- Some general rules
- How to remove chocolate from silk?
- How to remove chocolate from cotton?
- How to wash the stain with synthetics?
- If the stain has appeared recently
- Than to wash off old maculae from chocolate?
Chocolate is, perhaps, a favorite treat for children and adults. He smells of childhood, a holiday, his taste gives us pleasure, excellently raises the mood. But the mood falls as quickly as soon as chocolate hits the clothes, and real panic begins when the clothes are white. And the sweet tooth immediately raises a question?how to wash chocolate with white clothes.
to the contents ↑Some common rules for
Any sweetness, in order not to look like a slob, you need to know the basic rules for working with such spots:
- Once you have planted a stain, start taking action to eliminate it. While these stains are not completely ingrained in the fabric, they do not dry out, you have a chance to take them out completely without damaging the fabric.
- The main mistake of home dry cleaning is that the people grab for the first detergent that comes into contact, which either fixes the stain or spoils the fabric. Approach with the mind, consider the color of the fabric, its composition, and also the density.
- To ensure that the stain does not fade even more during washing, proceed as follows. First, carefully, with a blunt object, scrape off the chocolate that has not yet absorbed, trapped on the fabric, leaving flat contaminants. For this purpose, you can use a spoon, a wooden or plastic spatula, a credit card.
- Having chosen the means and method, try them on the inconspicuous parts of the thing - from the inside, on the seam allowances, it is even better to test on a flap of similar tissue.
- Chocolate behaves very aggressively - it immediately firmly fits into the fibers of the fabric and the spots do not want to leave their place of violence. Therefore, act decisively, but carefully, so as not to spoil the thing.
- In order not to allow the size of a five-kopeck trace to expand to the immensity, you need to quickly limit the spot, starting the processing from the edges, gradually moving towards the center.
- Fight the stain with the most sparing means. If he does not manage to wash the stain from the chocolate, be patient and take a more concentrated remedy.
Important! Remember that the application of stain remover should be alternated with rinsing in clean water. This will save the solution, your strength and time.
to the contents ↑How to remove chocolate from silk?
The hardest way to remove stains from silk products. Sometimes one blunder is enough to make a thing unsuitable and to shock its owner, in the head of which only one thought will turn: "How to get a stain out of chocolate?".
But do not despair, from a semi-fainting condition the fashionista will bring out ammonia, he can save silk clothes from chocolate spots. For this you need:
- Dilute the ammonia with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Cotton wool soaked in solution and easy touches to wipe the stain.
- Then rinse in clean water.
After this treatment, wash the item in delicate mode in the washing machine or manually.
to the contents ↑How to remove chocolate from cotton?
Do not think that if chocolate is on cotton clothes, then it will be easier to clean it. Let the cotton and not so delicate, but it perfectly absorbs any substances. Therefore, you should get rid of the stain as soon as possible. Do not rush to fill the soiled area with expensive bleaches and stain removers, there are more affordable means.
To begin with, try using plain milk to wash chocolate off white clothes:
- Place a white cloth or towel under the soiled cloth so that the stain does not go right through.
- Spot pour 1-2 tablespoons of milk, depending on the size.
- After a minute, wipe with a cotton swab, a clean white piece of cotton or linen cloth.
If this method does not help, then wash the contamination with simple soap with salty water.
Important! From old stains help a solution of ammonia, diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 2.
to the contents ↑How to wash the stain with synthetics?
Although synthetics are much stronger and more durable than cotton, you should not immediately spray it with solvents and degreasers - this will negatively affect the condition of the fabric. Do not forget also that synthetics can be of different types - from strong polyester, to gentle artificial silk. Therefore, the intensity of cleaning should be chosen based on the type of tissue.
But there is also a universal way that will help to wash chocolate with white clothes:
- Before processing a thing from synthetics, lay a clean white cloth between the layers of the product, napkins.
- Prepare a mixture of 3 parts of ammonia and 1 part of medical alcohol. Treat the stain with this mixture, let it lie down for 3-5 minutes. Rinse
- in clean, lukewarm water.
Important! Change during cleaning dirty napkins.
to the contents ↑If the stain has appeared recently
The most effective substance in this case is ordinary table salt. Dissolve salt with water, do not regret putting the mixture on a dirty area, rub, and then rinse and dry the product.
Important! A fresh speck can be thrown in a strong soap solution with the addition of ammonia.
to the contents ↑How to wash old stains from chocolate?
It also happens that the stain is planted on clothes, and the opportunity to get rid of it immediately was not. How in this case to deduce a stain from chocolate with white and color clothes?
Option 1
This method is suitable only for white things. Remove the old chocolate contamination with hydrogen peroxide. Wet the cloth with plenty of peroxide, wait 15 minutes. Rinse the product in clean, cold water.
Option 2
If you need to remove chocolate from clothes made from woolen cloth, heat up to 35 degrees glycerin, apply and rub. After 10-15 minutes, rinse in clean warm water.
Option 3
With dense suit fabric can be removed with gasoline, rubbing the stain. Then rinse with a solution of ammonia with water in a proportion of 1: 1.
Option 4
For dark fabrics, prepare a mixture of 20 parts water, 20 parts glycerin, 1 part ammonia. Dampen it with a cloth, wipe with a clean cloth flap, rinse with running warm water.
Option 5
To wash the stain from chocolate with light clothing oxalic acid will help:
- In a glass of water, add half teaspoon of acid.
- Clean the dirty place on the clothes.
- To wash it is necessary in soapy warm water with the addition of ammonia at the rate of 2 teaspoons of ammonia per liter of water.
- Rinse well in warm water.
These simple ways will help get rid of chocolate troubles. Perhaps you know other secrets, in that case, share them, as we did.