- Types of detergents for dishwashers
- The most popular and effective detergents
- Special salt for dishwasher
- Powders for dishwashers
Dishwashers greatly simplify the procedure for cleaning the contaminated surface of used utensils. In addition, it saves time, water consumption and energy consumption. All these factors generally facilitate the care of the house and allow the landlady to spend more time with her family. The duration of operation of the equipment depends not only on impeccable service, but also on the competent use of detergents for washing dishes. In this article we will determine how to choose the right powder for dishwashers.
to the table of contents ↑Types of detergents for dishwashers
For a long period of operation of the dishwasher and high-quality dishwashing, you should carefully choose the right and highly effective detergent. In order to understand what is still the most suitable option, we will understand all the varieties.
Gel is considered as safe as there are no abrasives in the composition. This species is instantly soluble in water, softens it, eliminates even the most difficult spots, and is also an excellent option for porcelain.
Important! When using the gel, do not worry about silver, because when washing, the oxidation process does not occur and the original shine remains.
Tablets are a fairly effective form, but it is worth remembering that the tablets do not have a high level of solubility, so it is not recommended for short cycles.
Important! It is not recommended to use tablets in old models of dishwashers, as they are not designed for this type, and the device does not take such a substance as a detergent.
Powder for a dishwasher is the most common and economical kind. It differs in the convenience of dosage, the possibility of application in any modes, affordable price at a fairly high efficiency.
Universal tools( 3in1) - are the most practical and popular, because they combine several varieties at once. Most commonly, the composition includes the usual detergent, rinse aid, water softener, and also anti-scale agents and a dishwasher freshener can be added.
ECO - the main difference from conventional means is hypoallergenicity and the absence of fragrances in the composition. After washing on the dishes, this substance does not remain.
Important! In the absence of additional elements in the detergent composition, it is recommended to purchase:
- rinse, which has the property of protecting dishes from stains;
- water softener to protect the technique from scale;
- freshener - to give freshness to the dishwasher and dishes.
The most popular and effective detergents
Manufacturers of such products are more than enough today. Therefore, in order not to fall for a low-quality product, it is necessary to give preference to a proven and really reliable option. According to the hostesses, the following are considered to be the best washing machines for dishwashers:
- Calgonit Finish. This gel qualitatively and profitably launches kitchen equipment. With minimal use of dishes, a minimum amount of money is poured.
- BioMio BIO-Total is a detergent in tablets. Salt and rinse, part of this product, help to ensure a brilliant effect of stainless cookware. After the washing process, there are no unnecessary stains and divorces on the kitchen implements.
Important! Since the tablets dissolve rapidly, a shortened program washing process is possible. In these tablets there are no phosphates, flavors and toxic chemicals.
- Claro powder for dishwasher. This economical means softens water and protects the equipment from the process of scale. When using this tool, it is not necessary to place contaminated dishes in the soak cycle. Also in the powder are a conditioner and a water softener.
- Finish Quantum is a detergent in tablets. Qualitatively launches and rinses the surface of dirty dishes from stuck food products.
- Frosch Soda is a detergent in tablets. Even using the minimum water temperature allows you to wash the dishes to a shine. In these tablets there is no poisonous chemistry, phosphates, and also this means protects the equipment from the appearance of scale.
- Minel Total is a detergent in tablets. At any temperature regime, a very rapid process of dissolving complex fats, high-quality rinsing of dirty dishes and its disinfection takes place. It also effectively protects against the formation of scale, since the composition includes a conditioner and a water softener.
- Clean Fresh Active Oxygen Lemon is a detergent in tablets. Effectively rinses the dishes to a shiny effect, leaving no stains, and eliminates nasty smells. Silverware protects from blackening, and equipment from limescale, because the composition contains a conditioner and water softener.
Special salt for dishwasher
The main function of the dishwasher salt is to soften the water and prevent the appearance of scale on the internal elements of the equipment. It consists of well-treated sodium chloride, which eliminates unwanted impurities.
Thanks to the large-granular structure, the salt for dishwashers dissolves more evenly and penetrates into all the cracks. Depending on the hardness of the water, the required amount of salt is determined, which is necessary for the dishwasher to work properly.
Important! As soon as the salt indicator on the dishwasher lights up, be sure to cover it in a specially allocated compartment. Otherwise, damage to the ion exchanger can occur, which will lead to a blockage of the dishwasher.
The use of salt for the dishwasher offers several advantages:
- increases the operating period of the dishwasher;
- improves the quality of the dishwashing process, since active components of the detergent act better in soft water;
- saves from unpleasant water stains and plaque on clean and dry dishes.
If you decide to choose exactly the powder for a dishwasher, the information below is useful for you.
to the table of contents ↑Dishwasher powders
Dishwasher powders are generally available, popular and sought-after detergents. More often than not, users of automated equipment from a wide variety of detergents choose exactly the powder for the dishwasher.
