- Advantages and weaknesses of home-made mixtures
- Soft dishwashing products based on old recipes
- Detergents for utensils with increased efficiency
A few years ago, the housewives happily used household chemicals in the fight for the cleanliness of dishes, without thinking about the composition of sucheffective product and its effect on the body. Today, people in every way try to protect themselves from negative factors, so they prefer to cook detergent for themselves. It can be a soft gel and a very active liquid, based on economic or child's soap, mustard, soda, essential oils, vodka, glycerin and much more. Practice shows that by the effectiveness of such drugs even surpass their finished counterparts, but a natural remedy may have a number of disadvantages.
Advantages and weaknesses of homemade
mixes Before you can make a suitable dishwashing detergent, you need to compare the pros and cons of the approach, make sure that the chosen technique is practical, effective and convenient.
On the positive side of funds prepared at home, the following points can be attributed.
- Ecological cleanliness of the components used. Homemade products do not cause a negative impact on the environment and water quality, they are completely washed away from the dishes and do not accumulate in the body.
- No harmful ingredients. A completely natural product does not cause allergies and does not provoke the appearance of irritations on the skin. Of course, provided that the ingredients used do not cause such phenomena in everyday life.
- All components are available and affordable. Usually they can be found in the kitchen of any hostess, so if necessary, you just need to cook a little more of the composition, and not run to the store.
- If you want, you can prepare a whole arsenal of tools that differ in their properties. Some will be used to clean the cups from the dark plaque, others - for cleaning the pan and pans, the third - for washing the fat.
Against the backdrop of such positive moments, do not forget about the complexities that you will have to face when manufacturing a household tool at home.
- Homemade liquid or gel is consumed a little faster than concentrated household chemicals, so you will have to replenish supplies often.
- If you just need to open the bottle to use the industrial compound, then in the case of homemade detergents they have to be prepared. It's not difficult, but it takes time.
If you have definitely decided that you will make a dishwashing detergent with your own hands, start with the most sparing and soft products. For most of the impurities, their detergency will be enough. Having mastered the basic recipes, you can pick up something more intense to get rid of persistent greasy spots or cleaning the capricious surfaces.
Soft dishwashing products based on old recipes
Such folk remedies are excellent at coping with standard dirt and a small amount of fat. They are often based on household or children's soap, soda, hot water.
- Soap gel from glycerin and laundry soap. To prepare the washing mass, you need to take two tablespoons of brown soap grated, 8 tablespoons of glycerin, a liter of hot water. To strengthen the product, you can add two tablespoons of vodka. Soap pour a glass of water, mix and place on a water bath for dissolution. Stirring the thick composition, gradually introduce all the water. Having received a homogeneous mass, we add glycerine and vodka. The finished liquid is poured into a vial with a dispenser. Once it seizes and turns into a gel, you can use it as needed.
- Washing mixture based on soda. To make a good all-purpose remedy, take a glass of baby soap, ground into shavings, baking soda in the amount of five tablespoons, a glass of hot water, a few drops of your favorite essential oil. All ingredients are placed in a blender and whisked until smooth. The finished product will be similar to paste, which in practice is very convenient to use.
Despite such a soft texture and a simple set of components, these folk remedies perfectly cope with dirt. And the product, which includes soda, copes well with the yellow divorces on the surface of the bath and the sink, allows you to update the appearance of sanitary ware.

Mustard soap for washing dishes
Detergents for utensils with increased efficiency
Even from handy tools, it is possible to prepare a very effective detergent product. You just need to pick the right ingredients and their proportions.
- Concentrated gel paste. Take the laundry soap, at least two tablespoons of fine shavings, four tablespoons of ammonia, three tablespoons of mustard powder, a liter of hot water. In addition, you will need baking soda - three tablespoons. In hot water we dissolve soap, we cool the homogeneous mass. We introduce mustard, mix, add ammonia, we insist 10 minutes. Mix again and add the soda. We insist on the finished product for at least two hours and use it for the intended purpose. Before making such a composition, you need to open a window, otherwise you can poison yourself with caustic ammonia.
- Cleaning liquid for spraying. Take a glass of hot water on a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide and soda. All components are connected, thoroughly mixed and used in everyday life. The range of application of such an economic composition is quite wide. It can be used for processing dishes, plates, tables and other household surfaces.
- Mustard soap. Folk craftsmen have long learned to wash fatware in mustard water( a teaspoon of powder per liter of liquid).But a special mustard soap gives a more pronounced result. For its preparation we take mustard powder, which we dilute to the state of sour cream with lukewarm water. In the finished product, we introduce a little soda and mix the composition. The resulting paste is applied to strong soiling. The product does not even have to be scrubbed, all fat will fall behind on its own. But only work with a similar composition is possible only in rubber gloves.
It is important to understand that even soft folk remedies can cause unpleasant consequences if you neglect the technique of their production or thoughtlessly experiment with dosages.