If you have purchased or plan to buy a home with modern appliances is the time to find out what should be the utensils for induction cooker. Wrong choice of the pan will cause the water just boils or will boil very slowly. We offer to meet with possible views and popular models.
To prepare a meal for the induction cooker, you must first purchase the correct utensils.
Read article
1 Why base of the pan should be magnetic: the principle of induction cooker works
2 The material from which is made utensils for induction cookers: basic varieties
2.1 Stainless steel and iron
2.2 Iron enamelware
2.3 Glass, copper and aluminum with a steel bottom tableware
3 Requirements to the pan for induction cookers
4 Specifics of determining the suitability of cookware: marking with a magnet
5 Features a selection of dishes for the induction cooker
6 Leading manufacturers of cookware for induction cookers
7 Popular models
7.1 Cookware set Rondell The One RDA-563, etc.: 6 rating 5/5
7.4 Turk for the induction cooker Gipfel: Rating 5/5
8 Features cooking on an induction stove
8.1 In a pot with a ferromagnetic bottom
8.2 In a typical dish with adapter
9 Terms of care that should be adhered
Why base of the pan should be magnetic: the principle of induction cooker works
To understand the properties of the cookware induction cookerWe should remember about the phenomenon as "electromagnetic induction". Due to this phenomenon, it becomes possible in a short time to boil water in a sufficiently large saucepan. It provided as follows:
in inductor, placed under the ceramic plate, an alternating current is supplied;
around the coil is energized, a magnetic field;
when mounted on the burner capacity, having ferromagnetic properties under the influence of the electromagnetic field arising between the coil and the bottom of dishes, induced eddy currents. The liberated heat capacity provides a fast heating.
Attention! In the operation panel remains cold because it is made of a material having no magnetic properties. Electric models heated.
Burned on the induction hob is quite difficult.
The material from which is made utensils for induction cookers: basic varieties
Ferromagnetic properties possess a limited number of materials. To avoid mistakes when buying and choose the right dishes, we offer to get acquainted with the most common types. Consider the conditions under which it is possible to use.
Various materials can be used for manufacturing saucepans
Stainless steel and iron
Cookware made of stainless steel has a comparatively low weight and high strength. Due to the high corrosion resistance, it can be used for the preparation and subsequent storage of various dishes.
You can choose a model with a matte and shiny surface. However, over time, even at a sufficiently careful attitude on the pan of stainless steel inevitably will scratch. In addition, in the process of cooking dinner, food often sticks to the bottom.
Attention! Before making a purchase, make sure that the selected cookware is suitable for induction cookers.
Cooking utensils of stainless steel has a presentable appearance.
Cast iron products, thanks to the uniform distribution of heat and environmental security, traditionally popular among housewives. Because of the "innate" ferromagnetic properties, they can be used for cooking on induction stoves. However, in violation of the rules of care, on the surface of cast-iron pans may appear corroded. In addition, they are heavy, so they can cause damage to fragile hob.
Attention! Given that iron has a porous structure, it is not necessary to use such utensils to store cooked food.
With cast iron products must be handled very carefully.
Iron enamelware
used steel coated with special enamel for manufacturing enameled articles. This material has ferromagnetic properties, and therefore suitable for induction cookers. However, at the bottom of this product should be thick and smooth. Cost enamelware relatively small. She did not have a negative impact on human health.
Enameled pans for induction cookers should have a thick smooth bottom.
Glass, copper and aluminum with a steel bottom tableware
Glass, as well as copper based alloys and aluminum do not have magnetic properties, and therefore their use on induction plates impossible. The exception relates to combination products, whose bottom is made of a ferromagnetic alloy. This approach allows manufacturers to offer beautiful products at an affordable price.
Attention! In contact with acidic medium fairly easy aluminum alloys darken. Copper products are of limited use.
The adapter will help the induction plate reheat food in a dish that does not have magnetic properties.
As the water boils in a pot made of different materials, can be seen in the following video:
Requirements to the pan for induction cookers
To pan, pan or a saucepan coped with the task, they should possess the following properties:
It is made of ferromagnetic material in whole or in part;
have sufficient diameter. To begin heating the bottom area should be at least 70% of the area of ​​the burners and therefore the minimum diameter of typically 12 cm. allowed 8 cm for some models cooktops;
have a perfectly smooth bottom. To induce a current pan must tightly contact with the hob. If there are irregularities unpleasant noises may occur, as well as to increase the heating time.
Utensils should be almost completely shut down the burner induction hob.
Tip! Immediately after the acquisition of new dishes for the induction cooker, remove it from the bottom of the pasted logo of the manufacturer, the price tag or other labels.
The bottom of pans for induction cookers must be perfectly flat.
Specifics of determining the suitability of cookware: marking with a magnet
To choose the dishes for the magnetic plates, you can go two ways:
Find the appropriate marking on a particular product.
Use magnets.
The first embodiment may be called a win-win. Manufacturer causes similar marking only if the utensils used for production of alloys with magnetic properties, and the products themselves are thickened bottom.
The presence of special labeling - a sure sign of the possibility of use on an induction cooker.
Option with a magnet may be wrong. The fact that the magnet adheres well to the bottom of the pan does not mean that the degree of permeability is sufficient for efficient operation. As a result, with a relatively high consumption of energy, water will boil long enough.
