When building a house, particularly in roofing, always leave an opening for the flue and vent pipes. And, as if the builders did not try to put a roof close to the chimney, still remain gaps. Penetrating through them moisture can create a lot of trouble to the house owners.
It is fraught with reduction in the life of the roof, damage the supporting structures and simply uncomfortable accommodation. Errors in the seal may result in the following consequences:
- leakage, accumulation of large amounts of water inside the home, etc .;
- process putrefaction caused by excessive moisture in the places where it should not be;
- disruption of the chimney, the lack of traction.
To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, you need to take care of the proper sealing of the chimney on the roof. Blessing now no problems with the materials or with the methods of sealing problems will not arise. The market offers a huge number of special equipment and materials for such purposes. With regard to the - here it all depends on the type of roof, as well as the form of the pipe itself.
Why you need to seal the tube

Reasons treat responsibly to the process of sealing can be set. Among them I would like to highlight:
- reduction of energy losses, in particular heat, which must remain inside the house;
- full protection of the interior of the house from the rain;
- reducing the amount of condensate that interferes with the proper functioning of the chimney;
- Fire safety.
The last point can be attributed to the fact that the chimney is often heated to very high temperatures. If at this time is in the immediate vicinity of any flammable material - fire can not escape. Therefore, it is important to separate the pipe from the other building structures.
Insulation requirements

All sealing of the chimney on the roof of a house must meet several requirements:
- protection of the inner part of the house (attic) of atmospheric moisture;
- the presence of the heat-insulating properties;
- strength, because the material itself is in direct contact with the external environment;
- durability;
- Fully compatible with the type of roofing;
- environmental friendliness;
- economy.
Additional consideration roofing material, tube material, temperatures which may arise in the flue pipe.
As stated previously, the method of sealing depends on the type of roofing. Sometimes used sealants of the following materials:
- silicone;
- polyurethane;
- bitumen.
Silicone and polyurethane are very often not used in pure form for sealing gaps. They are ideal for small repair of the roof, or work with the smallest gaps. For chimney insulation is best to use a mixture of bitumen. They are extremely durable, versatile, and, most importantly, cheap.
Also, there are some very common ways of isolation are based on the use of special parts.
Methods of sealing tube

There are three basic ways of sealing:
- Use of a metal collar;
- rubber inserts;
- membrane.
The first method is used on pipes of square or rectangular cross-section. It is based on the use of corners, forming an apron and special tie for withdrawal of moisture. Next will be considered an example of such insulation on a metal roof.
Rubber inserts are used primarily at round bends, since their operation is based on the tight encirclement of the pipe, which excludes leaks.
Well and membranes are commercially available mainly in the form of special tapes having on one side an adhesive layer, allowing a very tightly to seal all the gaps.
In addition, all methods should be divided into several groups, depending on the type of roofing, insulation is needed.
metal roof

Rectangular brick chimney on the roof of the metal can be "packaged" as follows:
- are special steel elements are so-called apron (on each side of a T-piece);
- These items are inserted in the pre-sawn Grooves in the tube;
- the lower parts of the elements are fastened to the roof;
- to the lower parts on the one hand fed "tie" - special device diverting water into the right direction;
- all the cracks are very tightly sealed with special materials.
Installation of the roof itself should be carried out after all of these steps have been completed, and the drainage system should be displayed somewhere.
This is one of the most common ways to eliminate the gaps between the pipe and the roof. It is used almost everywhere, differing only in insulating materials.
Sealing the circular tube on the roof of the roof sheeting is best carried out by using special devices. They may be called differently, but all are one-piece caps, performing the same function as the aprons.
They consist of:
- a metal sheet with a hole;
- frustoconical holes in place, made of rigid or flexible materials.
Fixing of such a device is considerably simpler than the tie device in a rectangular tube. There simply thread the hole in the chimney, and then a special harness seal tube and cone. To improve insulation, fixing the place is equipped with a reliable seal, resistant not only to moisture, but also to the high / low temperatures.
The market offers consumers a versatile caps that can be tightly adapted to his pipe. To do this, simply cut off the excess part, using one of the manufacturers of prepared dimensional cuts.
Most Viewed There are caps made of elastic materials, rubber or silicone. They represent a stepped pyramid, fixed on the basis of aluminum.
The use of such devices provides a very tight joints details have been left hole slightly smaller than the pipe diameter. Interference occurs, and as a result, a very reliable fixation around the pipe.
from tile roof

Specificity of this type of roof covering causes builders resort to other contrivances in order to ensure a reliable sealing of the roof.
In this case, sealing is performed by use of a special solution of sand and cement, which is placed into the prepared steel podvorotnichki. To ensure a drainage of the collar create a special mixture protrusion. It is formed by the ridge.
Roofing slate

On such a roof tube usually is near the ridge. Tightness in that case may be provided with a steel sheet is superimposed on the horse. Just at the location of the pipe is necessary to provide the small folds, creating a vorotnichek for pipes.
Fixation of the collar is carried out using asbestos ring, using a pin fixed to the pipe. All possible gap insulated with special materials.
This method is very effective in place of the pipe, but itself slate covering requires a special approach.
Soft roof

On a soft roof with sealing any problems should arise. All that is needed - contiguity of roofing material and roofing tape. Contiguity simultaneously fastened to the roof and the pipe, thereby forming an apron, which protects against moisture. To the apron is attached to the roof surface by nails or screws, and the pipe of the tape itself. it is also used for the complete isolation of all designs cracks.
It is worth remembering that the roofing strip is rather capricious way sealing. It is important to clean the surface of the maximum quality, which is planned to stick tape. Any foreign substances can significantly reduce the effectiveness of insulation.
Experienced builders recommend the use of tape as follows:
- first of all, it is necessary to clean the surface dirt and dust;
- further it is necessary to peel the protective film from the tape, but not directly over the entire length, and to start at 60 - 100 mm;
- while laying the tape, it is necessary to make sure that one edge falling on the roof, and the other - on the tube;
- the protective layer is gradually removed as the stacking belt;
- to ensure a snug fit, it is recommended to walk on the tape pasted special roller.
What tools are needed for work

Basic tools that may be needed for work on sealing the pipe:
- construction markers;
- Bulgarian;
- sealant;
- Drill with a set of drill bits;
- screws for roofing;
- Instrumentation, ruler or measuring tape;
- Riveter;
- corners;
- pliers;
- Hammer et al.
Common mistakes during the passage of the waterproofing through the roof:
- Neglecting mopping surfaces. This inevitably leads to violations of compounds, their insecurities and fragility.
- An attempt to fix the tape on a concrete or mortar tube. For such materials to glue the ribbon is highly undesirable, as they crumble. You must first process the bitumen used in place, give it to dry, and only then proceed to sealing.
- Miscalculation, which would entail unnecessary waste of material, or the opposite - its lack.
- Sealing household silicone, cement or asphalt oil. These are the materials that are not only ineffective, but may cause a fire.
Thus, ensuring the tightness of the pipe is one of the most significant works in the process of creating a comfortable home. The ways in which you can perform this job, there are many. It is important to understand that in different circumstances, the most appropriate would be some one. However, some experts recommend to think about the creation of the combined insulating constructions. For example, it is possible to simultaneously use an apron, seal the membrane in the form of tape, and on top of it all covered with more decorative finish. Without a doubt, this decision will be very effective, but also very troublesome. And the risks of improper selection of material is considerably increased.
In any case, a responsible approach to the sealing process will allow for a long time to forget about such a problem as leakage and excess condensate.