As at home to whiten and brighten silver: the means at hand. simple recipes

How to clean silverSilver fork and spoon, cup holders and trays, jewelry - earrings, bracelets and chains - have in every family. Silver - a metal light matt color, but over time its surface is oxidized and becomes dim, very dark color. Naturally, the type of products it becomes unattractive, and to restore his original appearance and luster, it is necessary to remove the oxide film with him. In these cases, the question arises, how to whiten silver chain.

Knowing which substances can get rid of the resulting film, can be bleached silver at home. It is sufficient to have a certain amount of time and suitable for cleaning materials.

Darken silverware, if they are for a long time in a humid atmosphere when in contact with sweat secretions and cosmetics. Trade network offers special liquids to brighten silver, you can buy them in the stores of household goods: a series of Silver - Cleaner, Quick, Silverbad, Means Aladdin and others.

Apply the liquid is very simple: a slightly wet cotton swab or a soft cloth and rub away the silver product. After clarification, rinsed with water and dried.


  1. Bleaching improvised means
  2. Ammonia
  3. acid composition
  4. A solution based on soda
  5. Products with stones
  6. preventive measures

Bleaching improvised means

Clear silver chain on black possible and popular recipes - there are many ways to whiten silver at home.


Ammonia - is ammonia, it copes with a touch on the black silver. The working solution is prepared by adding one tablespoon of liquid ammonia in a glass of cold water. The working solution should be placed silver item, such as a chain, and soak in the solution for 30 minutesAnd then rinsed with pure water and wiped dry.

If fading is small, can not withstand the item in working solution, to moisten and immediately in alcohol cloth or clean cotton swab and silver. Additional components can improve the efficiency of the working solution:

  • drinking water - 200 g;
  • ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap - one teaspoon of each.

Such a solution can whiten most zachernonnoe silverware. It must survive in the product for an hour, and then rinsed with cold water and wiped dry.

acid composition

As home to clean silverHigh reactivity have available at home household acid. They are able to dissolve in a short time the black plaque on the product without damaging the metal itself. To prepare the solution, you will need enamelware with one liter of water, it should be put on the stove and boil. In boiling water pour polpachki powder Citric acid, mix and place in a container silver product. Boil for fifteen minutes, then rinsed with cold water and dried.

Vinegar is in the kitchen each family, the effect of its application to bleach silver - no worse than the use of citric acid. Prepare a working solution can be as follows: a glass vinegar added to one liter of water, and bring the temperature of the solution 70 degrees - dishes to be enamelled. Zachernonnoe silver placed in the hot working solution stand for half an hour the product. Rinse with cold water, wipe with a cloth and allow to dry. If black is not completely gone, to be manipulated to perform again.

A solution based on soda

Baking soda is also good whitens the silver from tarnishing and returns it pristine color. To prepare working solution will require half a liter of water and two tablespoons of baking soda - mix all in an enamel saucepan and put on fire. When it boils - placed in the silver solution and keep it in the boiling water until it glistens. More complex cleansing agent composition:

  • drinking water - one liter;
  • dishwashing detergent (liquid) - one tablespoon;
  • one tablespoon baking soda powder and edible salt.

Water in an enamel pot brought to a boil, The remaining ingredients fall into it. The boiling solution darkened silver jewelery is placed and held in a solution of a quarter of an hour.

You can lighten the silver without preparation of the solution. There are dry bleaching process - toothpaste cleans the silver surface of the dark spots. This is done by using waste toothbrush, as well as brushing teeth. In this case, the villi toothbrush take out the most difficult elements of the product and is completely removed out of pollution. The result of this process - the return of the original color of embellishments. This method is most convenient to use: no need to pre-prepare a working structure, and you can take a tube and just squeeze the paste.

Products with stones

Methods of cleaning articles silverEarrings, pendants and chains, bracelets and rings of silver decorated with pearls, amber stone or coral pieces unacceptable cleaned from black solutions containing acids and alkalis. These stones are under the influence of the reactive reagents to lose their luster and become unattractive. Whiten silver, if it stone will help ordinary potatoes.

Prepare the potato broth of five tubers: boil them, remove from the pan. A square of foil with a side of 15 cm is immersed in hot potato decoction, and a silver foil is laid with the stone product for half an hour. The product was then removed from the pots and rinsed with cold water. The frequency of use in this way does not affect the quality of the stone.

Lighten silver stone can be and with the help of raw potato. After a fine grater to miss three raw potatoes - get this mass. At the bottom of the appropriate utensils should be placed with the stone decoration, top to close the grated raw potatoes and leave in this state for at least an hour. Then rinse with cold water and dry linen or cotton cloth. In addition, the bleaching process ammonia composition suitable for products with a stone.

preventive measures

That silver is not blackened, the need for prevention:

  • Caring for silverit is necessary to remove the jewelry when doing any homework and skin care;
  • it is not necessary to leave moisture on the product - it must always be dry;
  • store decoration of silver in a casket better exclusion of moisture.

Aluminum foil will prevent oxidation of silver, if she wrap the product.
