How often House master in production repairs faced with the need to calculate the area of a room? Any difficulties do not arise, if the room has smooth walls and a square shape or rectangle. But what if it is triangular or all of its walls have different widths? Then the case will help calculator for calculating the triangular area of the premises. Let's understand how it works.

Calculator for the triangular area of the premises
How to work with the online calculator
In fact, everything is quite simple. Let's start with the triangular shape of the room. In the fields programs We are making the length of all the walls one by one. This, in fact, all the work is finished. It remains only to click on the "Calculate" button, then the result will be expressed in square meters.
The nuances of computing in rooms with different walls
Here the task is a bit more complicated. The algorithm is divided into two stages. To begin, divide the room into 2 triangles. After these steps, we calculate with the help of online calculator settings for each of them and add up. In the same way and act with polygonal spaces - any of them can be easily broken down into triangles.

Of course, you can perform all the calculations and independentlyBut not the fact that the meridians spend indoors succeed perfectly straight. And any disagreement - is an error that is not completely necessary in the calculations.
If, however, decided to make this work on their own, we suggest you review the video useful: