- General rules for washing underwear
- Available washing methods
- Busts and corsets with bones and without them
- Other types of linen
- Drying of underwear
During weekly household cleaning we will definitely spend some time washing everyday clothes. Carrying laundry with a washing machine in many ways makes it easier for us, however, not all things are capable of withstanding such processing, for example, underwear - thin, delicate, with a certain shape or without it. In this article, we will try to tell you how to correctly wash underwear in a washing machine and manually and how best to dry it.
to the table of contents ↑General rules for washing underwear
Underwear, besides the usual bras and panties, also includes swimsuits, socks, pajamas, corsets, dressing gowns, etc. Lingerie can be erotic, pulling, sporting, everyday - varietiesa lot of. From the correct choice of care for these objects can depend not only on their appearance and condition, but also on the health of their owners.
How to wash underwear - every housewife can decide for herself, however, there are general rules that should be adhered to:
- After buying a new underwear and before using it, you need to wash it. First of all, it is due to hygiene, because in the process of sewing, transporting and selling products, the fabric had contact with many objects. In addition, the material from which colored linen is made can contain a large number of coloring substances, from which it is desirable to immediately dispose of.
- Before washing, carefully read the manufacturer's advice on the labels and labels.
- The worn laundry is more difficult to wash, therefore it is necessary to change it daily. No need to accumulate and shelve laundry for a long time. Elderly traces of perspiration will have to be washed with the use of special strong agents, which can spoil the appearance of the product.
- Before starting to wash underwear, it must be sorted - at least black, white and colored linen is washed separately. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to the tips for washing different types of fabrics, of which sewing underwear: lace, synthetics, cotton.
- Means for washing underwear, it is desirable to choose according to the type of fabric. If white granules are suitable for conventional granular powders, which often contain bleaching agents, it is better to use liquid sparing agents for colorants in order to avoid color loss. Also the efficiency of washing is influenced by the correctly chosen dosage of detergents. In order not to cause damage to the laundry, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.
How to wash underwear - in a washing machine or manually, you should choose yourself.
to the contents ↑Available washing methods
To begin with, let's look at how to correctly do the washing of underwear by hand.
Hand wash
The most optimal and gentle for underwear is hand washing. Especially if the products are made of synthetic materials, silk or lace.
When washing this, the following rules must be observed:
- Do not allow laundry to be washed in very hot water, and in case of correcting or lace washing, the water should be barely warm - practically cold.
- The detergents( liquid gels, granular powders, etc.) must be thoroughly dissolved in water to avoid unpleasant divorces after drying.
Use of the automatic machine
Machine washing is best tolerated by things from cotton fabrics. If the correct temperature conditions are observed, deformation and molting can be avoided.
Important! During washing with a machine-automatic machine, the drum of the machine is preferably not completely filled, but half-way - this will prevent excessive twisting of the laundry, and will also allow you to completely rinse the detergent out of things.
When asked about the temperature at which to wash underwear in a washing machine, the answer is simple:
- white cotton is not afraid of active washing at a temperature of 90 degrees;
- color can not be washed in hot water - a maximum of 40 degrees.
For machine washing, select manual or delicate mode. Before starting the procedure, you should check that all the fittings are buttoned to prevent tangling and clinging to things.
Important! It is advisable to use special containers, bags, mesh or spheres to protect the laundry during machine washing.
to the table of contents ↑Busts and corsets with bones and without them
With regard to articles with cups, corsages, corsets, graces, bras and bustiers - these products are the most capricious of care. With improper washing and drying these items can lose their appearance, deteriorate and deform:
- With the machine-machine you can only erase models without dense cups and bones, having previously fastened all the hooks and fasteners.
- If you need machine wash for a bra with bones, you need to check the integrity of the fabric near the sharp ends of the bones, because there is a possibility of damage to the thing and washing machine by a metal object.
- In order not to damage the brassiere and do not damage the drum of the washing machine, you can use a special container in the form of a ball, where things are loaded very conveniently, and where washing is most gentle. Similar containers for washing you can find in any hardware store.
- Brassieres with foam rubber, on bones and with push-up, regardless of the fabric, are washed exclusively by hand. Before washing underwear of this format, it should be soaked in warm soapy water, and then washed with the least mechanical effect, rinse out and, without twisting, get wet with a towel.
- The same rules apply to swimsuits. Only their washing should be carried out after each use, after all in pools chlorine is used, and in sea water salts which badly influence a material of a bathing suit are used. It is desirable to immediately rinse them at a low water temperature.
- Corsets require special attention. Washing of such products is made manually, but it is better to use a cleaning solution with alcohol-salt solution( for 1 part of salt, 4 parts of ammonia and water).Also, heavily soiled areas can be treated with salt, left for a while, and then removed with a brush.
Other types of linen
With proper care of other types of linen, for example, pajamas, t-shirts, panties, it is necessary to be guided by the types of fabrics from which they are made.
Cotton products
When sewing underwear, cotton fabrics are used most often, because this is a natural material that is best suited for sensitive skin.
Recommendations for washing cotton products:
- Cotton white linen before washing can be soaked for ten minutes in vinegar, and then wash it with soap.
- When washing lace underwear or products with embroidered inserts, it is best to avoid twisting and mechanical friction - it is preferable to erase manually.
- For better washing, you can soak for 30 minutes in linen in a solution of soda( 1 tablespoon of soda to 3 liters of water).
Silk fabrics are often used when sewing underwear. This fabric is not only beautiful, but also strong enough. Therefore, proper care will allow longer use of products made from such tissue.
For silk items, it is recommended:
- Apply manual washing - machine only in exceptional cases and at temperatures not exceeding 30 degrees( only if the label has a special permit icon).
- Silk products are wiped off with sparing funds without chlorine, which is capable of destroying the structure of the fabric, well rinsed and not wrung out.
Synthetic fabric products
Also it is necessary to correctly wash clothes from synthetic materials:
Here, too, gentle detergents are used in delicate mode.
- Such fabrics do not tolerate hot water, so they will have to be washed at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
- In the composition of sports or pulling linen often includes elastane. Care for these products should be as sensitive as possible. It is undesirable to soak the laundry for the night, and the stains should be taken out immediately, after their appearance.
- As a part of thermal underwear, there are unique fibers that are able to excellently give out and absorb liquids. Here, washing should be frequent, at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, otherwise - the laundry may lose its absorbent properties and shrink.
Important! Means that contain chlorine are prohibited, because of the destruction of the tissue structure.
to content ↑Drying of underwear
The drying process of underwear is no less important than washing itself. Properly dry the products to prevent loss of shape and deformation.
The general rule for drying is that it should be dried outdoors or in a well ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight.
Some recommendations for drying specific things:
- Cotton panties can be dried by hanging them on a rope vertically. Silk and synthetic things are better laid out on a towel - this will prevent deformation.
- Underwear made of silk, viscose and elastic is undesirable to dry in close proximity to heat sources, because it can melt and lose shape. They can not be dried, but if ironed, it is only slightly moist.
- Thermal underwear is dried on the shoulders.
- The bra is a pretty capricious thing and is worthy of attention. To properly dry it, remember that you can not hang it by fixing the straps. The best condition for drying is the expanded position on the horizontal surface.
Important! Do not dry your underwear using a washing machine or heating appliances. This can contribute to the loss of elasticity of tissues, as well as damage to the fillers of compacted bodice cups.
These are the wisdoms you need to know, so that you buy new beautiful underwear only when your soul's rush requires it, and not because of premature wear of the fabric. And if you observe them, constantly keeping in memory, then the problem of deformation, loss of color, elasticity of the laundry fabric will not touch you any more.