Rules for storage of medicinal products: all about the storage of medicines


  • What will
  • tell us How to choose a storage area for
  • medicines How to assemble a first medicine kit

If a typical average person is asked if he observes the rules for storing medicines and ask for at least one, he will most likely be confused. Many are sure that it is the retirees' lot to understand the medicines and know the terms and conditions for their storage. However, it is not. Every sensible person at home should have a first aid kit with essential medicines. And if there are children at home, elderly and sick people, then the first aid kit should not be one. Let's figure out how to place drugs at home so that they are stored in optimal conditions and determine the composition of the home medicine chest.

What the

will tell you When you come home from a pharmacy with an arsenal of bought tablets, the first step is to study the section of the instruction explaining the conditions under which it is necessary to organize the storage of medicines.

In this case, attention should be paid to the following points:

  • storage temperature;
  • storage temperature after opening the package;
  • storage period after opening the package;
  • humidity;
  • storage away from sunlight;Keep
  • out of the reach of children.

As a rule, in the instruction to any preparation there is a phrase about storage in a place inaccessible to the child. Observe this rule is very important! Many tablets look like candy, not to mention capsules with multi-colored "peas" inside, and a bottle with nasal drops resembles a puppet bottle for feeding.

It's scary to imagine what could happen if the daughter not only feeds the doll from such a bottle, but also drinks it herself. So the drugs that are used, as they say, here and now, should be kept so far that the children before them in any case did not get there. Storage of medicines in the medicine cabinet should also be organized in a place inaccessible to children.

For medicines that can lose their medicinal properties under the influence of moisture, it is worth noting: store in a dry place. This means that these types of medicines should be stored in places with constant air humidity. In the instructions to some medicines, the humidity is directly indicated, for example, not more than 70%.If the specific humidity is not indicated, it should be considered a dry place in which it does not exceed 50-60%.

Failure to comply with the direct sunlight protection regulations can lead to photodestruction of the drug components, which is caused by the ultraviolet component of sunlight.

Especially it is necessary to tell about temperature and storage terms. Distinguish the temperature of drug storage in:

  • not opened packaging;
  • after opening the package, preparing the solution, etc.;

The same applies to the shelf life. These temperature and time characteristics need to be known and distinguished. For example, the powder for the preparation of the "Regidron" solution is stored for 3 years at room temperature, and the solution itself is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Many eye drops in closed containers are stored for 2 years, and after opening - no more than 30 days.

Moreover, some products after storage are not subject to storage. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and note whether there are restrictions on the temperature and time of storage of the drug after dissection. If the storage times before and after the dissection do not coincide, the rules for storing medicinal products are advised to mark the date of opening on the container and from it to count the expiry date "after the opening" specified in the instruction.

Reading the instructions for a particular preparation, you can find specific temperature intervals in which it is advisable to store it. But sometimes you can find such phrases relating to storage:

  • at room temperature;
  • in a cool place;
  • in the refrigerator.

If everything is clear with the refrigerator, then under a cool place should be understood the place, the temperature in which ranges from +8 ° C to +15 ° C.The room temperature is + 15- + 25 ° C.So, it is necessary to choose the storage location for this or that medicine taking into account this information. The inscription in the instructions: store at a temperature not higher than + 15 ° C, should be interpreted in the interval + 2 ° C - + 15 ° C.And the inscription: store at a temperature not lower than + 8 ° C, it should be understood as an interval of + 8 ° C - + 25 ° C.That is, with such instructions, the lower boundary is + 2 ° C, and the upper - + 25 ° C.

Advice: do not forget that in summer the temperature in the room rises above + 25 ° С, therefore medicines, the storage temperature of which is limited to room temperature, should be transferred to the refrigerator. The storage of medications organized in this way will be correct.

How to choose a place for storing medicines

Now let's talk about a place where storage of medicines will be the most convenient, safe and will allow medicines to preserve their medicinal properties. As a rule, drugs are not stored in one place. This follows, in the first place, from the fact that different medicines have different temperatures at which they are stored. There are medicines that can not be stored in the refrigerator, for example, Valocordin. It is stored at room temperature.

In addition to the difference in temperature, there are other criteria, based on which many drugs do not keep together in one medicine cabinet. For example, medicines are separately stored:

  • for indoor and outdoor use;
  • liquid and tableted;
  • herbal preparations;
  • medical devices such as Esmarch mugs, tonometers, heaters, syringes, thermometers, etc.

Thermometers, especially mercury, need to be stored in a separate case in a secluded place: wherever children do not find it, and where it is not accidentally placedhurt and do not drop. By the way, by 2020, Russia plans to completely abandon medical devices containing mercury, and from thermometers, among others. Therefore, it is already possible to switch to alternative temperature measuring instruments: electronic, tympanic thermometers and others. They are safer, allow faster temperature measurement, which is especially important if the family has small children.

