- Important nuances of
- How and what to wash the green hair from the skin?
- How and what to wash the green with the clothes and upholstered furniture?
- How and what to wash the green with a solid surface?
Green or a solution of diamond green is the most common antiseptic that can be found in any medicine cabinet. Despite all its merits, Zelenka brings not only good, but also harm. For example, stains of a solution are very difficult to remove from clothing and skin. Difficult, but still possible. In this case, let's figure out how to wash the green from the clothes and wash it off the skin.
to the contents ↑Important nuances of
It has helped us more than once with scratches, wounds, cuts and other similar abrasions. It is impossible to do without green and during chicken pox. Its main function is protection from penetration into the open wound of infection and bacteria, and it will protect against possible complications. But if there is a question, how to wash greens from things, here it is necessary to take into account such moments.
- The most important weapon in the fight against such pollution is caution. When you pick up a green, be very vigilant, try to minimize the risk of getting it on upholstered furniture, clothes or hand skin.
- Zelenka is very corrosive and it is extremely difficult to wash it with ordinary household soap or detergent. In this case, special means and solutions are used.
How and what to wash the green hair from the skin?
On the skin of the hands, the traces of the green are very easy to put. Most often they appear from the sloppy opening of the bottle with a solution of diamond green. Some can inadvertently place such spots on other parts of the body. For the skin, the green does not do absolutely no harm - if you let all the nasamotecs, it will only be washed in a few days.
But what to do in those cases when there is a responsible event or corporate in front? In such cases, appearing with green hands will be simply indecent. If you need to immediately wash the green hair from the skin, some really effective methods will come to the rescue.
Alcohol-based solutions
It is important to note that it is better for children or people with sensitive skin to bypass this method. Take alcohol( salicylic, medical) or vodka. Wet a cotton swab and rub it with green spots.
Important! To increase the effect, you can add to the alcohol a few drops of lemon juice. This will make it much quicker to remove the green.
water conduit peroxide This remedy is absolutely safe for both children and adults with sensitive skin. The procedure is absolutely analogous to the use of alcohol-containing solutions: moisten the cotton wool disk with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the places of contamination with green.
Important! It should be very careful that the product does not get on the mucous membranes. In this case, there may be a chemical burn.
In order to clean the green with bleach:
- Take a cotton swab.
- Dampen it with bleach.
- Wipe the places of green spots with this tampon, and then - thoroughly wash your hands with soap.
- At the end of this procedure, wipe the contaminated area with 7-9% vinegar.
- Then - again wash your hands with soap.
Important! This procedure does not apply to children.
Cosmetic lotions
Such products have, as a rule, alcohols or other substances that can purify the skin.
The way to remove the green is also very simple, but it will take a little longer:
- Apply a little cosmetic to the clean cotton pad, for example, wash lotion, scrub or body peeling.
- Several times a day, wipe the patches with green spots with this remedy.
- By the end of the day the traces completely disappear.
Lemon juice
One of the most effective and effective remedies for removing such traces is lemon. To fruit acids act as quickly as possible:
- Take the lemon and cut it in half.
- One of the halves rub the place of contamination green.
- Wait a while.
- Wash the skin with soap, apply a regenerating cream, as the lemon dries the skin.
- Repeat if necessary.
Important! Be extremely careful and attentive, avoid getting lemon juice in the eyes.
Children's cream
He will do a good job of removing green spots. After the appearance of the stain, apply the cream on your hands about 3 times a day. At the end of the day, all traces will begin to disappear.
Important! Be sure to wash your hands with soap before applying cream.
Sorrel leaves
Sorrel also contains natural acids that can dissolve various contaminants. It will help to remove the greenery of this plant, if you act this way:
- Take a few leaves of sorrel and thoroughly mash them.
- The resulting mass begins to rub into the skin in places of contamination.
- Wash hands thoroughly, with soap and then apply cream.
Vitamin C
This drug also removes green spots from the skin. Buy a powder of vitamin C in the pharmacy and melt it in warm water. Apply this solution to the spot spots and thoroughly wipe the skin, for this you can take a cotton pad.
