Repair of an apartment or house - not very pleasant activity, even if sufficient funds and have a team to run it. However, everyone wants to make it with high quality and at the same time with minimal cost. The review editors describe several ways to save money on repairs and on what type of work it should not do.

Read article
- 1 Useful tips on how to save on repairs of apartment
- 1.1 How to save on repair of apartments in new buildings
- 1.2 Finish different rooms, or how to save on repair of apartments with their own hands
- 1.2.1 living rooms
- 1.2.2 How to save on kitchen remodeling
- 1.2.3 How to save on repair of bathroom and toilet
- 2 How to save on finishing materials during repairs
- 2.1 How to save the wallpaper and other materials for walls
- 2.2 How to save on floor repairs
- 2.3 Stucco
- 2.4 Windows and interior doors
- 2.5 Wiring and equipment
- 3 On what else you can save during repair
- 4 On what can not save
- 5 A few words in conclusion
Useful tips on how to save on repairs of apartment
Repair of an apartment or house, especially the capital, - it is a project, building and finishing materials, the installation of new or replacement of old utilities, construction services and many more. Consider how you can save on the finishing of different rooms in the new building and the secondary housing.

How to save on repair of apartments in new buildings
By purchasing housing in new buildings or in the secondary market, you can save considerably if from the beginning to design everything correctly. Buying an apartment in a new building, you get the bare walls, the opportunity to redesign and construction of the room to your liking. This is a good opportunity to reduce the costs of preparatory work, the dismantling of the old equipment, walls, floor and ceiling. Some of the work can be done independently, and some still best left to experts, to avoid rework, unnecessary costs and loss of time. It is possible, of course, the savings on the drafting of the design in the repair of apartments, but only if you have certain skills in this type of work. Otherwise, without professional services can not do.

Finish different rooms, or how to save on repair of apartments with their own hands
Each room in an apartment or house has its own peculiarities. They affect the complexity of the repairs necessary finishing materials, communications and equipment. Consider how to save money in the repair of apartments in the finishing of different rooms.

living rooms
If the wall is very uneven and in need of pre-plaster, plaster, painting or wallpapering, that entails time-consuming and material consumption, then the best option would be to their finish plasterboard. He will hide various surface defects and will significantly save on the finishing decorative coatings. The new apartment is better to replace the windows and doors, especially if they are made from low-quality wood.

How to save on kitchen remodeling
One effective way savings in the repair space - the use style, involving a minimum trim (loft, minimal, etc.). Instead tilesTo the apron in the working area is best to install a special facing panel made of acrylic or chipboard with a plastic decorative cover. For the flooring in the kitchen is better not to use laminate. It is also possible to save on the furniture installed on the wall, instead of hinged units, shelves of different lengths and widths.

How to save on repair of bathroom and toilet
How to save on repair bathrooms? Yes, just. You can use the lower-cost but high-quality materials are not as popular brands, such as, for example, Ceresit. The toilet is acceptable and pokleit washable wallpaperRather than ceramic tile or wall sheathing plastic lining. On the ceiling can be glued polyurethane foam panels.

How to save on finishing materials during repairs
There is a lot of finishing materials from little-known manufacturers are not inferior in quality products the most popular brands. It can also be used for decoration low-cost counterparts. In some cases it is allowed to abandon the use of finishing materials, such as The interior of "loft"When the welcome presence of rough brick walls.

How to save the wallpaper and other materials for walls
On what can be save in the repair, so it is on the wallpaper. An excellent embodiment will luting walls. In this case, an update of the situation enough to repaint the surface of a different color. It is also possible to revet walls of gypsum panels and thanks to their smooth surface significantly reduce the consumption of finishing materials. A good option is to use wallpaper for painting, which can be used several times, from time to time by changing their color.

How to save on floor repairs
The most accessible, in terms of budget, flooring options that can draw anyone - linoleum. But it is best to use high-quality material. Floor covering should be chosen with an eye to the future. Bathroom, hallway and kitchen - terracotta, living room, nursery and bedroom can be laid laminate. The main condition is to save the qualitative performance of the preparatory work that will forget about maintenance for several years.

The most economical option finishing the ceiling - traditionally plastered or shpaklovannaya surface. However, if we talk about the future, it is best to install suspended ceilings. This option is preferable because in case of flooding the neighbors from above, drain the water and enough to avoid a new repair. Despite the high cost of this type of ceiling coverings, it is due to pay off and bring tangible benefits.

Windows and interior doors
Windows and doors is advisable to order directly from the manufacturer, not the mediators. So, you can save considerably, especially since the manufacturer has its own gager. You can win on the installation of laminate doors. It is the most profitable option, if you choose between wood and frame structures. But it is best to install vysokachestvennye windows and doors, which, in turn, will help save on heat bills.

Wiring and equipment
You can be saved in two ways in this matter. The first - the device home network with their own hands, provided sufficient experience and knowledge, and the second - the purchase of domestic equipment manufacturers. Also significantly help to save money calculations correct wiring, because the error may cause serious adverse effects (equipment failure, short circuit, electric shock or fire).

On what else you can save during repair
You can save considerably in making repairs, if you take the debris removal. For some companies, this piece of work is a significant item of expenditure. Also, if you work hired workers, should take on the purchase of building materials (of fraudulent checks already legendary). It is not necessary to spend money to buy a professional tool, because even little-known manufacturers of products acquired for one repair can easily and quickly recoup itself.

On what can not save
When deciding how to save on repairs at home with their own hands, it is worth remembering on what you can not do it in any case. And do not bring benefits as follows:
- substandard electrical equipment and components;
- cheap plumbing;
- workers from "sharazh-installation 'offices;
- finishing materials from completely unknown to producers' well, very low price. "

A few words in conclusion
Repair - it is "very cheerful", and it must be approached as well. We very much hope that the recommendations of our experts to help you when you conceive pereobustroystvo his apartment. If you have any questions or suggestions, please ask in the comments, and our experts will be happy to answer them.