- How do I wash my baby's urine?
- Underwear care
Each housewife faced with the task, how to wash yellow spots on the underpants? As it turns out, removing stains from urine is not so easy. In this article, we'll talk about the available methods with which you can cope with this problem.
By the rules - any underwear should be washed separately from other things. But not all housewives comply with such conditions, and quickly throw everything into the washing machine that has accumulated in the basket. Therefore, over time, the problem of the appearance of persistent stains on the linen inevitably arises.
to the contents ↑How to wash children's urine?
All mothers are familiar with this situation, because young children often lead to the search for answers to the question of how to wash children's urine from the babies' underwear. The problem is hindered by the recommendations not to use strong stain removers for children's underwear, so as not to cause allergies in the child. Therefore, often with this problem are turned to folk remedies.
Important! The faster you remove the yellow traces, the more likely they are to get rid of them completely.
Household soap
The first mate at all times has always been a laundry soap. It will come to the rescue also in case it is necessary to wash the yellow spots on the cowards and diapers of your beloved child.
How to use:
- The laundry should be rinsed well with warm water.
- Then soap, diligently rubbing soap into problem areas, so that alkali penetrates better into the fabric and removes dirt.
- After - things must be left overnight in a soaked form.
- In the morning, wash well and rinse the diapers.
If the first method does not work all 100%, you can connect the soda to the stain removal process:
- Soap the problem areas with soap and leave it in that condition for at least an hour.
- Put the clothes in a washing machine and fill one teaspoon of baking soda directly into the drum of the machine.
- Wash the items as usual.
Important! This method is quite effective, but it is suitable only for processing white fabrics.
You can use another old proven method to wash yellow spots on your underpants:
- You need to boil white things with the addition of bleach and detergent.
- After that you should thoroughly rinse the laundry.
As a result of such actions, there will be no stains on underwear and diapers.
Citric Acid
Another effective way to wash panties against yellow stains at home. The basis of the product is citric acid, which is used as follows:
- Prepare a solution of 250 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of citric acid. Stir thoroughly to completely dissolve the acid pellets.
- Spread the solution on the stains.
- Allow product for a while to completely absorb and remove contamination.
- Then thoroughly wash the product with laundry soap or baby detergent.
- Thoroughly rinse the treated tissues.
To remove a stain from colored things you can try using an acetic solution:
- Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a 200-gram glass of water.
- Apply the solution to a contaminated area.
- Leave the processed items for an hour.
- Then wash products with a powder of children.
Bleaches and stain remover
If you can not get urine stains from children's diapers in any way, you can use special household chemical products.
Important! Chlorine-containing stain removers or bleaches should not be used to clean children's clothes, as this can cause various allergic reactions.
How to use:
- Apply bleach or stain remover to areas with spots.
- Leave things for a couple of hours.
- Then thoroughly wash the products in warm soapy water and thoroughly rinse.
Important! If after washing on the laundry there are still traces of stains from urine, do not iron them at all, since after ironing the stains will be much harder to remove.
to the table of contents ↑Underwear care
The most basic rule of care for any kind of underwear is to strictly observe all the recommendations indicated on the tags. Labels with all the necessary information of the permitted mode of washing, drying and ironing are on each bra or panties.
The basic recommendations for washing clothes
Follow the following tips to avoid the appearance of ugly divorces on the tissues and damage to the underwear - both children's and adults:
- Before you start washing, panties need to be sorted by color and by type of fabric, fromwhich they sewed. White panties are best washed separately from colored panties.
Important! Always try to wash new colored underwear separately.
- Panties of different colors are also recommended to sort by similar colors.
Important! It is better not to wash red items with black.
- It is recommended to use only warm water for washing all kinds of underwear. Colored linen retains its original beautiful color longer, and white linen does not acquire a dirty gray shade.
- Cotton panties can be washed without fear in the washing machine, and, of course, comply with all the washing recommendations that are indicated on the labels.
- Silk panties and synthetic fabrics should preferably be washed by hand, as these fabrics do not endure intense friction, twisting, and even more so the use of bleaching agents.
Important! The most suitable option for such panties is hand washing in warm water with liquid detergents for delicate fabrics.
- If hand washing is not suitable for you, it is better to put the underwear in a special bag and use the most gentle machine wash regime for delicate fabrics.
- As a detergent, it is better to use liquid detergent for delicate tissues. It, unlike a powder with the same purpose, is much more soluble in water and easier to rinse out of products, and also does not leave ugly white traces on the laundry.
- After washing the panties need to be thoroughly rinsed.
- You can dry them on the rope.
- Keep the laundry in a folded form, sorted by color, in a specially designed locker for laundry.
Important! To quickly solve the problem, how to wash the panties from the yellow spots and remove the ugly stains on adult underwear, can wash the laundry in the machine, while using more detergent. The machine mode should be selected with pre-wash and with additional rinsing.
As you saw, there are quite a few ways how to get rid of stains of urine on your underwear. Which one is best used - should be decided based on available tools available, such as fabric, its color and the prescription of the contamination. Useful recommendations from the article will certainly help to put in order the underwear and prevent the appearance of such unpleasant spots.