- What should be the detergent?
- What is the best way to wash clothes for a newborn?
- How correctly to wash children's things?
- How correctly to wash diapers of the newborn?
With the advent of the child in the house, there are many questions about caring for him. One of the first - how and how to wash things for the newborn? For some, this dilemma may seem unimportant. But responsible parents who are trying to create really comfortable conditions for the baby in the early days of his life, do not think so, and that's right! So, how correctly to wash the diapers and clothes of the newborn? What tools are suitable for this?
to the contents ↑What should be the means for washing?
Before you give preference to one of the options, it is necessary to determine what requirements must be met by the eraser. A qualitative detergent should:
- not have any aggressive chemicals in it;
- it is desirable to be on a natural plant basis;
- respond to a high level of hypoallergenicity;
- is a fast and highly soluble substance;
- is easy to rinse out;
- does not affect the quality of the material, even with frequent washing;
- not to have in the composition of optical brighteners, for example, chlorine, but the oxygen ones are quite suitable;
- does not contain a large amount, and ideally in general, any perfumes.
What is the best way to wash things for a newborn?
The most simple and at the same time effective way - a normal baby soap. It is suitable for both manual and machine wash, if properly prepared.
Important! Do not think that this option, time-tested, has caught on and this is only the remnants of the past. The modern range of children's soap is quite diverse and will ensure maximum safety for your baby. You can choose a special soap with herbal supplements - turn, chamomile, which are great for the skin of newborns and even recommended as an additive for bathing an infant. You can also use laundry soap, but without bleach, and the usual - 67% or 72%.
For hand washing it is sufficient to use a single piece, carefully soaping the fabric. And in order to wash children's diapers or clothes in a typewriter, prepare yourself a powder. To do this:
- Take a piece of baby soap.
- Rub it on a fine grater.
- Fill the received mass in the detergent compartment in the machine.
Important! For one wash of 5 kg you will need on average ⅓ part of a standard piece of soap.
If this seems like a long procedure for preparing a detergent, and you decided to use the powder from the manufacturer without fail, be sure to consider the following recommendations:
- Choose only the quality of a quality and reliable brand you have checked to ensure that you do not make the right choice among all the current variety.
- Buy detergent powder in a specialized store or a large supermarket - here you are required to provide all the information not only about the brand, but also about the specific products, and confirm the words with the documentation.
- Be sure to verify the availability of quality certificates. Check on the document terms of validity - this will protect you and your baby from fakes, of which there are more than enough in the market today.
- Refine the component composition( absence of surfactants, phosphates) and the presence of special labels such as "hypoallergenic", "suitable for washing things from newborns from 0".
How to wash children's clothes correctly?
There are several general rules that should be adhered to when washing children's underwear. These requirements include:
- Always wash things newborn from adults, regardless of what it is - sliders, ryazhonki, diapers or outerwear.
- Do not load the machine to the maximum - while the effectiveness of cleaning fabrics is somewhat reduced.
- Regularly once a week, wash all the things that you use for the baby, even if outwardly they look clean - nobody has canceled dust and microbes.
- Use a special tool for newborns for at least 6 months, and in case of any, even minor, symptoms of allergy, up to 3 years. At what temperature do you wash children's clothes?
You have already familiarized yourself with the general concepts, proceed to the details of washing the baby's things. The first question is the right temperature. Adhere to the following recommendations, choosing the desired mode:
- When hand washing, use water with a temperature of at least 40-50C.
- With the machine, select the special "Baby wash" mode or set the temperature to 80-90C.It will give the effect of boiling, and accordingly all harmful microbes will die.
How to properly wash the baby's diapers?
It would seem that there can be wisdom. But still it's not so simple. Infants have a habit of frequent pissing and croaking. In winter, you can simplify your task by using diapers, but in the summer heat to keep the baby in the diaper is not desirable - this is a real torture for him, the skin will wither, sweat and eventually go irritation and dermatitis. To avoid such consequences simply - it is necessary to give a skin to the baby to breathe, that is, to use only diapers. Accordingly, they will have to be washed very often.
So, we erase the diapers for the baby after the "popis" quickly and easily:
- Rinse the diapers in cold running water - the baby's urine for HS has no sharp odor and saturated color. Therefore, such a procedure is more than enough.
- Soak a few diapers in a soapy solution at a temperature of 40C - if you do not have time to wash them one at a time.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Rub in soapy water.
- Thoroughly rinse several times, gradually reducing the temperature of the water. The last rinse is in the cold.
When using the machine, load the diaper soiled in a day after the and wash the in the usual "child" mode. If using the normal mode with manual temperature setting, be sure to double rinse.
To solve a more complicated problem, wash the diapers from the "shit", follow these rules:
- Immediately after the baby has dirty the diaper, remove all the feces from it.
- Carefully wash in cold water, in any case not in hot water, otherwise yellow or brown spots will always remain on the fabric, and they will not be able to remove them any more.
- Wash the diaper in normal mode manually or in a typewriter at a temperature of 50-80C with the special agent chosen by you.
Important! After using the clean things after washing the in the first days of the life of the baby, carefully observe its reaction. If suddenly you notice redness on the skin, the appearance of pimples or the baby has other signs of allergy( tears, a sharp runny nose), immediately take off your washed clothes, call a doctor. In subsequent launderings, use another remedy.