Separately, I want to stop at the grass harvest. They should be kept in dry dark places at a temperature of up to 25 ° C.As a rule, such a place often becomes a closet. If the packs with dried flowers and leaves are not opened, they can be safely stored there. But if the cardboard box is opened, it is better to pour its contents into a sealed jar, for example, glass.

If this is not done, the probability of infection of herbal collections by domestic bugs is high. They adore bright aromas and they, like a magnet, attract strong odors. For the same reason, open packages with mustard plasters should be kept wrapped with polyethylene.

Thus, by sorting the available drugs into boxes, we get a few first-aid kits. Where is it better to organize the storage of medicines? Suitable for this place in the house will be:

  • refrigerator;
  • cabinet in the corridor( upper shelf).

The refrigerator is suitable as a storage place for medicines due to the ability to maintain a constant temperature ranging from + 5 ° C to + 7 ° C.It should be remembered that the temperature at the door is 1-2 ° C higher. To properly store medicines in the refrigerator, you need to place them in a tightly closed box or plastic bag. If there are children in the house, the first aid kit, which will be in the refrigerator, must be securely closed.

The closet in the corridor is the best place to put a first aid kit in it. In the corridor, the smallest changes in humidity and temperature, there is no direct sunlight. The upper shelf of the cabinet is the most suitable place for storing medicines that are kept at room temperature. There will not reach the children.

Advice: The first aid kit should be located in a place where there is no access not only to children, but also to mentally unhealthy family members( if any) and domestic animals.

It is worth noting that such popular places of storage of medicines, as a kitchen and bathroom - not the best choice. This is due to the fact that in these rooms, due to the specifics of their use, the temperature and humidity often change, which can reach 80%.It is worthwhile to cook something for a long time - and the scale of the thermometer will show 30-33 ° C, and the hygrometer - 70%.

High humidity combined with heat can lead to the decomposition of existing medicinal components - as a result, the medicine will deteriorate before the expiration date. Also, high temperatures and humidity can cause the evaporation of the medication components and, as a consequence, increase the concentration of active substances. Thus, it will be impossible to calculate the exact dosage of the drug, and not knowing that this process has occurred, it will largely exceed it, which can even cause poisoning.

How to assemble a first-aid kit

In addition to the fact that the rules for storing medicinal products provide for their maintenance in the "working" state, if the correct storage conditions are observed, the medicines must be readily available, ie, if necessary, the specific drug must be in its place to bedid not have to look.

For this, there must be several types of first aid kits in each house:

  • common home medicine chest;
  • baby first-aid kit;
  • is a separate first aid kit for an elderly person.

Tip: the correct first aid kit should be a box, the cavity of which is divided into compartments. On them it is necessary to disintegrate drugs similar in effect. This will facilitate their search. In the medicine cabinet, it is not allowed to store medicines without specifying their name( for example, without labels or the rest of tablets in soft paper packaging, the name on which is torn off) and the expiration date. It is also useful to keep instructions for preparations.

The general home first aid kit should, as a minimum, contain medical preparations for emergency care. These are:

  • bandages, cotton wool, plaster;
  • hydrogen peroxide, green, iodine;
  • antipyretics;
  • antihistamines;
  • anti-cold medications;
  • analgesics;
  • antidiarrhoeic preparations, powder for the preparation of solution for oral rehydration.

If there are small children or elderly people in the house, you should collect personal first aid kits for them. In the children's medicine chest should be the same types of medicines as in adults, only allowed for use in children. If the child is given a pill whose dose is calculated by weight, it is convenient to put a small leaf with the calculation in the package. If a baby gets sick suddenly, with an abundance of symptoms that frighten her, in frustrated feelings, it will be difficult for her to concentrate and calculate the dose the child needs. This can apply, for example, to tableted paracetamol, activated carbon, etc.

It is convenient for an elderly person to collect all medications used by him and place them in a separate box. So, if necessary, he himself will be able to find what he needs right now, among a relatively small number of his own bubbles and boxes with tablets. The person well knows how they look, and will not confuse with anything else. As if the drugs he needed were in the common medicine cabinet.

When deciding where to put this or that medicine, you should always rely on the period and conditions of storage before opening the package and after. Medicines should be packed neatly, as they say, on the shelves. Then they will be easy to find. Buy only for the future funds that are part of the home medicine chest and are necessary for first aid. Do not forget from time to time to carry out in the medicine cabinet "revision", throwing out unsuitable medicines. Be healthy!