A new heat insulator is known, which is a modification of the foam and at the same time differs not only in the ability to retain heat. It is an environmentally friendly material that does not emit toxic substances. We are talking about foam insulation or a new generation of chemical material. The properties of penoizol allow you to create high-quality buildings and reduce the cost of their construction.
What is penoizol
It is a porous material that resembles foam. But unlike him, penoizol is elastic: after pressing it is able to take its original shape. It also contains smaller porous cells. The new polymer is called liquid foam because of the similarity in structure and external data, but the process of its creation is fundamentally different.
The composition of penoizol includes chemical components: phosphoric acid, urea resin and a foaming agent. These compounds, in certain proportions, enter the compressed air device intended for synthesis. As a result of chemical reactions, a mass in the form of a foam is obtained. Increasing in volume, it fills any cracks, cracks, spaces between structures.

White clots and jelly-like consistency resembles expanded polystyrene, but differs in a fine-meshed structure. Possesses:
- excellent thermal insulation capabilities;
- resistance to moisture and fire;
- environmental friendliness;
- elasticity;
- the ability to tightly close any holes and gaps.
Installation of insulation is carried out by spraying using a special device. With a small amount of work, penoizol is used in cylinders. The new polymer is used for thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, filling of ceilings between floors.
When the components are combined in the required ratios, penoizol does not harden immediately. The process goes gradually:
- after 10-15 minutes, the foam sets a little;
- after 1-4 hours it hardens;
- after 2-3 days it becomes thoroughly solid and acquires the necessary qualities.
When applied to the surface, it resembles polyurethane foam. The spraying technology assumes a seamless layer of thermal insulation, which makes it possible to process any geometric structures.
Important! The new material is used in construction in many countries, since high thermal insulation is combined with low costs for its manufacture. The installation of the insulation is carried out quickly, the speed of work increases by 4-5 times, and the use in lightweight, lightweight structures makes the material even more in demand.
Penoizol characteristic

Penoizol insulation has excellent characteristics. Among its advantages:
- the ability to keep warm;
- combustion resistance;
- resistance to agents of biological and chemical nature;
- the ability to retain moisture;
- the ability to pass air;
- strength and durability when used.
To assess the quality of the new generation material, consider its characteristics in more detail.
The ability to retain heat and fire resistance

Penoizol has a low thermal conductivity, which is the most important advantage of the material. Even walls with a 10 cm layer make the house warm, while the cost of insulation is noticeably reduced. The layer of modified foam can be from 5 cm to a meter at the request of the owner. The thermal conductivity coefficient is in the range of 0.031-0.041 watts per meter per Kelvin.
The polymer is resistant to fire: it does not burn or melt. The range of temperature limits is amazing, penoizol can withstand from -60C to + 80C, which expands the limits of its use in different climatic zones. When a strong fire occurs, the smoke from the new material is insignificant: it is 10 times less than from the foam. It belongs to the toxicity group - T-1, and the degree of smoke is D-1.
Important! Under conditions when the metal melts, penoizol slowly dissolves, disappearing without a trace. It does not leave behind smoke or harmful emissions.
Chemical and biological resistance
One of the characteristics of the penoizol heat insulator is the ability to withstand biological objects and chemical reagents. Mold will not take root on new material. Mice and rats avoid plastic and do not form passages or burrows in it. Organic solvents and chemical environment with aggressive components do not corrode liquid foam.
Some consumers who use this substance complain of a pungent, unpleasant odor while handling it. It is felt during installation and drying. This is possible: if a heat insulator costs a penny, then it is of low quality. It contains urea resin with a number of harmful impurities.
Moisture resistance and breathability

The polymer perfectly absorbs and quickly gives off moisture, without losing its basic qualities. When dry, it continues to perform its function - heat retention. It is able to absorb 10-20% moisture per day, gradually evaporating it.
Important! Despite such excellent performance, ventilation openings and clearances should be considered, since the material's capabilities are not unlimited.
Due to the porous structure, the polymer "breathes", providing a comfortable existence for people in the room. This quality is also useful for walls, the destruction of which is slower.
Strength and durability
When using penoizol, its service life is taken into account. It is soft and easily adheres to any surface, adapting to their shape. But it does not differ in high strength: it can break at a break.
Experimental data indicate the service life of the new generation material: 30-50 years when distributed on vertical structures. These figures have been proven by the practice of using other polymers.
Pros and cons of penoizol
Let's summarize the features that are indispensable in construction work:
- Liquid foam is not a universal material and has a number of disadvantages. When using penoizol, practical builders note: a small indicator of thermal conductivity;
- the ability to fill any voids by expanding the foamy mass;
- the ability to restore shape;
- the ability to tolerate temperature changes;
- resistance to high or low humidity;
- steam throughput (at high humidity, condensate does not accumulate on the surface);
- high adhesion to any surface;
- immunity to mold fungi;
- long service life;
- high environmental friendliness;
- reasonable price.

Liquid foam is not a universal material and has a number of disadvantages. When using penoizol, practical builders note:
- shrinkage of the material up to 5%;
- the inability to carry out insulation without special equipment;
- high percentage of moisture absorption;
- weak tensile strength;
- complexity of work at temperatures below + 5C;
- the release of formaldehyde vapors during the application of the foam.
The pros and cons of the new generation polymer are incomparable. Each material has a couple of disadvantages, but the number of advantages allows you to safely use high-quality penoizol in practice.
Important! In order not to buy expensive equipment and to perform the planned thermal insulation work with high quality, you can contact the installation organizations. They will insulate the design proposed by the customer using a unit for the synthesis of penoizol and provide guarantees. When self-insulating, you need to follow the instructions attached to the device and understand the installation work.

Penoizol as insulation inside the building frame
Where is penoizol used
Modified foam is used when pouring:
- spaces between OSB sheets and concrete floor;
- air gap between two load-bearing walls;
- inside the wall and outer upholstery made of lining, siding or profiled sheet;
- between the rafter system and the roof covering;
- in a frame assembled from false walls or partitions.
The composition and properties demanded in construction make it possible to widely use the new generation polymer. The overall qualities of the liquid foam aid in the construction of a wide variety of structures.
Manufacturers overview
Firm NST ("New Construction Technologies") owns the trademark of urea foam or penoizol, it has all the rights to use the new generation polymer. In Russia, some companies produce a base for liquid foam: these are Metadynea CJSC, Togliattiazot OJSC, Akron OJSC.
The production of penoizol has also been established abroad, where it is produced under different names:
- in Great Britain it is called flotophoam;
- in Germany it is known as animotherm;
- insulspray is produced in Canada;
- Mofotherm is created in the Czech Republic.
Despite the different names, this is still the same universal penoizol, which is rightly referred to as high-quality building materials. Domestic and foreign consumers speak about it as one of the best heat insulators. "Material of the future" allows you to perform reconstruction or major work with high quality and at an adequate price.