The chemical formula of powders for dishwashing equipment contains four main components:
- Citrate component and percarbonate - scrupulously wash and brighten the dishes;
- Carbonate and hydrocarbonate constituents - have a softening effect;
- The citric acid component - perfectly handles the rinsing process;
- The resulting astringent effect provides a glycerin component.
Important! Some manufacturers also add salt and rinse substances, which prolong the operating period of the dishwasher and protect the equipment from the formation of scale.
Advantages of
Among the advantages in using powder are the following:
- The use of powder for a dishwasher is much cheaper than other washers.
- The ability to fill the right amount of powder helps to use a half cycle of washing when the dishwasher is not full. This ability greatly reduces the unnecessary costs of water, electricity and detergent.
- The release form gives the ability to control the amount of powder for the dishwasher, depending on the contamination of the kitchen implements. When using tablets, this control is much more difficult and almost impossible.
- No toxic effect compared to the use of the tablet drug.
Dishwasher powder at home
There are several recipes for making home-made powder for a dishwasher, but it's worth to be very careful with these products, since the dosage and application depends on the individual characteristics of the automated technique. These recipes are absolutely safe for the dishwasher, as well as environmentally friendly.
Tool No. 1
The composition of the first home powder includes:
- 1 glass powdered calcified salt;
- ½ cup dry mustard powder;
- ½ cup of borax.
It is necessary to fill all the ingredients in one bowl, mix thoroughly and place in an opaque bag. This product should be stored in a dry and dark place to conserve the effect of all active ingredients.
Important! For a more effective action of this home powder for a dishwasher, you should pour a small amount of 9% apple cider vinegar into the rinse aid compartment. It is strictly forbidden to apply the essence.
Tool # 2
For cooking you will need:
- ½ cup of baking soda;
- ½ cup mustard powder;
- 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
It is necessary to fill all the components in one bowl and mix thoroughly, and then add to the required amount when washing the kitchen implements.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to apply this recipe to crystal dishes. Also, sometimes it is worth re-rinse the dishes - to get rid of the unwanted white coating.
How to choose a powder for dishwashers?
The unmistakable chemical composition of the detergent for the dishwasher enables efficient and productive operation of household equipment. That's why this process should be approached very carefully and carefully.
In order to choose the right powder for a dishwasher, you should remember a few simple rules:
- The use of slightly alkaline substances with the addition of enzymes helps to gently and flawlessly wash the contaminated surface at a sufficiently low temperature. In addition, they can be used unhindered when washing different types of kitchenware.
- Chlorine, which is part of the detergent used, thanks to its stiff characteristics, quickly and qualitatively copes with any kind of pollution.
Important! To clean the silver, crystal, porcelain, cupronickel ware, the means with chlorine is strictly forbidden to use.
- Oxidizing oxygen component added to alkali, whitens the bleached surface during washing.
- When using a gel means it is necessary to review its chemical composition. The presence of coloring, phosphate, chlorine components is undesirable. In addition, as part of the gel means should be absent poisonous components and it must be non-toxic.
- In case of non-use of a universal dishwasher powder, it is preferable to use additional degreasing, salt and rinse components that can clean and protect this household appliance.
Important! For dishwasher, it is strictly forbidden to use standard detergents that are used for washing the contaminated surface in manual mode for a number of reasons:
- detergent for manual washing causes an increased process of foaming, which facilitates the penetration of the air mass into the circular device of the dishwasher;
- foaming process reduces the pressure of water and a non-qualitative process of processing contaminated dishes takes place.
In the absence of a suitable dishwasher powder, it is permissible to wash the dishes in the intensive process mode using the highest possible temperature level.
How to use the dishwasher powder?
As different manufacturers use different composition of biologically active substances, it is necessary to carefully study the instruction manual and follow the instructions exactly. In this case, there will not be unpleasant situations that can damage automated equipment.
Powder filling process:
- We find a tank for detergent powder and rinse aid on the back of the dishwasher.
Important! If the cuvettes are not signed, you should carefully read the manual for use, as incorrect loading of the detergent will result in the dishwasher detecting it only at the end of the program process. As a result, contaminated dishes are not cleaned qualitatively, sticky particles of powder remain on it.
- Select the compartment for the powder and open it.
- We pour a predetermined necessary dose of powder for the dishwasher.
- Close the lid tightly.
- Turn on the dishwasher.
Additional application features:
- The amount of the selected portion of dishwasher powder is affected by the type of household appliance model. In modern dishwashers, software development of the new generation functions, which save detergent, salt, electric energy, as well as the amount of water used.
- If there is a functional half load feature, a much smaller amount of detergent is required, resulting in a halving of water and salt consumption.
- For convenience, some manufacturers have a spoon to measure the desired portion of the means for washing dishes.
Important! It is necessary to understand specifically how to use the dishwasher's programs, since this will greatly simplify the process of using household appliances.
Now you have an idea not only what is a dishwasher powder, but you can also decide whether this product suits you or something else. Armed with instructions to your technique and our helpful tips from this article, the operation of the dishwasher will not cause any difficulty, but will act as it should - to facilitate and simplify your life.