Balcony wall insulation can be carried out both with the outside and the inside. If the work be taken on their own, the latter option is preferable. This work will require certain skills, so you need to pre-acquainted with the theoretical part.

The choice of materials
Material consumption depends on the working area. There are many options of heaters with different pricing. But the need to focus not on price but on quality of material. Selection of insulation should be held with all the strengths and weaknesses.
Mineral wool
This material is used for insulation for a long time. Modern manufacturers modernized it, so it has improved properties and a variety of forms. It can be used in any configuration balconies.
mineral wool structure may consist of glass fibers, slag or rocky inclusions. On the market can be met rolls or mats, having a thickness of 0.2 to 20 cm. The plasticity of the material makes it possible to insulate the walls of any geometry. Moreover, this quality makes it easy to carve mats or rolls by means of an ordinary construction of the knife.
One of the main advantages of the mineral wool is a high level noise and heat insulation. The porous structure can well retain heat from the inside and from the outside while sounds are sufficiently subdued. This is especially the quality of vote by owners whose balcony overlooks the busy street.
But among shortcomings are the low moisture resistance. On the balcony is always picks up moisture, no matter how well he was not glazed. Particularly this phenomenon is typical in the cold season, when the heat in the apartment, and it's cold outside. The more frequently will benefit from a balcony, the more condensate is formed, and it appears not only on the glass, but also on all surfaces. A mineral wool absorbs moisture, which is why the process of decay begins.

Important! When working with mineral wool it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - gloves, long-sleeved clothing, respirator, goggles. The fact that the invisible particles that are formed in time to cut the material has a strong irritant effect on skin and mucous membranes.
See also - mineral wool insulation balcony.
Polystyrene foam (foam)
Also popular in the insulation of buildings. Budget is believed this. Among the advantages can be noted high levels of thermal insulation, easy installation, and hence saving time on the job. The density and the smoothness of the material allows the alignment of the walls. Light weight saves on strengthening the walls (for example, do not create additional rail).
The foam has a thickness of from 0.2 to 20 cm. Various manufacturers produce plates with different density. But it is important to know that the higher rate of this quality, the lower the thermal insulation properties of the material. But "hard" plate is easier to fix to the surface and they are able to withstand higher mechanical loads. In addition, the high density allows parallel conduct and alignment of the walls.

Council. If you plan foamed polystyrene top cover more dense material (such as chipboard) then it is stop your choice on a porous insulation - this will better retain heat and increase soundproofing.
extruded polystyrene
This insulation is similar to the previous version, although it is produced by other technologies. At the heart lies the creation of extrusion method, by which is possible to achieve high density. Extruded polystyrene is often used for insulation of floors, because it can well retain heat and smooth the surface. However, these properties can be used when working on the balcony.
Selling material comes in sheets of thickness 0.2 cm. Epps has special dowels through which goes fixing separate elements with each other - they fill the foam core or "liquid nail". And in the end, the web does not have any cracks. In this work you can use a knife to divide the sheets into appropriate segments.

If we compare the foam and polystyrene, the latest version of the density it allows him a long time to resist deformation. Also, this material has low flammability. Therefore, it is more reliable and durable in operation. But in fairness it should be said that the price of Epps twice more than its counterpart.
It is produced in the form of mats or rolls. The thickness can be very diverse - the thinnest considered to 2 mm, and the thickest is 200 mm. Foam may be used as an independent heater, and in combination with other materials.
There foil foam, which has one side covered with foil. Such coating is capable of reflecting the heat flow in the direction in which it is directed. That is, to keep the heat required to lay a roll of foil in the side of the balcony. For such purposes, the best option would be to use the mats as their thickness ensures a high level of thermal insulation.

List of necessary tools
After a choice of insulation will be completed, it is time to proceed directly to the work itself. Regardless of the type of material, the tool will be used almost the same.
To carry out the work needed:
- insulation;
- Heat Reflector - foil insulation;
- and waterproofing vapor barrier material;
- foam and gun to her;
- primer and sealer;
- antiseptic liquid;
- dowels "fungus" made of plastic with a core - size is selected according to the thickness of the insulation;
- level;
- sandpaper or sanding block special;
- hammer;
- a saw or a knife;
- Srewdriver and punch;
- double-sided tape and metallized.
After preparing all the necessary tools you can start warming.
Preparatory work
Warming of the balcony consists of several stages - preparation of surfaces, installation of the "pie", the final finish. The work will affect all surface - it makes no sense to insulate only the walls without touching the floor and the ceiling.
Also, just before the beginning of work necessary to carry out glazing. If the balcony open, without the help of specialists can not do, because there need to weld the frame and insert the plastic windows. When the window is, but they are old, they are recommended to be replaced with double-glazed windows. In the extreme case, to carry out the restoration of wooden frames - detected and repaired all the cracks, replace wooden slats cracked, repaired all the cracks with sealant. Even if the windows are in good condition, wooden or aluminum frames are not able to retain heat because they are "cold" materials, and they keep only one window. But metal and plastic products have airbags, which provide thermal insulation.
Preparation includes:
- First, all the surfaces are cleaned of all old coatings - paint, cement build-up, any other materials. Speakers or loose elements degrade the quality of insulation, as it does not fit snugly allows material to surfaces.