The magnet may be wrong.
Features a selection of dishes for the induction cooker
To get started is to decide the purpose of buying. Depending on what you plan to cook meals will depend on the configuration and size of the acquired dishes. The best option might be a kit comprising several pieces of different size. With it, you can prepare a complex dinner.
cookware size depends on the purpose of purchase and the number of family members.
You should also decide on:
manufacturer. From this depends primarily on the value of the product and its quality;
material. He must necessarily possess ferromagnetic properties;
bottom thickness. To cope with the tableware assigned to her task, the bottom thickness is 2 - 5 mm. The thicker the better. The bottom surface should be smooth;
diameter of the bottom. It must be more than 12 cm;
design. Manufacturers offer a wide range, so you can always choose the best option.
Utensils must have a stylish design.
Leading manufacturers of cookware for induction cookers
Which model the buyer prefers, much depends on the manufacturer. Offer to meet with the trademarks under which traditionally produces high quality products. Given the choice should be preferred:
Tefal. The French company offers a relatively inexpensive, but high-quality household goods. Titanium Pro Series manufactured thickened bottom for more uniform heat distribution;
Rondell. The German manufacturer offers a separate series of dishes designed for induction cookers. You can choose not only the pot or pan, but a bucket with a skillet;
VSPMO. Production domestic producers is a serious competition to foreign analogues. The line "Gourmet" Stainless steel can become a good choice;
Fillser, BAF. Another two German trade marks, under which produced reliable and stylish products at an affordable price.
Casserole Rondell RDS-082 - the thickness of the bottom 5.5mm.
Popular models
Large enough range creates certain difficulties in the selection process. We offer to meet with the models that have been able to establish itself with the best hand for many consumers.
Some models are very popular.
Cookware set Rondell The One RDA-563, etc.: 6 rating 5/5
Quality set of six items, including a five-liter pot, ladle, frying pan, a saucepan, cover and removable handle. The body is made of aluminum and a cover - glass. With a wall thickness of 2.5 mm, bottom thickness of 5 mm. Available in gray and black colors.
A review of a set of dishes Rondell The One RDA-563 6 Ave .:
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nabor-posudy-rondell-the-one-rda-563-6-pr/138725523/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Rondell The One RDA-563 6 Ave
Set pans Mallony MAL-SET-20/24 002 794 Rating 2 etc.: 5/5
Qualitative pan made of aluminum alloy with handles bakelite with a non-stick coating. Diameter articles 20 and 24 cm. Bottom Thickness 2 mm.
A review of a set of pans Mallony MAL-SET-20/24 002 794 2 ave.
More on YandeksMarket: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nabor-skovorod-mallony-mal-set-20-24-002794-2-pr/43204145/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Mallony MAL-SET-20/24 002 794 2 etc.
Bucket Tupperware «Chef": Rating 5/5
Modern stylish design. Volume 2.8 liters. The height of walls 18 cm in bottom diameter of 20 cm. Made of high quality stainless steel. The wall thickness of 2 mm. Hollow handle during operation is not heated.
Feedback on ladle Tupperware «Chef»:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5188078.html
Turk for the induction cooker Gipfel: Rating 5/5
Laconic stylish design. Made of stainless steel. Bottom diameter of 12 cm. Displacement 0.68 liters. Bakelite handle. Bottom Thickness 5 mm.
Reviews of Turk for the induction cooker Gipfel:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5205766.html
Turk for the induction cooker Gipfel
Features cooking on an induction stove
To quickly and easily prepare a meal, it is necessary to know the features of cooking on an induction stove, unlike electrical and gas models. There are certain nuances that vary depending on the dishes. We offer to meet in more detail with the intricacies of the process.
Speed ​​by induction cooking plate depends on the dishes.
In a pot with a ferromagnetic bottom
To how the desired result can be achieved more quickly, the pan should be placed in the middle of the cooking zone. It should close at least 70% of the area.
Utensils set on the hotplate center.
Tip! If you choose to fry the meat first Cover the plate with paper towels or towels.
The process of cooking chicken in batter in a pan made of stainless steel can be seen in the following video:
In a typical dish with adapter
If the cookware is not ferromagnetic bottom, you can use the adapter. In this case, the adapter is first heated, and then transfers heat set the pan. There is provided a heating sequential principle. adapter size are selected according to the burners and pan sizes. It must be perfectly flat and have a greater thickness.
Attention! Due to heat dissipation into the surrounding space heating efficiency by the adapter is reduced substantially.
Crockery adapter heats up more slowly.
The process of cooking with the use of an adapter can be clearly seen in the following video:
Terms of care that should be adhered
To the life of utensils for induction cookers was not limited to one year, it is necessary for the properly care. The list of care tips:
Refuse from Cleaning compositions containing abrasive substances. The presence of inclusions may cause damage to the smooth surface of the seabed and the deterioration of performance of dishes.
Wipe dry with kitchen utensils immediately after washing to avoid smudges that can impair appearance of a product;
Controlling the temperature in washing process products with a ceramic coating. A sharp temperature drop can cause cracking of the ceramic and the hot tank during the filling with cold water.
Do not leave empty cookware on the stove included. This may cause deterioration of its performance.
Share in the comments, if you had to choose the dishes for the induction cooker, and on which model you chose.