How to remove a fat stain from clothes at home?


  • Preliminary preparation
  • How to remove a fresh spot?
  • Table salt
  • Ammonium alcohol
  • Soda, tooth powder or infant powder
  • Starch or powder of chalk
  • Bread crumb
  • Laundry soap
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • How to remove the stained spots

Everyone, even the most accurate person, faced such a problem asstains on clothing. In such situations, the question arises: how to wash a fat stain, because it can not always be removed with a conventional powder. Therefore, it is worthwhile to use popular methods, the effectiveness of which has been tested for years.

There is a huge amount of folk remedies that can help remove even the most complex or chronic dirt. The method should be selected individually, depending on the fabric and the complexity of the contamination. Otherwise, applying the chosen folk remedy, you can completely ruin the appearance of the thing.

Advance preparation of

Many housewives, beginning to remove contamination from clothing, allow two serious errors:

  1. immediately throw the stained thing into the drum of the washing machine, ignoring the pre-treatment;
  2. postpone the removal of dirt for later.


To save the injured thing, you need to take complex, consistent measures.

To get rid of the stain, you need to pre-prepare the very fabric, tool and cleaning solution.

  • The dry cloth is dust-free.
  • To apply the solution you will need a brush, a cloth, a cotton swab or a stick.
  • A solution is prepared, with which it is possible to remove the contamination, and it is recommended to make it weak in concentration, so as not to spoil the tissue.


It is better to remove the stain from the wrong side - this will push out the dirt and prevent it from penetrating into the fabric.

Before applying the cleanser, test it on a small piece of similar tissue.

How to remove a fresh spot?

Among the most effective methods to quickly remove contamination from clothing, it is worth to name the methods based on the means present in any house. The action of many folk methods is aimed at the initial dissolution of fat, followed by its movement from the fibers of the garment fabric to the cleaning material.

Therefore, applying them in practice, you can clean the fabric at home, without resorting to the help of professional dry cleaners.

Sodium salt

You can get rid of any stains with the help of the old and proven method - sprinkle the affected area with salt and rub it into the cloth of clothing. After a while, when the salt is absorbed into the contaminated area, it needs to be removed and salt again poured over the place. Such manipulations should be carried out until the fat disappears. After the clothes you need to wash in the usual way.

Table salt is ideal for all materials, including knitwear.

Ammonium alcohol

The ammonia allows you to remove the stain from both light fabric and color. This is a universal remedy, thanks to which you can remove marks that appear after coffee, glue, blood, ink and rust.

  • First you need to prepare a special solution, for which in 100 grams of warm water a teaspoon of ammonia is diluted.
  • After the solution is prepared, dab a cotton swab into it and treat the contaminated area.
  • Cover with a cloth( preferably cotton).
  • Iron iron - dirt and grease remain on the cotton.

Soda, tooth powder or infant powder

You can remove dirt from light objects with soda, baby talc or tooth powder. Any of the listed powders should be applied to the affected area, put blotting paper on top and iron with iron. After carrying out these manipulations on the processed clothes it is necessary to put oppression( for example, books) and to leave for the night.

Starch or powder from chalk

To get rid of a spot on light fabrics it is possible with the help of potato starch or powder from chalk. It is enough to apply a remedy to the affected area, leave for a couple of hours to absorb the fat, and remove. If the first time completely remove the stain fails, the procedure must be repeated again.

Bread crumb

To wash a greasy stain, you can use a crumb of white bread. It should be applied to the affected area of ​​clothing, wait a few minutes for the fat to soak, and wash the thing in a soapy solution.

Household soap

This method perfectly helps to remove stains from any kind of fabric, with white and colored clothing. It is important that the stain does not have enough time to soak, so do not clean old defects with household soap.

Fresh stain on clothes should be soaped with soap and leave in such condition for the night. In the morning, the thing is erased in the usual way.

Dishwashing detergent

It is possible to remove stains, including fatty ones, by the usual washing-up liquid. To do this, apply the gel to the site, leave for a couple of hours and rinse with warm water. In this case, the amount of dishwashing detergent will depend directly on the size of the stain.

How to remove old spots

All of the above methods help to quickly and efficiently remove fresh stains on clothing. But there are situations when it was not possible to immediately remove the stain. Then it is necessary to use completely different methods of struggle.

Over time, the contamination on clothes dry up, having got into fibers, and getting rid of the stain becomes much more difficult. But this does not mean that there is no way to remove the old stain.

Among the effective and simple methods by which you can remove an old stain, let's select the most effective ones:

  • gasoline - it is necessary to moisten the blotting paper in a liquid, put it under a contaminated area of ​​clothing, and wipe the stain on top with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline;
  • salt - you need to dissolve 150 grams of salt in a liter of hot water, put a stained thing in the solution, leave it for a while, and then wash it in the usual way;
  • glycerin - just apply a couple of drops of the product on the old stain, leave for 30 minutes and remove with a cotton swab;
  • vinegar - first mix the vinegar with water in the same proportions, then lower the spoiled item in the solution for 15 minutes and wash.

With the help of the folk remedies you can easily rehabilitate even the most hopeless thing, again giving it a presentable look.