- Hand wash
- Washing jeans in the washing machine
- What things can I wash with jeans?
Probably, there is no such person in the wardrobe who does not have jeans. Despite the fact that they seem very dense, not every treatment is suitable for them. In order to keep the denim fabric better, it is best to use hand washing. But many housewives do not even know at what temperature to wash jeans. And meanwhile, after soaking in hot water, the fabric becomes faded, even if the tools are used expensive and quality. So, the proper care and washing of such things will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑Hand wash
How to wash the jeans by hand correctly? In the event that a pre-soaking is required, it should not be longer than one hour.
Important! When soaking, do not use detergent powder - it leads to discoloration of the fabric, loss of shine of rivets and buttons. To do this, it is better to use household soap.
The important question: at what temperature to wash jeans? In any case, whether it is manual or automatic washing, water should not be hotter than 40 degrees.
How to act to effectively remove all the dirt from the fabric and not spoil the thing:
- We lay out the jeans on the bottom of the bathroom.
- Clothing brush with a soft pile soaped with laundry soap, and then used to clean the pants. You do not need to press hard.
- The product is thoroughly rinsed.
Thus, the fabric will be damaged minimally, and the color will remain the same.
to the contents ↑Washing jeans in the washing machine
In order for your favorite pants to retain their shape and color, you need to prepare for cleaning in the car. It's not enough just to throw them into the machine and turn on some kind of regime.
Preparing for the process:
- First of all, you need to check that all buttons, locks and buttons are buttoned.
- Checking pockets, pulling out small things.
- If the pants have inserts made of leather, they need to be covered with glycerin - thus preventing their cracking.
- In order to avoid deformation, the product is turned to the wrong side.
- If the pants are decorated with buttons or beads, a special bag is used to wash them.
Important! If you have on your pants designer jewelry or embroidery, experts recommend that you still use hand-washing to ensure that the decor was not spoiled.
Setting the machine mode
In which mode to wash the jeans in the washing machine? For this, the information on the label is studied. The basic notation will tell you what the temperature should be, how - pressing, what means you can use.
At what temperature do I wash my jeans in the washing machine? Optimum - the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, and the ideal temperature is 30 degrees.
Important! Turns should be set no more than 800.
What automatic modes can be used:
- Jeans - this mode is equipped with modern machines, with it the process becomes even easier.
- Hand wash - in this mode, the treatment is delicate, full turns are not made.
- Delicate washing - when using this mode, the temperature should be set no more than 40 degrees, and the revolutions - up to 800.
- Fast 30 - with this mode you can wash jeans, for the production of which a dense fabric is used. Pollution should be minimal. In this case, there is no overheating of water, the product is erased only 20 minutes. This reduces the risk that clothing fades or sits.
If the machine is an automatic machine, the spinning should be set to the minimum or, if possible, deactivate it at all. Due to strong spinning, additional compression of denim fibers occurs, which leads to a reduction in the size of the product. Moreover, it can not be restored.
Important! If the size of the product - on the contrary, you need to reduce, you can squeeze it at maximum revolutions within an hour. But it should be borne in mind that the color will become more faded.
Detergent selection
How to wash jeans so that they do not lose color? It is important to choose not only the washing mode and temperature, but also the detergent. It is better to use special liquid preparations, because they are easier to rinse out. There are a number of gels that are designed to wash jeans:
- "Great wash", Russia - with such a tool you can wash jeans and sportswear;
- Dreft Black - a tool with which you can erase black things and jeans in black;
- Bagi Jeans, Israel - a means specially for washing jeans clothes, thanks to special substances, the fabric softens and retains color;
- Domal Jeans, Germany - concentrated composition for preserving the natural color of denim;
- BiMax Jeans, Russia - with such a tool, they wash jeans, cotton and linen clothes.
Important! You can also use the "automatic" powder that is customary for you, but the conditioner is added to make the fabric softer.
The washing machine drum is not the best option for drying denim. Because of this they can sit heavily. It is best if the product is dried at room temperature and ironed until it is a bit wet.
Important! Do not dry these things in the sun - the fabric from this will become rough and dull. In addition, the pants will be difficult to iron.
to the contents ↑What things can I wash with jeans?
Many housewives are interested in what it is possible to wash jeans in a washing machine. The ideal solution is a separate wash of fashion trousers. It is important to note that:
- Colored and white pants are washed separately.
- If in color jeans the shades are very different - they are better divided. That is, you can not erase blue and red products, however, blue and bright blue are also better divided.
- Hand washing generally simply performed separately, and then no things will suffer.
We learned how to properly clean jeans, what is better to use so that they do not deteriorate, and your favorite pants for a long time pleased you.