Climate comfort in the bath is achieved at a certain temperature and air humidity (50 g / m3 to 60 * C). Maintaining this comfort is achieved by the use of building and construction materials with high thermal insulation and vapor barrier (aluminum foil or foils to fiberglass). For thermal insulation properties of the material can be determined as to insulate the steam room (steam, pomyvochnaya) in the bath inside to provide climate stability and comfort. Constant climate due to power consumption. Walls, ceilings and floors should be not only good but also a vapor barrier room which they form shall have a capacity allowing to heat the air in terms of comfort.

What material to choose for insulation
For walls (ceiling) plate and used mats of mineral wool. Proper insulation of floors (ceilings) provide protection from excessive accumulation of condensate and moisture. Soft, made of glass fiber mats with aluminum foil will solve the problem. The wood of any breed an excellent finishing material for thermal insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in all rooms baths. The main thing to choose high-quality wood. Possess excellent thermal insulation expanded clay, perlite, Expanded sand, basalt wool and penopoliizotsianouretan (termopir).
Insulation serves as a kind of concrete floor with porous aggregates in washroom facilities. Such thermal insulation structure has little effect on climate and temperature of the floor. 30 degrees is quite comfortable for humans. Its main task is to withdraw water down the drain. Using foam (foamed polystyrene) is limited by walls and ceilings changing room and dressing room. To solve the problem as the warm steam bath it is necessary to know the properties of materials such as thermal conductivity and water vapor permeability.
Low thermal conductivity in these materials at 10 (-4) kW / m x degrees:
- Air stationary - 0.24;
- Styrofoam - 0.3;
- Pine - 1.4.

Low vapor permeability at 10 (-6) kg / m x s x atm:
- Aluminum foil - 0
- Steel - 0;
- Glass - 0;
- Foam - 0.1:
- Pine - 2;
- Claydite - 3;
- Mineral wool - 7.
Not passed couples various ethylenic film, glassine and roofing. Such material is placed over thermal insulation layers in the walls. Tol (glassine) with heating smell unpleasant. Expandable polystyrene is durable (under 20 years), is moisture, it well absorbs and prevents bacterial growth.

The most popular type of multilayer foil heaters polystyrene coated on both sides with aluminum foil or polyethylene foil (penofol) To 1.2 cm thick. When the melting point of about 120 degrees liberates toxic gas. The same effect of the foil and cardboard paroizalyatsionnoy they prevent condensate film build-up at the junctions with the ceiling insulation walls in pair.
Insulate the walls, ceiling and floor in the steam from the inside
How to insulate the steam room in the sauna?
Regardless of the material of the walls, ceiling, floors with steam (brick, timber or concrete), the main element is insulated interior with a heater (mineral wool linings + 1 cm). This does not mean that the wall of the timber is not able to be insulation. For heating steam from the timber or bricks to the required temperature takes more time and heat, as it is necessary to heat the wood or brick at a time. Steam room optimum sizes of beam 15 cm will require 120 kWh. heat to heat up to 100 degrees to the ceiling. With an additional layer of insulation lining 4 cm and 1 cm heat demand will be 15 kW. hour. Climate comfort in the bath is almost completely dependent on the steam in the steam room.

It is necessary to raise the clean floor to the mark + 0.150 and door sills to mark + 0.350.
Warming of the floor in the steam room
To provide the necessary thermal conductivity rate bath walling is required to reduce the heat loss through the floor of the steam room. Steam is the most heated part of the building, so you need insulation in the steam room floor. Given that the ground freezes in winter to a depth of 1 m, therefore, the better teploizoliruem floor, the smaller the loss. Under all paired drip pit depth of 60 cm from a clean floor. Aligning the ground in the pit sand perform preparing a base thickness of 5 cm. At the finished ground arrange the core layer of foam insulation 20 cm thick. The joints between the sheets of foam handle mounting or adhesive for the foam. Perform two layers of 5 cm from the cement slurry mixed with the foam crumb and vermiculite (50/50).
After hardening the base solution is filled in with concrete reinforced with mesh of 10 x 10 cm, type M 200 25 cm thick, with zhelezneniem (in hardening the surface of the second day sprinkle very thin, uniform layer of dry cement M500) of the upper surface with a slope to the riser drain.

