- Skin types and care
- General skin care tips:
- Skin care products
Nowadays no wardrobe can do without leather things, be it a bag, jacket, gloves or shoes. In this article, we'll look at how to properly care for products from this material to help you spend the least amount of time and extend the life of your favorite thing.
to the contents ↑Kinds of skin and care for them
When processing the skin very different technologies are used, it depends on what kind of material this material will be given to a potential buyer. And it depends on this, what care for leather products to choose for this or that kind of thing.
There are a lot of skin variants, the most popular of which are the following:
- Velor leather and its hiking( fur-velor, fur-nappalan) is a leather with a pile.
- Nappa( Semilanin, aniline leather) - a skin with a thin coating of the output substance, is often prone to severe impurities.
- Nubuck - resembles suede, but there is no nap per se. Suede - also with nap.
- Skin with the effect of old skin.
- With embossing - all sorts of textures.
Important! As you can see, the options and weight of the task of caring for leather products is divided into several sub-clauses, depending on which particular thing is being taken care of. Specific properties and characteristics of each type of material must be taken into account. Otherwise, the product may deteriorate or simply lose its presentable appearance.
Natural skin without effects:
- Care for a genuine leather with a natural smooth surface should be done with a sponge and wax. For shoes - a shoe cream, bags, jackets, cloaks can be wiped with glycerin.
- Non-fatty contaminants are removed with a foam sponge and a warm( 40-50 C) solution of shampoo or other detergent. After - the product is wiped with a dry soft cloth.
- Cleaning of leather products of this type from fat spots is to wipe the contamination with a sponge with a small amount of gasoline or turpentine and remove it. In the end - to process, as stated in the previous paragraph.
Important! Do not overdo the dose of the cleaner to completely degrease the thing. In this case, the material will crack and deform.
- Do not allow mechanical damage, as getting rid of scratches is almost impossible.
- Rain things of this type are not to be feared, most of them are impregnated with a water repellent. Wet areas should be wiped dry and allow clothing to dry completely at room temperature.
Important! Dry such products near heaters is strictly prohibited.
- If your thing already has a lot of socks experience and it has formed a decent scuff, and you do not want to part with it - it does not matter. There is a special paint for such cases, but it needs to be applied in a thin layer, otherwise the elasticity of the material will be lost.
- On the handbags of this kind of skin often appear shaded areas. You can remove them with a solution of milk and soda( 1 tsp of soda for a glass of milk).
The care of suede products is very different from the previous one. Suede is a skin with a pile and it does not like to be treated with moisture. Therefore, the following tips should be followed:
- To keep things clean from suede, periodic cleaning with a dry sponge will help you - it will remove dust from it and return the novelty.
- Suede treatment is carried out using special aerosols on which there is a marking that they are designed for it.
- New products of this type can be painted. This is to be expected. To get rid of the unpleasant effect almost immediately help a good rubbing with a towel.
- Heat can change the color of things from suede, try to avoid leaving your belongings in hot rooms and in the sun.
- Leaving for long-term storage, you need to consider that the thing can be deformed. Therefore, you need to hang on comfortable hangers, and the shoes should be crammed with paper and be sure to put it in a box.
- Before storing suede, it must be treated with moth remedy.
- If the surface gets wet in the rain, you need to remove excess moisture with a dry terry towel, and then let it dry at room temperature.
Important! To remove stains from this type of skin it is forbidden to use aggressive stain remover.
Nubuck, velor
Fleecy skin, as well as suede, can not be treated with varnish and wax. For processing, there are special alcohol liquids with dyes. Care of products from these materials is carried out according to the following rules:
- Get a special brush to remove dust from the surface of the thing.
- Strong dirt can be removed with a solution consisting of water, soap and ammonia( 1 tsp per glass of water).
- After the rain, the product must be dried and combed glued pile.
- To remove grease spots, there is a special stain remover for velor and similar skin types.
- To preserve the color, it is necessary to tint things from the velor with specially designed paints.
Handling this type of thing involves minimal care. Not sensitive to contamination nappa can not lose its presentable appearance for a long time.
Important! It must be treated only prophylactically by cleaning with a specially designed soap.
As well as nappa has wear-resistant properties. It has a water repellent effect and is easily restored. This all makes the care of leather products of this type very simple and boils down to wiping it from dust and adhering to the general recommendations that will be given below.
Leather with embossing
It is worth to wipe any kind of dirt with a soft woolen cloth. Wet cleaning should be done very carefully and do not allow full blotting.
General advice on skin care:
- New products have their own specific smell. To get rid of it will help ground coffee. It's enough to sprinkle a thing and leave them for a day. Do not do this with light things - coffee can leave a trace on them.
- All garments are dust-prone. Before any treatment, you need to get rid of it first, and then perform a thorough cleaning.
- It is not recommended to store leather clothes in plastic bags. The skin must breathe. For its storage bags of linen or cotton fabric will suit.
- Before any cleaning, the tool needs to be checked on the wrong side.
- Do not put on your skin in heavy rain.
- Clothing with collar and sleeves will help to avoid greasing of cuffs and collars.
- From time to time, the products need to be wiped with glycerin - this will add shine( this does not apply to fleecy things).
Means for the care of leather products
Recently the market of the offered goods has greatly expanded. Including, manufacturers of clothes and shoes do everything to make their products popular, and care of products was as simple as possible. All the products released for sale are designed to cleanse, gloss, soften, restore freshness, protect and even neutralize static electricity. Also relevant are the "grandmother's" methods used to make the care of leather products more simple.
Factory Tools
The most popular of these are:
- Express foam( cleaning).
- Water repellent impregnation.
- Colorants.
- Glowing.
- Various shampoos, detergents.
- Deodorants.
- Stain removers.
- Sponges and napkins.
Important! Which brand to give preference - choose independently, based on available in the market offers, personal experience and price range of products.
Grandmother's methods:
- Tarnished skin needs to be wiped with a fresh orange peel - this will give it shine.
- Brown chamois leather should be cleaned with a brush dipped in the coffee grounds. And how to dry - just a brush.
- From time to time, suede products should be wiped with a tissue moistened with fresh milk. After that, comb the pile with a stiff brush.
- The stains from the ballpoint pen are well erased by valerian drops. After - need to be washed with soap for the skin.
In this article we have examined how to set up easy maintenance of leather products. Stick to our recommendations and your clothes will always be fresh, clean and look 100% even after 3 years of socks.