- How to remove stain from latex and acrylic paint?
- How to remove paint from aniline paint?
- How to remove a stain from silicate paint?
- How to remove a stain from alkyd enamel and oil paint?
- Removing watercolor stains and gouache
- How and how can I remove stain from hair dye?
It's great that our world is so colorful. But sometimes attempts to transform it end with spots of paint on clothes. For this it is not necessary to be a painter-plasterer and all day to carry a brush on the fence. It is enough to sit down on a freshly painted shop or plunge into the world of a young artist. However, do not despair. We will show you how to remove the stain from paint from clothing.
to the contents ↑How to remove a stain from latex and acrylic paint?
Fortunately, latex, acrylic paint is produced on a water basis. Therefore, for the removal of such spots do not need solvents, special means.
You need to act carefully, following the following instructions:
- On the underside of the fabric, rinse the contamination with cold water, you can slightly rub it with your hands. Do not at first treat hot water at the beginning - you risk sealing the stain, then it will be difficult to remove.
- Thing load in the machine, add detergent. Choose a temperature mode no more than 20 degrees. If the first time you did not get rid of the trouble, then repeat the process, the temperature at the same time increase to 30 degrees and no more. If you erase by hand, then follow the same rules.
What should I do if the spot does not want to be output immediately?- Take a toothbrush, preferably with a soft bristle, apply a detergent on it, then lightly rub the contaminated area with light circular motions. Now you can wash the thing in warm water.
Important! It is not superfluous to recall that the toothbrush can no longer be used for its intended purpose, for your teeth you will acquire a new one.
to the contents ↑How to remove paint from aniline paint?
Usually aniline dyes are used to change the color of the fabric or create handmade masterpieces. In this case, you can accidentally get dirty and then think how to remove the stain from the paint from the clothes?
To get out of this situation, we need alcohol denatured, potassium permanganate, oxalic acid:
- First, with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol, gently trim the painted surface from the edges to the center.
- Prepare a 10 percent solution of potassium permanganate and wipe it with a stain.
- And then, after 3-5 minutes, apply a 2% solution of oxalic acid.
- Now rinse the thing in warm water and dry.
How to remove a stain from silicate paint?
These blots are usually very easily peeled off the surface of the fabric with a stiff dry brush. The aged contamination wipe with a solution of table vinegar, then rinse in cool water and iron through a dry towel.
to the contents ↑How to remove the stain from alkyd enamel and oil paint?
Now let's talk about the most difficult spots from oil and alkyd paint. It is better to fight them immediately, without waiting for drying, so as not to try to return the appearance to things later, wondering what can be removed from the paint from the clothes.
There are several proven ways to remove a stain from paint to clothing:
- Prepare a mixture of gasoline and acetone in a 1: 1 ratio. A cotton wool soaked in a mixture, gently wipe the surface from the edges to the center. In order not to mess anything up, put a clean white rag under the thing. Wash clothes, hang dry in fresh air.
- Try using a different solution: mix in equal amounts alcohol, gasoline and turpentine in the ratio 1: 1: 1.Moisten the surface until the paint is softened, then with the blunt side of the knife scrape off the largest possible layer, and try not to spoil the fabric.
Important! If the formation is old, first soak it in this solution for 1-2 hours and only then use the knife.
- Soak the soiled part in turpentine before softening the paint. After cleaning, treat with soda and wash in warm water.
- Another miracle tool is kerosene. Well, soak a trace of oil paint with kerosene, and after 1-2 minutes wipe the surface with ammonia until the stain disappears completely. Then wash the thing and air out in the fresh air.
- In construction stores, a wonderful white spirit assistant is on sale. Wipe the contaminated area with a damp cloth. After - treat with ammonia. Rescue a thing in warm water with laundry soap.
- If you did not have the above mentioned funds, use the old grandmother's method. Oil blooms are treated with sunflower oil until the paint is softened, and then brush. The process is long, please be patient. In the end there will be only a fat stain. But it can be washed with any detergent in warm water.
Removing watercolor stains and gouaches
Does your house have a young artist and you periodically become an art object? Do not worry, watercolor and gouache paints are very quickly removed.
Rinse the soiled clothes inside out and rinse under cold water. When the paint is practically washed, you can wash it in the usual way in warm water with powder or soap.
to the contents ↑How and how can I remove the stain from hair dye?
On the eve of the holidays, we try to put ourselves in order after the "works of the righteous."And at this point, an annoying trouble happens: the paint accidentally falls on the clothes. We frantically begin to think how to remove the stain from the paint from the clothes.
There are some simple ways to remove dirt:
- A mixture of water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 will help those who use natural colors based on henna. The solution is applied to the stain, after 20 minutes rinse with cool water.
- White things will save ordinary whiteness or any means with chlorine. Soak in water according to the instructions, keeping the temperature and dosage correct.
- Woolen and synthetic fabrics like vinegar. Mix 400 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of detergent. Apply the mixture to the cloth. When the stain comes off, rinse and dry.
Our advice is good, time-tested and can help you. But it's better to be careful not to get into an awkward situation and not to spoil your favorite thing. Good luck!