The most influential people in the world in 2015.List of Forbes( Forbes)

was shared by brothers Charles Koch ( born November 1, 1935) and David Koch ( born May 3, 1940) is an American businessman owned by Koch Industries. Their combined state is estimated by Forbes magazine at 42.2 billion dollars( 8th place in the world).

David Koch( left) and Charles Koch( right)

28th place. Akio Toyoda ( born May 3, 1956, Nagoya, Japan) is president of Toyota Motor Corporation, the world's largest automotive company.

27th place. Timothy "Tim" Cook ( born November 1, 1960, Robertsdale, USA) - CEO of the American corporation Apple - the world's second largest smartphone manufacturer .

26 place. Lloyd Blankfein ( born September 20, 1954, New York, USA) is an American businessman of Jewish origin, chairman and chief executive officer of one of the world's largest commercial banks Goldman Sachs.

25 place. Rex Tillerson / Rex Tillerson ( born March 23, 1952, Wichita Falls, USA) is the chairman and chief executive officer of the world's largest private oil company Exxon Mobil.

24th place. Jeffrey Jeff Jeffrey Jeff Immelt ( born February 19, 1956, Cincinnati, USA) is Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director of General Electric Corporation, one of the ten largest companies in the world.

23 place. Christine Lagarde ( born January 1, 1956, in Paris, France) is the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund.

22 place. Jack Ma ( born September 10, 1964, Hangzhou, China) is a Chinese businessman, president of the Chinese company Alibaba Group, working in the field of Internet commerce. Part of this company is the popular in Russia online store AliExpress. Personal status of Jack Ma is $ 22 billion, he is the second most important person in China.

Jack Ma on the cover of Forbes magazine

21st place. Binyamin Netanyahu / Benjamin Netanyahu ( born October 21, 1949, Tel Aviv, Israel) is the Prime Minister of Israel.

20th place. James "Jamie" Dimon ( born March 3, 1956, New York, USA) is an American businessman, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the largest US bank JPMorgan Chase.

19 place. Mark Zuckerberg - American programmer and Internet entrepreneur, creator of the world's largest social network Facebook / Facebook. Zuckerberg was born May 14, 1984 in the city of White Plains( shat New York) in a Jewish family. With a fortune of 42.6 billion dollars, it ranks 7th in the ranking of the richest people in the world. In 2010, he was named man of the year by Time magazine.

18th place. Grand Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei ( born July 17, 1939, Mashhad, Iran) - Iran's highest leader( Rahbar) from 1989 to the present.

17th place. Jeffrey "Jeff" Bezos / Jeffrey "Jeff" Bezos ( born January 12, 1964, Albuquerque, USA) is the head and founder of the Internet company, the founder and owner of the aerospace company Blue Origin and the owner of the publishing house The WashingtonPost. In 1999, Time magazine called him the man of the year. With a fortune of 53.5 billion dollars, he ranks 4th in the ranking of the richest people in the world.

16 place. Francois Hollande ( born August 12, 1954, Rouen, France) is a French politician, president of France since 2012, first secretary of the Socialist Party of France in 1997-2008.

15 place. Carlos Slim Helu ( born January 28, 1940, Mexico City, Mexico) is a Mexican businessman of Arab origin, the son of emigrants from Lebanon. He owns the world's fifth largest cellular operator América Móvil, as well as the Mexican holding company Grupo Carso. Personal status of Carlos Slim is 48.8 billion dollars, according to this indicator, he is in first place in Latin America and the fifth in the world.

14th place. Abdullah ibn Abdul Aziz Al Saud ( born August 1, 1924, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) is the King of Saudi Arabia.

13 place. Warren Buffett ( born August 30, 1930, Omaha, USA) is chairman of the board of directors and executive director of the holding company Berkshire Hathaway, which deals with investment, insurance and reinsurance. Berkshire Hathaway currently owns many companies in various industries such as confectionery, retail, railroads, vacuum cleaner manufacturers, interior items, publishing and jewelry business, and regional housing and communal services companies. The personal state of Warren Buffett is 70.3 billion dollars, according to this indicator Buffett is in second place in the US and third in the world.

12 place. Li Keqiang ( born July 1, 1955, Dingyuan County, China) - Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China since 2013.

11th place. Mario Draghi ( born September 3, 1947, Rome, Italy) is an Italian economist, chairman of the European Central Bank since November 2011.

10th place. Laurence Lawrence "Larry" Page ( born March 26, 1973, Lansing, USA) is one of the founders of the Google search engine. Now he is the CEO of Google Inc., and , the new holding company Alphabet, which unites both the main business of the Internet giant and its innovative divisions, including Google X, Nest, Fiber, Calico, etc. With a fortune of 36,8 billion dollars is ranked 11th in the ranking of the world's richest people. Larry Page in the social network Google +

9th place. Narendra Modi ( born September 17, 1950, Vadnagar, India) is an Indian politician and statesman, leader of the Indian People's Party / Bharatiya Janata Party. Prime Minister of India since May 26, 2014. Forbes notes that Narendra Modi, in his first year at the post, increased the country's GDP by 7.4%, as well as his status in the international arena, after meeting with Barack Obama and Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping. The reforms of Modi led to the growth of India's influence in the technology market.

