To qualitatively insulate the walls in the apartment, it is necessary not only to know what kind of material is suitable for such purposes, but also to understand all the nuances of the installation. Particularly noteworthy are the corner apartments, where there are "cold" wall. But other than that, there are a few features that must necessarily be taken into account.
Features thermal insulation of walls in the apartment
In the brick and prefabricated houses have a lot of problematic issues with warming. If they do not pay enough attention, then with the advent of cold weather it will manifest.

Among the features of the insulating walls of the apartment is to provide the following:
- Cold wall. This is the surface that is directly "out" on the street. Because it is exposed to temperature extremes of dampness formation, and further a mold. Existing requirements SNIP point to the need of its insulation from the outside, although it is not always possible.
- Dew point. This term is used to determine the boundary where the temperature of the water vapor becomes equal to the index of condensation. The problem manifests itself with the arrival of cold weather. If the insulation is carried out from the outside, the boundary will be shifted to the side of the street, at home - inside. In the future, it threatens the emergence of moisture on the walls from the apartment, because water can accumulate inside the heater itself.
To avoid condensation, you can use the following tips:
- to use the thermal insulation material, which has water vapor permeability index less than that of the material of the facade;
- insulation should have a minimum water vapor transmission rate and vlagopogloschaemost;
- conduct sealing all mating seams using vapor barrier film, and a waterproof adhesive tape;
- if the installation is carried out by means of an adhesive, the paper used in the applicator comb, which allows the mixture was carefully applied on the surface;
- prior to installation of insulation wall must be properly prepared - cleaned, treated with antiseptic and primer;
- in the apartment to be undeveloped qualitative ventilation (natural or forced type).

Important! The efficiency depends on the correct calculation of material thickness. It depends on the average temperature in the winter in a particular region.
Insulation: design options
The modern market offers a wide range of insulation materials. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses. Selection should be implemented based on the technical characteristics of the material, because of this the quality of insulation depends.
There are a number of important points that must be considered when selecting a heat insulator:
- level of heat conduction;
- fire resistance;
- breathability;
- environmental Safety;
- parameters waterproofing properties;
- life time.
Insulation for walls of the apartment must have high parameters of all these characteristics. And in order to know how best to insulate the wall from inside the apartment, you need to know what options are available for this purpose.
Mineral wool
Budget option, which has long been used in the construction. It has a high thermal insulation, vapor and air permeability, but the material is afraid of water. The structure of the mineral wool has a high porosity, which absorbs any water itself. This leads to a set of material mass, which is why it is simply not able to hold on to the wall. In addition, high humidity - an excellent environment for the development of mold and mildew.

During installation, creates a framework of special guides, which serve as "cells" for stacking layers. This process does not require a lot of effort and time. But rockwool has a tendency to warp, so 10-15 years is recommended to remove the topcoat and update insulation.
Expanded polystyrene
The material is made of foamed polystyrene which is highly resistant to moisture, thus allowing the concrete walls to "breathe". The price is quite accessible, so many people use it for warmth.
Among the shortcomings should indicate:
- bad water permeability - the accumulation of moisture leads to the destruction of the walls, so the polystyrene is not used for the decoration of the wooden walls;
- highly flammable.

But such material is much longer than the previous version.
Expanded polystyrene has high performance thermal insulation properties, so that it is possible to use it for insulation, not only internal but also external walls. Fixing material produced by a special glue.
extruded polystyrene
This insulation is a more refined version of the previous version. It has a more elastic and flexible structure, whereby the assembling is facilitated. This insulation is resistant to any treatment. Also it has good moisture resistance, light weight and an affordable price.

Among the disadvantages is to provide the complexity of interfacing sheets. But this time the modern producers were able to ease - on sale there are plates, which end faces are decorated in the form of slots. Thus, snapping element during installation is greatly simplified. Fixing to the wall by adhesive or by providing a metal frame.
Another budget option for insulation of walls. High thermal properties of the material provided by the presence in the gas (95%). It also has high characteristics of waterproofing, soundproofing, and has a low ignition propensity. In addition, its cost is quite accessible to everyone.
Foam can insulate, both external and internal walls. Therefore, it is often used not only in private houses, but also apartment buildings.

This version appeared in the construction market relatively recently. Unlike previous heaters, Keramoizol sold in bulk, rather than in the platens or rolls. Such a mixture is sold in different quantities.
Keramoizol convenient in application, since it does not require the creation of frames and fixing other grounds. In this case, a heater has a good thermal insulation, water-resistance and vapor permeability. Liquid structure maximizes handle wall without worrying about the joints and corner joints.

During installation required to apply several layers. Experts recommend to cover the freeze wall at least 6 times in order to maximize the thermal insulation. Overlay of each subsequent layer is perpendicular to the previous. Application process may take longer than the installation of the foam. But if you take into consideration the efforts to create a framework, then this point becomes.
The only negative Keramoizol - the high price.
This is one of the varieties of polyurethane, which is applied to the wall in the form of foam. Highest efficiency is shown at warming the brick walls. The mixture hardens quickly, thus reliably closing up any joints and holes in the surface. The absence of air in the foam provides reliable processing of seams and joints.

