- How can I wash woolen things?
- How to dry a wool sweater?
- How to repair a woolen sweater?
In winter, there is nothing more convenient, warmer and more practical than a wool sweater. But how much it will serve you is a topical issue, since if you do not know how to wash a woolen sweater and act according to the usual method, you can ruin its appearance forever. To avoid this, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of washing, drying and care for such delicate products.
to the contents ↑How can I wash woolen things?
Despite the popular belief that woolen sweater can be washed only by hand, it can be fairly challenged. Modern washing machines have not only delicate modes for complex fabrics, but some models even have a special function "Wool washing".Hence - washing woolen things in a washing machine is possible, but only if certain rules are observed. Which way to give preference - it's up to you.
General rules
- Avoid temperature differences and even short-term exposure to high temperatures.
- Try not to wear a thing every day, so you do not have to wash it very often.
- Do not unscrew when washing by hand and do not use the spin or dryer function in the washing machine.
- Be sure to use the conditioner - it is possible for fabrics, and usual for hair. This will help keep the softness of the fibers.
Manual wash
To wash a woolen sweater by hand, you have to spend time and effort. But this will be the most delicate handling of clothing, which is required. In case you prefer to act in this way, follow these recommendations:
- Do not soak a thing.
- Use temperature not higher than 30 degrees.
- Before wiping a wool sweater, turn it inside out.
- Never rinse powder directly on a thing - at first it is well dissolved in water in the pelvis, and then put this thing into this solution.
- Rinse several times. In the last water, add 1 tsp.ammonia, vinegar or glycerin.
Important! It is better to solve the problem than to wash woolen things, use a "liquid" powder for delicate washing. It is better dissolved and rinsed, while you will be unequivocally sure that the fibers will not leave the granules of the detergent. If the use of household chemicals you do not like, use as a cleaning agent mustard powder or bean broth.
Washing woolen things in the washing machine
If you decide to save your time, forces and products from such material, wash in a washing machine, follow these rules:
- Use liquid detergents.
- Add an air conditioning softener.
- Use only suitable modes: "delicate", "hand wash", "wool".
- If you still decide to use the spin function, be sure to slow down to the minimum value.
How to dry a wool sweater?
The procedure for drying such delicate clothes is a whole science. But you can easily overpower it if you are attentive to the following requirements:
- After washing, gently place the sweater on the edge of the pelvis so that the main water glass - the linen thread for this purpose is better not to use, because the thing can stretch.
- Periodically drain the water to prevent it from being absorbed into the underside of clothing.
- Prepare a large thick terry towel.
- Gently wrap the sweater in it and leave it for a while.
- If after an hour or two it is very wet( this happens if the thing is bulky), replace the towel.
- Leave the product in this form to dry completely, spread it in a towel on a flat surface.
Important! Be sure to check that there are no heaters nearby.
to the contents ↑How to restore a woolen sweater?
If you were not completely attentive to the above rules and your sweater is sitting or stretched, the following actions will help you:
- The sweater stretched out. Dip it in relatively hot water - up to 50 degrees, then into a cool one. Next - dry, as described above.
- The "village" product. It will still have to be soaked, but in a specific solution of 10 liters of water and 2 tbsp.l.peroxides. After soaking it is not necessary to erase, just dry it, but following all the rules.
Adhere to all the above recommendations, and you will never have problems with washing woolen things. Hence - you will always feel comfortable, warm and beautiful in the cold season.