8 place. David Cameron ( born October 9, 1966, London, United Kingdom) is a British politician, leader of the Conservative Party, Prime Minister of Great Britain since 2010.

7th place. Janet Yellen is an American economist, head of the Federal Reserve System since February 3, 2014( the first woman in this position).Born August 13 in New York in a Jewish family. The Federal Reserve System acts as the central bank of the United States, the Fed's assets are 4.5 trillion dollars( for comparison: US GDP is 16.8 trillion US dollars,

Janet Yellen on the cover of Time magazine.) Cover: "A woman of 16 trillion dollars. The US economy is now in its hands, what Janet Yellen will do with it. "

6 place. William "Bill" Gates / William "Bill" Gates ( born October 28, 1955, Seattle, USA) is one of the creators and the largest shareholder of Microsoft. With a fortune of 77.2 billion dollars is the richest man in the world. In 2005, together with his wife Melinda and singer Bono was named man of the year by Time magazine. 15 years ago, Bill and Melinda Gates opened a charity fund that is designed to eliminate social inequality and invested in it for more than $ 30 billion. In May 2015, the Gates announced that their fund would help those who had suffered from the Ebola virus, and throughmonth Melinda announced that in the next six years the fund will spend $ 776 million to fight hunger.

5 place. Xi Jinping ( born June 1, 1953, Fuping County, China) is the chairman of the People's Republic of China since 2013.

4 place. Pope Francis ( until the election - Jorge Mario Bergolo, born December 17, 1936, Buenos Aires, Argentina) - the first for more than 1200 years, the Pope is not from Europe. Francis was elected Pope on March 13, 2013, the same year was named man of the year by Time magazine. The spiritual leader of one sixth of the world population - 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Francis for a few years of his reign radically changed the conservative image of the church. In September, he made a triumphant six-day visit to the US, where he addressed the Congress and the UN, addressing climate, immigration, the infringement of the rights of religious minorities in the Middle East, etc. He does not hesitate to discuss hitherto forbidden topics, such as the rights of sexual minorities, rightswomen, etc. Also, Francis devotes a lot of time to helping the poor, which highly appreciates his flock.

3 place. Barack Obama ( born August 4, 1961, Honolulu, USA) is the 44th president of the United States since 2009.Obama is the first African American to be nominated by the US president from one of the two largest parties. Twice named man of the year by Time magazine( 2008, 2012).For the year, Obama lost one position in the Forbes rating, and therefore the publication notes: "The US certainly remains the world's leading force - in economy, culture, diplomacy, technology, military and other industries." But in the last year of his presidency, Obama clearlyInside the country, his rating rarely rises above 50%, and in the global arena of the American leader, Angela Merkel is being eclipsed as the host of a united Europe and Vladimir Putin as the new main protagonist of the Middle East conflict. "

2 place. Angela Merkel ( born July 17, 1954, Hamburg, Germany) is the world's most influential woman, since 2005 she has held the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany after the victory of the party led by her Christian Democratic Union. Forbes notes: "Angela Merkel continues to rule one of the world powers and remains the most influential woman in the world for more than 10 years. In December 2014 she was elected for the third time to the post of Chancellor of Germany - after the next four years at the head of the government she will turnin the main democratically elected political long-liver of the EU Merkel competently conducted Germany's economy through a global crisis, skillfully applying incentive measures and government subsidies, and also played a decisive role in preserving a united Europe, interveningThe German Chancellor also actively supports the struggle against IGIL, the first of the German rulers to violate the taboo on participation in hostilities adopted after the Second World War. Merkel became an important participant in another conflict - the Ukrainian one, where she acts as an intermediary and togetherwith Vladimir Putin is one of the guarantors of the existing peace agreements. "

1 place in the ranking of the most influential people in the world in 2015, as well as the two previous years, was taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin( born October 7, 1952, St. Petersburg, Russia).Forbes notes: "Vladimir Putin, on the basis of the analyzed parameters, still has no equal: the Russian president continues to prove that he is one of the few people in the world who are powerful enough to do what they want." The international sanctions imposed after the capture of themThe Crimea and the unleashing of a proxy war in Ukraine, crashed the ruble and plunged the country into a deep recession, but did not damage Putin himself: in June his rating rose to a record 89% In October he began bombing the positions of IGIL in Syria and met with President Bashar Assadweakened the position of the United States and NATO in the region and returned international influence to Russia. "

Putin on the cover of Time magazine( he was named the man of the year by the version of this magazine in 2007)

Every year the American magazine Forbes( Forbes) publishes the rating of the most influential people in the world. The list for the year 2015 included 74 people. Below are the top 30 positions of the Forbes list. Data on the personal status of the participants in the rating are presented on January 9, 2016.

30 place. Sergey Brin ( born August 21, 1973, Moscow, Russia) - co-founder of Google .Now he manages special projects of Google Inc. With a fortune of 36 billion dollars ranked 13th in the ranking of the world's richest people. Sergey Brin in the social network Google +