Penoizol has high heat and waterproofing is not flammable and does not emit any toxins during operation. One of the advantages of the heater is operating speed. However, after the complete drying of the foam need to additionally align the surface, since it solidifies is not uniform, getting relief structure.
This insulation has the form of a suspension in which solid components are of different polymers. For the treatment of the walls here require gun or paintbrush. In the first case, the additional costs, though this tool can save time and energy. For full insulation is required to put a layer of 1 cm, which in its properties will correspond to a 50 cm layer of mineral wool.

This material is convenient because it does not "eats" a useful area of the room. In addition, with proper mixing, a homogeneous structure will also once proceed to the finish registration. Therefore Astratek often used under the wallpaper, so it does not require additional alignment. But in fairness it should be said that such a heater is expensive, so it is not often used for large areas.
Acquainted with all the ins and outs of each heater, it is not so difficult to make a choice of what you can insulate the wall from inside the apartment.
Process insulating walls
Regardless of the type of insulation, the installation process is a mandatory step. On the quality of their performance depends on the life of the material itself and the temperature conditions in the apartment.
One of the highlights is to prepare the walls for mounting a heater. The first step is removed from all surfaces of the old coating. Wallpaper is easy to remove if they are pre sprinkle with water and then with a spatula to remove the paper from the wall. If you remain the slightest particle, it can interfere with a heater to fully carry out its functions.
If the wall is uneven, it is required to align. This requirement can be achieved by means of putty or drywall. But in the latter case, the material may be already a kind of additional warming. This approach is used in the walls of major defects (irregularities over 1 cm), and it requires additional investments, as drywall attached only on the metal frame.
Once the wall is cleaned and completely dry plaster, it is treated with a special antiseptic solution. Such a layer provides protection from occurrence of mold and fungus in the future. There are different mixtures, each of which has its own way of drawing. Manufacturers indicate instructions for use on the packaging with the mixture, so the problems will not arise with kneading. Next, a primer coated surface in two layers - each subsequent applied after previous dry.
The important point is steam. The most optimum embodiment is considered of high quality polyethylene. Fixing can take place by means of staple gun, glue or foil tape. Also, the duct tape all joints are treated, in order to achieve complete isolation.
Before insulate wall in the corner flat, to be treated with overlapping connection points and angles within. In such areas, superimposed and heat paroizolyator. Further they can be masked by means of a box or falshkolonny.
"Pie" will need to make quality insulation. In this case it will be several layers of different materials, each of which has its purpose. Depending on what kind of material was chosen for insulation, assembly can be done with glue or creating the carcass.
Method of attachment of a heater depends on finishing walls. Therefore, the insulation in the room can be one of the proposed methods below:
- Frame. It is used when there is no need for plastering walls. Such approach allows to protect the fragile insulation (e.g., foam) from mechanical damage. To create the base may be suitable wooden blocks (pre-treated with an antiseptic) or metal profile. For fixing on the surface using expansion bolts or screws. The distance between the uprights must equal the width of the material. If the insulation has a dense structure, then the cell must be exactly 50 cm less than the dimensions of the plate or roll. In the case of a soft material is required to reduce the cell size of 1.5-2 cm. Once the insulation is laid in the gaps, all joints treated with foam. After it dries, you must remove all the excess using ordinary or knife stationery. Next comes the finishing.

- Glue. This type of mounting requires careful preparation of the walls, which includes alignment. All cracks treated filler, and the presence of the projections, they necessarily cleaved and places embedded solution. For applying the adhesive need trowel. The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, which is indicated on the packaging. The mixture was applied to a wall and insulation, whereupon the material is pressed tightly against the wall. Clay dries in 2-3 days depending on the manufacturer, and then require an additional secure insulation using dowels-umbrellas.

Important! If work is carried out on the adhesive, the wall pre-mark a. This will allow the installation to execute accurately. Do not just cover the entire surface of the mixture, so it has time to dry up as long as one side will be insulated walls.
Fixing adhesive is acceptable in cases where the insulation is carried out using foam, wood fiber, Penoplex or foil insulation. You can use the skeleton system with other materials.
The final work
After the insulation is fixed on the walls, you can proceed to the final stage. After mounting on top of the material and fixed hydro- parozaschitu. The film is fixed by means of special rails or staple gun. The edges must go to the adjacent surface and fixed with sealant.
After all stages of the wall ready for final finishing. If you plan to hang wallpaper, or use decorative tiles, in this case still need to create the base of the drywall. Typically, when working with plates at the final stage of the forming paste over and plaster reinforcing mesh over which the gypsum mixture is then applied. After plastering and cleaning, the wall is ready for decorative treatment - painting, wallpapering or boards, etc.

Warming of the apartment - a simple event. But it requires the implementation of all phases, especially with regard to the preparation of the walls. If it is not treated properly base, very soon within the "pie" will be condensation, which will destroy insulation inside. Therefore it is better one time to spend effort and money on training, but then spend winters in a warm apartment.