Recently I tried a new technique - glass jewelry. Something like an antique decorations and looks very original. Now I have all the friends bought the same. On the job it took only half an hour.

process of manufacturing
Prepare: glass stones, the usual chain with a lock, two ring, tweezers, copper foil Adhesive. You will also need: soldering tin and lead-free (silver content - 5%), metallovata, patina, flux, antioxidant gloves.
I cut the foil along because it was too broad. Then he took a stone and wrap it with foil for the side of good pressing and smoothing her usual cap from the handle.

Then, all laid out in the form of pebbles conceived pattern tightly to each other, processed flux and a soldering iron walked (no tin) across the workpiece.
Then on the wrong side and soldered everything, and on the outside of all ornaments, that is - on a path.
Along the edges of the pendant, on both sides caused the tin and solder rings, for which then attaches his chain. Crafted jewelery patina podshlifovala and caused an antioxidant (it protects the product against oxidation, because the green and black pattern appears on the jewelry over time).