Important! If you have smeared wounds or scratches with a green, and they are almost gone and you do not like traces of green on the skin, do not remove it by these methods. If the wound is applied above, then the risk of infection is high. Wait for the final healing of the wounds and only then remove the green from the skin.
to the contents ↑How and what to wash the green with the clothes and upholstered furniture?
If you inadvertently dirty your beloved green thing, then do not rush to throw it away - it can be rehabilitated. Only the question arises, how to wash off the garments of greenery? There are several home-made products, thanks to which you can remove stains of greenery from clothes and upholstered furniture.
Important! Do not over tighten with removing such stains. They will only be taken out fresh. But if they already fit in the fabric, then it will be much more difficult.
Depending on how large the contamination is and what exactly is at your fingertips, apply one of the following methods:
- Bleach. A quality bleach helps you quickly remove stains of greenery from clothes and upholstered furniture. Apply bleach to the problem area for 3-5 hours, and then wash the thing in the washing machine. This procedure can be carried out not only on clothes, but also on carpets and upholstered furniture. Repeat your actions until the spot disappears completely.
Important! You can only use these products on light fabrics. The exception is only those products that are designed specifically for the processing of colored textiles.
- Whiteness. It does not fit for all clothing, but only for light, since it can discolor a thing. If soiled light clothing, then soak it in white, and then wash in a washing machine. It is quite easy to wash greens from clothes with this method.
- Soap solution. Wash things are wiped off in a soap solution. But the procedure will have to be repeated more than once, and at least 3. The main thing - hurrying to wash greens from clothes, do not try to enhance the effect of detergent hot water. Otherwise, the product will deform, stretch or shrink. And you will have new questions, how to restore it.
- Powder Amplifiers. Also effective enough in the fight against stains of greenery, not only on the fabric, but also on the skin. Soak and wash the thing by adding these powders. When using this product on the skin, avoid contact with the face.
- Chloride. Washing clothes in bleach will also help to get rid of the diamond tracks. Just be extremely careful, because bleach can not only rehabilitate, but also spoil the thing.
Important! Use this tool only on natural, very dense cotton-like fabrics.
- Baby cream. Put the baby cream on the contamination site for a few hours. After the end of the set time, wash clothes with detergent. The advantage of this tool is that it is safe even for children's things.
Important! If you want to wash greens from clothes with more aggressive means, you can use alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, acetone. But remember that such methods can not only save clothes or furniture from a stain, but also completely ruin it. If you need a more gentle means to pinpoint the green, you can use lemon juice or a cosmetic tonic.
to the contents ↑How and what to wash the green with a solid surface?
Zelenka can stain not only leather, clothes or upholstered furniture, but also the floor, furniture made of hard materials. With a cleaning in this case, you can not tighten, because if it has time to absorb, then get rid of it will be very difficult.
To remove traces of a diamond solution from a hard surface, you can use the following methods:
- Whiteness or bleach. Very quickly and qualitatively remove greens from a hard surface. Prepare the chlorine solution and apply it on the stain for about 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse the area with any detergent, eg dishwashing detergent. Then rinse it with warm water and dry with a towel.
- Eraser. It also does a good job of removing stains of this origin. Pre-moisten the eraser with alcohol and thoroughly wipe the contamination sites. Traces of medical solution should disappear.
- Acetone or pure gasoline. These tools can only be used when the furniture or the floor is wooden. But it's worth to be extremely careful not to spoil the surface and not cause even greater losses.
Important! Do not apply solvent to varnished or glossy surfaces. Then you will definitely spoil it.
- Medical alcohol or liquid for washing windows. It will not wash off the stains of the greenish polished surface.
Important! After you have washed the green with chemicals, be sure to wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth, then dry. If you do not do it in time, the furniture is guaranteed to deteriorate. If the stain is in a not very prominent place, then in due course, due to regular washing of the floor and ultraviolet light, the stains will disappear by themselves. Therefore, if the diamond solution has spilled out exactly in such a part of the coating, then it is not worth worrying about it.
Always remember that it's better not to earn a problem than to get rid of it later. Therefore be as cautious as possible and then spots of green on the skin or clothing will bypass you.