How to remove a fat stain from a paper?

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  • General recommendations
  • How to remove a grease stain on paper with the help of chemistry?
  • How to remove grease stain from paper using folk remedies?

How to remove a grease stain from a paper?0 This question most likely faced most of us. Someone's little kids have dirty wallpapers, and someone is a lover of dinner at his desk and accidentally put a fat mark on an important document, or marks appeared on old photos from frequent viewing. There may be many reasons, but are there any ways to clean the paper? In this article we will tell you the most effective and not labor-consuming ways how to restore an expensive thing for you.

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General Recommendations

Paper is one of the most delicate and brittle materials and not every tool is suitable for removing stains on it. Applying aggressive liquids, you risk tearing or ruining the paper completely. How to remove a grease stain from a paper and preserve the integrity of a document or other item from this material? There are a lot of ways to clean the paper from the grease. The use of one or the other depends on the intensity and duration of the fat on the cellulose surface.

The paper product, unfortunately, can not be attributed to dry cleaners, such as clothes. From excess moisture, the paper can soften, and break from intense friction. Before you begin the process of restoring a damaged piece of paper, read some of the recommendations:

  • Fresh stains of fat are much easier to remove than old stale traces. Fat penetrates deeply into the pores of the paper and eventually changes its structure. Also, fat has the property of increasing in size, hitting an ever larger area.
  • Before applying the tool you select, run a small test on the exact same sheet of paper.
  • Do not forget that the paper is very afraid of water, so do not expose it to prolonged exposure to liquids. Otherwise, the sheet may become wetted, swollen or deformed.
  • If you decide to purchase a special tool to remove fat spots in the store, be sure to consult the seller about the compatibility of the drug and paper. Read the instructions carefully.
  • Have patience, because the process is quite time-consuming, you can even say a jeweler. Do not despair if the sheet of paper failed to clean off the first time, do the work again. As a result, you will certainly succeed.
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How to remove a grease stain on paper with the help of chemistry?

We have already mentioned that there are special fluids with which you can easily remove traces of fat. But what to do when the money was not at hand, and the document should be saved at this moment?- In this case, you can apply funds that are always found in the home.


A proven method of removing a grease stain from paper at home. It has been used since ancient times. Turpentine can cope not only with fresh blobs of fat, but also with old stale marks.

Important! In order to clean the paper, you need to apply refined turpentine.

How to use:

  1. In a small container, pour turpentine, warm up in a water bath.

Important! It should be heated until the liquid acquires a temperature of 80 degrees.

  1. Use a thin soft brush to apply the product on a greasy trail.
  2. Cover the treated sheet with clean white paper, preheated iron, iron the paper.

Important! If the stain does not disappear completely after the first treatment, repeat the procedure again.


Do not know how to remove fat from paper?- Use gasoline. He will do an excellent job of removing traces of fat on clothes and just a small amount of liquid can create a miracle and return a clean look to the document or wallpaper. As in the previous case, use only clean gasoline.

Where can I get it?- This product is sold in hardware stores, it serves for refueling lighters.

Important! It is necessary to apply raw materials together with magnesium or chalk, because the liquid can deform the sheet.

How to use:

  1. In a shallow metal container, mix petrol and chalk to the state of gruel.
  2. Apply with a toothpick or match the mixture to a contaminated area and allow it to dry completely.
  3. When the product is completely dry, gently remove the hardened crust.

Important! Chalk in combination with gasoline can stick tight to the base of the sheet, so it is very important not to remove the top layer of cellulose together with the crust.

Special fat solvents

Specialty fat solvents can be purchased in the household chemistry department. Components in the composition of the facility can easily and effectively cope with traces of fat on the surface of the paper.

Important! Use these funds should be only on thick paper. Before using the drug, read the instructions and be sure to test it on a similar sheet of paper.

Make sure that the product contains alcohol or gasoline, they will greatly simplify the cleaning process. Detergents that dissolve fat are not recommended, since soap components are included in the composition.

Chalk or Burnt Magnesia

Want to know how to remove fat from paper?- At home, a small piece of ordinary chalk or, alternatively, burnt magnesia, will help get rid of the greasy stain.

How to use:

  1. Break the chalk to the powder state.
  2. Apply the chalk powder to the formed spot, cover with a clean cloth or blotter.
  3. Iron by preheated iron.

Important! If, as a result of the powder treatment, the stain does not disappear, dilute the chalk with water to the state of gruel and repeat the procedure anew.

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How to remove grease stain from paper using folk remedies?

Not always at hand at the right time there are special or chemical remedies for removing greasy stains. How to be in this situation?- Since a long time ago, when people did not hear about modern household chemicals, people perfectly got rid of various stains and pollution with the help of folk remedies. In this article, we selected several effective and uncomplicated ways to save a document or other item from paper from greasy tracks.

Blotting paper

Previously, a blotter was an indispensable element of the basic inventory of any student. With its help eliminated various spots in the notes, as well as stains from the ink.

Important! The only drawback of this method is that the blotter is able to remove only fresh stains from fat. Unfortunately, with the old traces of fat, unfortunately, it is powerless.

How to use:

  1. A small piece of blotter, overlay the resulting stain.

Important! As an alternative, a normal napkin or a piece of toilet paper is suitable. Paper and napkins have a similar porous base, which absorbs moisture and fat perfectly.

  1. Put a heavy object on top of the superimposed blotter, leave it for a while.

Important! Alternatively, you can iron the coated napkin with a warmed-up iron.

  1. If necessary, replace the blotter a few times.

Important! The replacement process should be carried out until the spot completely disappears.


It has long been known that salt perfectly removes stains of fat on clothing. In our case, it can be tried to apply for the cleaning of fat from paper products.

Important! Before use, the salt must be crushed to avoid grains or use extra grinding salt.

How to use:

  1. Add salt over the contamination.
  2. Cover the treated area with a clean white sheet of paper.
  3. Preheated iron iron the paper.

Important! Do not heat the iron too much, otherwise - all the written text is printed on a blank sheet.

Bread crumb

Did your child get dirty new wallpapers on the wall with his fat hands? How to remove a greasy trace of this origin on the paper surface, because the option to clean with iron in this situation is no longer.

With fatty spots on the wallpaper the bread crumb will do fine.

Important! It is better in this situation will approach a crumb of white bread.

How to use:

  1. Add a small piece of bread crumb to the resulting spot, rubbing a little into the surface of the wallpaper.
  2. Leave for a while so that the fat is absorbed.
  3. Replace the grease impregnated crumb with a new one.
  4. The procedure must be repeated until the wall is completely cleaned.


The use of starch is the simplest, but at the same time effective way of cleaning an important document from fatty, non-esthetic traces.

Method of treatment:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of starch with half a glass of cold water.
  2. Treat contaminated area with the product.
  3. Leave on a flat surface until completely dry.
  4. Finally, clean the mixture with a soft brush or brush.

Important! In the absence of starch, it can easily be replaced with white clay.

Clear important document or a new wallpaper from fat traces at home is easy enough if you pick the right remedy. Be patient and be careful not to damage the paper product irrevocably. Useful recommendations and recipes from this article will help in the very near future to achieve the necessary and such a desired result.