- Proper tent care
- How to wash a tent by hand?
- How to wash a tent in a washing machine?
- How to remove mold?
Any tourist knows that it is very important to look after and watch your equipment. Otherwise - it wears out quickly, loses its protective properties. So, the tent is an indispensable thing in any journey, with frequent exploitation it quickly gets dirty, gets an unpleasant odor. Therefore, often the question arises whether it is possible to wash the tent in a washing machine, and how to properly care for it.
to the contents ↑Proper care of the tent
The competent care of the tourist equipment is no less important than the proper operation. The tent is broken in field conditions, sometimes in bad weather, as a result of which it quickly deteriorates, the fabric wears out, soaked with the smell of fire and earth. Often, after she is at home, some careless tourists just put her away in the case to the storage space, but this is categorically wrong.
Here are some recommendations for proper care so that you do not have to puzzle frequently with questions, whether it is possible to wash the tent in a washing machine and generally clean it of solid dirt and mildew:
- Before you collect a tent, you must let it dry out. Rain, dew, moist air greatly harms matter, because of what it very quickly ceases to perform its functions.
- If it did not work out to dry the tent in the field, then it must be done at home. To do this, put it in a large room and allow to dry. If you remove raw equipment, then the probability of mold is high.
- If grease or oil stains are found, they should not be removed. In extreme cases, you can use special tools to work with tarpaulins. If there is no such thing, let the tent dry and put it away for storage.
- Pieces of land, needles, sand and other small debris should be swept out of the tent before being removed into a protective case for transportation and storage.
How to wash a tent by hand?
It is believed that manual tent washing is most effective and safe. Here's an algorithm for how to wash a tent without a washing machine:
- Install a tent in a room or next to a pond - so that dirt and water do not remain in the warehouses of the fabric.
- Collect a bucket of warm water and add a little cleanser, such as hand-washing powder. If you took the powder - wait for it to completely dissolve.
Important! Remember that if you wash your tent in nature, do not pour soapy water into a pond.
- Use a lather with a sponge to wipe the surface of the fabric of the installed tent. Try to maximally squeeze the sponge before washing - the equipment will then be easier to dry and on it there will be no stains.
- No effort should be made to wash off complex contaminants. This can disrupt the structure of matter, as a result of which it ceases to retain moisture and rain.
- In the end, wipe the tent with a sponge without soap and allow the fabric to dry. Only after that, you can collect and clean equipment in the cover.
How to wash a tent in a washing machine?
Many tourists prefer to use a washing machine for washing tents, because it is fast, plus, it helps to remove even the strongest dirt. However, experts do not recommend using machine wash, because it often worsens the condition of the fabric.
If you still decide to use this method, you need to consider the following recommendations to wash the tent in the washing machine, but do not spoil it:
- Use only delicate washing. As a rule, the program has a fairly low temperature and sparing speed of revolutions. In advance, it is necessary to turn off the spin and turn on the additional rinse.
- As a detergent, it is best to use a liquid powder. It is most effective for removing strong contaminants, well rinsed out of any fabric.
- After washing, leave a tent in the car for a short while - so the excess water drains.
- Drying a tent is best on the balcony, if there is no direct sunlight. However, the best way to quickly and effectively dry the tent is to collect it. In this case, it will dry up in just a couple of hours.
How to remove mold?
Often on the fabric of tourist equipment after years of mold is formed. This is most often due to the fact that it was cleaned in a cover in a raw form. If a similar problem has arisen, then it is necessary to use special means, otherwise - the mold will start to grow and wear out the fabric of much needed equipment for outdoor activities.
What you can do:
- It is recommended to clean only expensive models from mold. A cheap tent covered with mold is better to throw out - it can not survive the impact of the tool, in addition, the effect of it will be minimal.
- Buy a spray in the tourist store against mold on tarps. Sometimes it can be found in the form of a powder or gel, however it is not entirely convenient.
- Apply the product to the inside of the material and allow it to dry out, then remove the gear in the cover.
Removal of mold in folk way
Experienced tourists know that the mold on the tent can be removed and improvised means. For example, this option is excellent:
- Prepare a large container of water.
- Add vinegar to it, based on the proportion of 70:30.Such a solution will not harm the tissue, but it helps to remove the mold.
- After this, treat the spoiled material with a sponge and leave to dry and ventilate.
Important! All folk remedies must be used with great care. Not all models, but especially cheap ones, can withstand the effects of acid.
Now you know if it is possible to wash a tent in a washing machine, how to care for it. Only proper care and accurate operation will prolong the life of your equipment. After all, a tent is a portable home, and every tourist wants it to be dry, reliable and clean.