- Choose the method
- Traditional methods for removing stale impurities:
- How to return the whiteness of the soles?
- How correctly to wash white sneakers?
- Clean insole
- How to dry the sneakers?
Today many modern people prefer white sneakers. Because white color - universal and suitable for any style. Many women of fashion and fashion prefer to wear sports shoes and evening dresses, as it is convenient and now stylish. Of course, in the process of permanent socks, they accumulate a large amount of dust and dirt. They eat into the material, so the question of how to wash white sneakers is quite vital, because no one wants to go to the store for a new, far-fetched pair because of the change in the shade of the shoe. And if it's your favorite sneakers, then all the more you need to save them. Let's consider what kind of means for cleaning sneakers can be used to get their pristine whiteness. We hope that in this article you will choose for yourself the appropriate option for the restoration of white sneakers.
to the contents ↑Choose the method
Clean the white sneakers at home and remove dirt from their surfaces in the following ways:
- Using a washing machine;
- Manually.
Important! If there are black streaks or stripes on the surface, it's easy enough to get rid of them - rubbing with an ordinary eraser.
Before starting the process of removing contaminants, make sure that the shoes are cleaned of fresh dirt.
Important! Before beginning any procedures for cleaning shoes, you need to remove the laces from them, because they can interfere. In addition, if the laces are colored, then it is likely that they can paint their shoes.
to content ↑Traditional methods for removing stubborn dirt:
- White sneakers are perfectly cleaned using the most common toothpaste. This means for cleaning shoes will allow you to restore the original color of the shoe for some 15-20 minutes. To do this, take a toothbrush with medium stiff bristles and gently rub it with toothpaste on shoes that require cleaning. After the end of the process, the remains of the toothpaste should be cleaned with a damp cloth.
Important! To avoid unexpected reactions of the material, use pure white paste, without colored granules and inclusions.
- There is a proven method by which you can easily handle even the most complex dirt. To clean white sneakers at home from yellow spots, you need to take a washing powder, vinegar, a little hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. All these ingredients must be mixed before forming a thick paste. Then, using the same toothbrush, the composition is applied to the contaminated areas of the shoe and cleaned.
Important! This option is not suitable for all materials - leather sneakers, it will be nice to clean, but the mesh surface can be damaged as a result.
- If the above methods do not help you, then you can resort to various oxygen-based bleaches. Dry mixtures are diluted with a small amount of water to the desired consistency, and liquid agents can be used immediately. Sneakers are wiped with a soft cloth, which is soaked in this liquid, and observe what result is obtained.
- If you are willing to invest some money in the whitening procedure, the effect will be much better. Today in any shoe store you can buy a special paint for shoes in white. It simply needs to be applied to the shoes and left to dry.
Important! This paint is suitable only for leather shoes - rag products can not be bleached like that.
- There is another way to whiten leather sneakers: take soda, liquid soap and toothpaste, you can add a small amount of vinegar. Mix all these ingredients until a uniform mass is formed. Then use a toothbrush to try to whiten your shoes.
Important! To improve and consolidate the result, after such cleaning, send the sneakers to the basin with soapy water and thoroughly wash them, and then rinse out in running water.
to the contents ↑How to return the white outsole?
Sole is a part of shoes, it's not so easy to whiten, because it is on it that most of the contamination occurs. In addition, its embossed surface does not allow it to be cleaned the same way as the top of the sneaker.
To return the soleplate to its original appearance, you can use one of the following methods:
- Prepare the solution from a bleach based on oxygen. Place the remedy in the pelvis and lower the sneakers, trying to ensure that only the soles of the soles are lowered. So leave the shoes for a couple of hours, and then bleach the sole with an additional brush and running water.
- Take the cotton pad, vinegar and acetone. Mix the liquid in the same proportions, soak the disc in it and walk it across the entire surface of the shoe, carefully treating all the contaminated areas.
- Take advantage of citric acid. It is not necessary to dilute it, however, it is better to work in it in gloves, so that the acid can not flesh the skin of the hands.
How to wash white sneakers correctly?
Wash sneakers in the car can only be in the "sports shoes", however, not all models have this mode. If you wash your shoes in the usual washing mode, then the chances of spoiling it, increase at times.
Important! Alternatively, select the shortest cycle with the minimum temperature. As a rule, this is a 30-minute mode with a temperature of 30 C.
If you do not have the possibility to remove dirt from the shoes in the washing unit, you can do it manually:
- In order to bleach the sneakers, pour into a small basin of warm water, dissolve in itthe necessary amount of detergent and lower the shoes there.
- Stretch the sneakers several times, and then rinse thoroughly in running water.
Important! Please note that the presence of even a small amount of detergent in the water can lead to the formation of yellow divorces.
If the surface of the running shoes absorbed a certain amount of dirt, then it will not be able to cope with it with one wash. To remove stains:
- Take a cotton swab soaked in a cleaned gasoline and wipe the contaminated area with it.
- After eliminating dirt, wipe the entire surface with wet wipes to completely remove the petrol marks.
Next, thoroughly wash and dry the shoes.
to the table of contents ↑We clean the insoles
In the insoles accumulate a huge number of bacteria, the living products of which are a source of unpleasant odor. Before you begin to clean the insole from sweat and dirt, they need to be pulled out of the shoes.
To return to the insole its original appearance is quite simple - take the laundry soap and thoroughly soap the insole, then carefully walk on it with a toothbrush. After washing off the soap, evaluate how well it was possible to clean the insole.
If the first time you failed to achieve the desired result - repeat the procedure. If necessary, the insole can be dried with a conventional household hairdryer.
to the contents ↑How to dry the sneakers correctly?
To keep the shape of your shoe unchanged after washing, you should dry it properly:
- Before drying, shoes should be filled with paper or paper towels. They perfectly absorb moisture, and they do not contain any coloring agents.
Important! Newspapers for these purposes are undesirable, because of the presence of paint in them, and because they are more rigid and can not completely fill the volume of shoes.
- If you used substances with fragrances during the cleaning process, put orange or tangerine crusts in the shoes for a couple of hours before drying.
- If after all the manipulations in the sneakers there was an unpleasant smell, you can try to put in them small pieces of peeled potatoes - it absorbs all the extraneous scents.
Now you can easily clean white sneakers from yellow spots and dirt, which means you can wear them for a long time without experiencing any unpleasant sensations due to the not very neat appearance of the shoe.