methods of
So the hot season of the summer came, and with it all the problems associated with rest in nature and in the country. Especially unpleasant are all kinds of insects, which also strive to regale our blood. From this article you will find out which is better to use the remedy against bite of Simuliidae to get rid of the unpleasant consequences after the insect attack.
to content ↑Symptomatology after bite
Unfortunately, in most cases a person does not immediately find that it is bitten by this annoying insect. This is explained by the fact that the midge attacks and eats faster than the skin receptors have time to fix it. After - it lubricates the wound with saliva, which contains an anesthetic, which allows you to remain undetected for some time and after that it feeds on blood and lymph.
Understanding that you have become a victim and now you need to look for a remedy for a bite of midge comes along with symptoms that appear later.
Symptoms can be different, among them you can identify swelling( local or general), itching and burning, increasing temperature and pressure, sometimes - choking.
Important! In rare cases, a more aggressive allergic reaction appears, which can lead to an anaphylactic shock of .
Consequences may be more serious damage when combing the lesion, if not in time to find the right remedy for biting midges.
The overall severity of the symptoms is directly affected by:
- The species and the number of insects.
- Immunity of a person, his age and state of health.
- Inclination to allergic reactions.
- Individual sensitivity to saliva of Simuliidae.
- Infection of the wound when combing the bite site.
First actions after bite
Once you have found out that you were attacked by this insect and damaged:
- Apply ice to the bite place wrapped in cloth or a heating pad. You can also use products from the freezer - they also need to be wrapped in cloth.
- Treat the affected area with an alcohol-containing product or with medical alcohol.
- Apply antihistamine ointment.
Important! It is necessary to try very hard not to comb the wound and not bring the infection there.
Such a bite-bite remedy like ordinary table vinegar( 9%) reduces unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to wipe them with a bite.
to the contents ↑Than to treat?
Before discussing the methods of treatment, it is important to remember that moths are creatures that do not attack alone. They lurk on the stems of plants and attack the group. Therefore, the bite can not be one, most likely there will be several, which further exacerbates the situation as a whole.
Important! Multiple bites of Simuliidae can cause unpleasant consequences - both in the initial stage and after. This is because unpleasant symptoms can bother the bitten for several more days. To get rid of bites of Simuliidae it is possible and necessary - the faster this is done, the fewer consequences will have to be experienced.
Depending on the stage on which your bites are located, different methods of getting rid of it are offered. There are several stages:
- Bite.
- Rashes.
- Itching and burning.
- Combed.
- Infection.
- Wound formation.
Let's consider in more detail each of them and methods of disposal of consequences.
At the time of receipt, the bite is accompanied by pain and burning. What you need to do:
- Rinse skin with cold water, preferably with soap.
- Dry by blotting movements, do not rub it in any case.
- Press for a while( 3-5 minutes) with your fingers or objects the place of the bite.
- Treat with antiseptics on alcohol or water basis( furacilin, chlorhexidine, decasane).
- Take painkillers and antiallergenic drugs( paracetamol, diazolin).
Usually occurs within a few minutes or hours after a bite. What to do?- Here are suitable for such funds from the bite of the midges:
- Lotion from the soda solution( 1 tsp to a glass of water).
- Wiping the bite with ammonia.
Important! You can also take antihistamines.
Itching occurs at all stages, except for the bite. Called by the contents of the insect's saliva. From the itch we carry out the following:
- We apply antipruritic ointment( "Fenistil", "Tsinovit-cream") to the lesion site.
- Do not comb the bite.
- You can easily stroke the skin and cover it with a drying bandage with novocaine( 0.5%), furacilin or half-alcohol solution.
Important! To ease your condition, you can use the simplest means of biting midges - apply any cold: ice, products from the refrigerator, and just rinse with cold water.
Formed if you scratch the bite. But usually the itching is so pronounced that it is impossible to restrain and adhere to recommendations about what can not be combed. Therefore, if your skin is in such a stage, you need to use:
- Ointments glucocorticoid series( "Gyioxioson");
- Antiseptic ointments;
- Drugs, which are based on iodine;
- Make lotions with boric acid.
Infection with
In case of contact with the infection, infection occurs in the formation of wounds. They need the following care:
- Daily rinse with soap and water.
- Treatment with hydrogen peroxide( 3%).
- Flushing with natural antiseptics( alcohol solutions cause burning on damaged skin).
- Dressing wounds with ointments( "Levosin", "Levomekol").
- In the case of a temperature or inflammatory reaction, antibiotics are prescribed( medical consultation is needed).
Wound covering with black scab
With such symptoms, surgical intervention of physicians is necessary in order to avoid accumulation of pus. Antibacterial therapy is used( as directed by a doctor).
Wound healing
Bandages with aqueous antiseptics and various healing ointments are used.
The above paragraphs completely describe the passage from a conventional bite to the most unpleasant consequences after it.
Important! The earlier you apply the appropriate stage of the remedy against the bite of Simuliidae, the less the consequences you expect further. Adhere to the above recommendations in order to avoid infection and injuries.
to the contents ↑What not to do?
There are some things that you should not do in any case with biting bothersome insects. Below are the main of them:
- Treat affected areas with hygiene products based on household chemicals. This can only cause an aggravation of the allergic reaction of the body.
- Combing the bite area.
- Apply hormonal ointments to damaged areas. This will slow healing and cause unpleasant burning sensation in this area. They are applied around the wound, on the reddened skin.
- Do not neglect the use of antiallergenic drugs, especially if there is evidence for this.
- Take medicine yourself. This is done only for the purpose and under the supervision of a doctor.
Folk methods
Being at the dacha, you do not always have ointments and preparations at hand. And then you will come to the aid of folk medicine. There is not one national remedy for biting midges. And they are not inferior in efficiency at the initial stages, pharmacological.
Consider the main ones:
- Vinegar is a good decongestant. Apply as in the form of a compress, and rubbing. The solution is prepared as follows: 1 share of water per 1 share of vinegar. Gadgets are put no longer than for 50 minutes.
- The crushed dandelion stalk or plantain leaf is applied to the site of the bite with a gauze dressing. It is necessary to change such a compress in 2-3 hours.
- Just like a dandelion, you can use onion and parsley, cabbage leaf - each of them is one of the most accessible tools available.
- To eliminate swelling from the bite, you can use the used tea bags. This compress contains tannin, a substance that removes excess fluid from the wound.
- Wipes soaked in a solution of salt and soda( 1 item of water 1.ch.l. salt and the same amount of soda), you can make cold compresses that reduce itching and swelling.
It is very important, when going to the cottage or outside the city for a vacation, remember that there is a whole crowd of people waiting for your blood waiting for you. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take care of protection from them in advance - the market offers a lot of products: ointments, sprays, protective bracelets. They will help you prevent insect bites and not fall into the situation described above.