- Next, a wet cloth is removed all small debris and dust. Recommended optional vacuum balcony to clear even the smallest gaps.
- The next step is sealing cracks and joints. After cleaning, all gaps are wetted and filled with sealant (alternatively, cement repair mortar can be used). The joints between the slabs first expanded, and then filled with foam. also require sealing potholes and chipped. Although they do not interfere with the evenness of fasteners, they are the point of collection of the condensate. To eliminate them using cement mortar.
- Once all of the defects will be corrected, and the mixture is dry, proceed to the grinding surfaces. First knife cut off any excess foam and sealant, then treated all embedded defects using sandpaper. Further, all surfaces treated with a primer in two layers (the latter is applied only after the first dry), after which is applied an antiseptic solution.
Important! Do not neglect the antiseptic. The fact is that even at the highest quality work, not be able to avoid moisture. This layer will protect another stage of formation of mildew and fungi.
Also in the preparation of the balcony includes waterproofing. It would affect the entire floor and lower part of the walls (to the point where it will terminate floor finish). There are several options to address this issue:
- ruberoid - laying takes place on preheated mastic;
- impregnated with special compounds - it is intended for use with concrete surfaces and requires the application of several layers;
- liquid rubber coating - the liquid mixture is applied with a roller or a wide brush, and after drying create on the surfaces of the film, which is protected from moisture;

- waterproof mortar - suitable for use with a concrete base;
- polyethylene film - it dim floor interlacings the walls (about 10-20 cm), and fixed with tape.
All of these methods provide protection against the ingress of moisture accumulation and on the balcony.
Warming of the balcony: the options
Self-wall insulation on the balcony should spend inside. From the outside this would be extremely difficult, especially if it is not the ground floor. Depending on what kind of material was chosen for this purpose, the technology may be slightly different.
Option №1 - mineral wool
One of budgetary options warming. Since rockwool is afraid of water, the waterproofing is to pay attention. It is recommended to use the most expensive material to be covered, not only sex, but also completely entire wall.
Stages of work on mineral wool insulation:
- Creating a wooden battens. Require rail 40x50 mm. Fixing is carried out using dowels and punch. It will be the basis for fixing the final coating. Step between rails should not exceed 60 cm, since there is a risk that over time will strain these plates, which is why there slack material. Moreover, this standard width of the mineral wool slabs.
- Installation of insulation. For reliable fixation can use a special glue cement. Although the width of the crates allows simply insert plates inside. If the balcony wall is concrete and wood, you can use a staple gun. The material is divided into the desired lengths and is mounted in the space of crates.

- Vapor barrier. In mineral wool insulation film is fixed (its role can execute ordinary polyethylene). Fixing is carried out by a stapler construction. For reliable insulation foil tape is recommended to secure the material on the circuit.
After all these steps, you are ready to finish the final installation.
Variant №2 - foam
This material is less expensive mineral wool, so it is quite often used for insulating surfaces. Laying process is similar to the previous embodiment.
You need to do the following:
- First, create a moisture barrier. For this purpose, the walls may be treated with a special compound based on cement. Cover is recommended not only walls, but also the entire ceiling. A more economical alternative is polyethylene or any similar material. Fixation is carried out with the help of construction stapler or tape.
- There is also need to create a crate. It is similarly as in the case of mineral wool. Only then step is performed at 50 cm. For strength, corners crates are made with metal corners. If foam insulated and the floor, the frame is created first on it and then on the walls. Only in the first case will require a thicker rack - 50x100 mm.

- The foam is divided into appropriate sizes and fit into crates cell. Unlike wool, there is required a mandatory fixing of the adhesive composition.
- Settling on top of another vapor barrier. Can be used the same materials as in the first layer.
Important. The foam has a large thickness, therefore during stacking it "consumes" useful terrace area. Of course, it can be divided in the thickness, but it will reduce the thermal conductivity performance.
Final part
After the internal insulation of the walls with his own hands will be carried out, you can proceed to the final work. To start it after it is laid a layer of a vapor barrier on all surfaces. It is worth remembering that in the corners on one of the 'cool' side need to leave a gap to avoid "cold bridges".
In order to fully complete all work to be done the following:
- Hold insulation around the windows. Closed up all the joints between the surfaces. For this purpose the foam, which residues are removed by special solvent. After stripping pasted seams aluminum tape.
- The final finish. On rough floor plank final coating. Wiring method depends on the material chosen. By lathing on a wall over the insulation material is fixed finishing sheets - drywall, paneling, evroreyka, plastic plates, etc. Fixation is carried out by means of screws. If you used the drywall, the seams and the point of connection of fasteners need to putty. Further, the walls can be painted or wallpaper.

Warming of the balcony with his hands - not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. The main thing to deal with the process technology.