Having finished all construction work (but not earlier than two weeks), the stele Doschatoe floors. For non-flowing floor use floorboard with the fourth overall bias to drain. Leaking floor made of floor board with slots. It should be possible removal of the flooring planks to dry in the sun.
In the existing baths floors can be of various designs. The most common occurring in the steam room floor on the ground or in a ventilated concrete funnel (ladder). You need to decide how and what material can be flowing warm floor in the steam room. Option of warming, the hands - is to perform the concrete floor of concrete M200 25 cm thick insulated with styrofoam 20 cm thick. Keramsit or floor of a masonry reinforcement mesh 100 x 100 mm. Old sand needs to be replaced, because it is not able to be the basis for the floor. After completing the concrete work with boards leakproof lay a floor with drain water into the sewer (as shown in the picture).

To perform a flowing floor with cement concrete surface with the device bias to drain.
Thermal insulation of ceiling in the steam room
Construction of modern baths and saunas conducted using concrete slabs. Thermal conduction plates are not sufficiently small for the pair. Therefore, to create a comfortable temperature requires additional insulation. Fastened to the plate bars 10 x 10 cm over the entire length in increments of 50 cm from each other on the dowel. The bars shall be clamped to the lower surface of the plate or fiberglass paroizalyatsionnuyu film which prevents condensation build-up at the junctions of the ceiling insulation walls in pair. The last bars along the perimeter of the sauna should be pressed to the walls of fiberglass.
It fits between the bars or kaolin basalt wool thickness of 10 cm. Molded 1 cm thick with flattened nails caps presses the main vapor barrier foil. On the attic insulation film is further arranged a thermal insulation of expanded clay + 15cm thick.

Insulation of walls of the sauna
The walls are insulated steam similar insulation slabs. The walls of the timber (log) with insulation require special components. Before properly insulate the walls of the bath in the steam room from the inside, you need to know what happens to the beam deformation when the temperature and humidity within two years of operation. To compensate for linear expansion is required to provide for sliding the mounting pillar between the wall material and the thermal insulation structure. The better will run the support, the less will be gaps in the wall of the timber. If all of the timber wall formed baths, it is necessary to provide a shrinkage of 20 cm at a tapping device and insulation door and window openings not only steam but also pomyvochnaya with dressing.

The vertical bars 6 x 6 cm battens for lining 50 cm holds vertical grooves 20 cm long nail. Carriers batten bars are executed with slots vertically through the 50 cm. Nails through slots in the bars are nailed to the wall of the timber, pressing paroizalyatsionnuyu film which prevents condensation build-up at the junctions of the ceiling insulation walls in pair. Nails are arranged based possible shrinkage or swelling of the timber in the middle of the groove with insulation steam. And for the rest of the walls above the middle of the slot. Do I need to complicate
construction insulation? Yes need. This prevents logs hang on nails crates after moving it into the grooves of crates than increase heat loss.
Nails move when the shrinkage and returned after swelling with moisture. Maximum length (20 cm) move under the ceiling. Insulation is cut to size. It should fit snugly to the batten bars. not recommended for use in the steam room assembly foam. Vapor barrier sheets (penofol) are attached to the furniture stapler bars crates. Surface covered with foil should be directed into the room. Joints close aluminum tape. To create an air layer between the vapor barrier and clapboard kontrobreshetku use of bars 2 cm thick.
The choice of cladding
Can I trim steam carry plastic instead of wood? Yes. But sweating is not comfortable. For such facilities, even the tree does not fit any breed. Preference is given to the lime tree, alder, aspen and Abash. Such a tree while heating keeps the temperature near 36 degrees, not dark, not to burn the human skin. After steaming allocated specific pleasant odor for each tree. The choice of timber depends on the taste of the individual.

Related article - insulation penofolom.
To preserve the characteristic properties of each element of the decoration is necessary in advance:
- Cut to size;
- Planed, rounded corners blanks;
- Oshlifovat, Drill locations nailing;
- Run impregnation solution (borax, sodium fluoride);
- Dry at 60 degrees to a moisture content not greater than 10 degrees;
- Soak the brush liberally with water-repellent composition (highly diluted varnish PF).