Not every modern builder of self-taught versed in all kinds of designs is building houses. And when there is a need to build your own house, it is important to know what the pediment, the role it plays. In today's edition of the publication HouseChief thoroughly consider all aspects related to this part of the design.

Read article
- 1 Gables of houses in terms of architecture
- 2 The main objectives of the gables, as a significant building construction
- 3 What are the pediments: their types and descriptions
- 3.1 Pediments trapezoidal, triangular and step type
- 3.2 Torn, keeled, luchkovidny type gable
- 3.3 The circular, interrupted, raskrepovan gables
- 4 Variants of decorative finishing gables in private homes with photos of ready designs
- 4.1 Making gables on wooden houses: photo
- 4.2 Features brick gables in the homes with photos
- 4.3 Look like a window in the gable of house: photos of unusual design
- 4.4 How to make the gable roof Siding: examples in the photo
- 4.5 Decorative stone for the cladding of the gable
Gables of houses in terms of architecture
In scientific terminology, the gable of the building - it's part of the facade, limited ramps roof on the sides and bottom - the eaves. Typically, this structure can be made from any fabric that is suitable from both an aesthetic and from the practical point of view.

Simply put, the gable roof - the person at home. The photo shows its release in detail. In this part of the attic can be located, separate rooms, which are characteristic of loft-style homesAnd other facilities. Also in this section you can organize all kinds of communication and establish various equipment.

The main objectives of the gables, as a significant building construction
Having dealt with the fact that such a gable in the construction, you need to determine what are the important tasks it performs. The main functions of this element should include:
- retention base roof. Well-formed gable cope with the task of strengthening the rays, which is especially appreciated when strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall;
- the presence of the front of the face walls makes it possible to arrange a separate floor of the structure, you can even make a few rooms out of it, if space allows;
- thanks to its design features, in the cold of space is not so fast away heat;
- wintering birds and prevents the destruction of the ceiling overlap under strong dampness;
- It gives the final appearance of the building, particularly if a decorative finish using a variety of materials.
Due to the gable manages to evenly distribute all the loads that occur in the roof at all times of the year. Therefore, knowledge of the basic functions will help to organize the constituent roof.

What are the pediments: their types and descriptions
Depending on the species, the front part of the roof will have an individual structure. In some cases, it looks very impressive, and sometimes even used in modern construction or restoration of historic buildings. In general, it is necessary to determine the number of existing options.

Pediments trapezoidal, triangular and step type
The individuality of roof design plays an important role in the formation of the gable. In general, during the construction of buildings, these two elements can not exist without each other. One of the easiest to be considered:
- triangular. It precedes the traditional base of the roof without any design. That is, rays when docking is formed between a triangle;
- trapezoidal. Such gable type used for extending the useful attic space. It requires additional installation floor beams. This option is found in the organization attic;
- stage. Usually, this part has no protruding edges of the roof. They are joined outside the triangle ends. In order to complete the wall in this way, the most commonly used brick.

This type of construction it is advisable to decorate the plastic lining or just spread the brick without additional clearance.

Torn, keeled, luchkovidny type gable
The following options were widely used in ancient times. Very many ancient architectural structures still have a similar condition. Let us consider the characteristics of each of them.
- Torn. It is an unusual design. At first glance, it seems unfinished. Such gable is formed, if the upper edge of the roof does not form a one-piece skate (i.e. not joined together). A similar option is often found in the decoration.
- keeled. Have you ever met the old wooden ships? So they have a similar structure, if they are turned upside down. This type is made of wood and in our time is almost not used. Only occasionally can be found at home with a long end. They also called keel.
- Luchkovidny. The semi-circular design variant of the pediment. If you look at him, he recalled slack bowstring. Such variant end wall can be torn more and under appropriate conditions.
The refined look is the gable on the house, the harder it is to design
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Staining or easy plastering - this is a great option for finishing the facade of the listed types of gables.
On a note! When building a house can be formed by a pediment with the same finish or be different from the overall design of the walls. There is a bias on the aesthetics.
The circular, interrupted, raskrepovan gables
Anyone who is planning to build their own homes, have probably not remember the complicated design of the gables. Each contemporary, most prefer the classics, or something close to it. Nevertheless it, the following three types of forced everyone to think about the possibility of the application.
- the circular. This semi-circular pediment, which has a considerable height and radius. A bit like a bow-shaped, but much more volume;
- interrupted. One variant of the classic design of the roof end. It has a horizontal ledge. However, it is broken in the middle with a purpose. Generally circular openings for insertion;
- raskrepovan. Such gable is broken, the protruding elements of the roof and eaves. Such "raskrepovka" can be found in large museums, libraries and other buildings that are architectural monuments.
Raskrepovok on the pediments in the old days could be a large number

The main condition that leads to the strengthening of the roof of the right - is the preliminary design of the roof with a pediment.
Variants of decorative finishing gables in private homes with photos of ready designs
Few people pay attention to the material from which made the gables. Consider the examples in the photo with a description of how options can be used.

Making gables on wooden houses: photo
Wood trim pediments very valued since ancient times. Some time ago, a registration ends were rich and presentable. It is worth noting that the tree did not emit any harmful substances, easy to assemble, and the right treatment is not spoiled for a long time. Making the gable of wooden houses often performed in a similar style.

The gable area can be placed plants, Which will play the role of the original decorations
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It is worth noting that the preparation of trees for use is done in advance. Only on completion of all the works it are finalized: color, decorating, cut, burned.
Features brick gables in the homes with photos
If the house is completely built of brick, Why not finish it the same building material. What is special about the brick gables? First of all, they have an excellent soundproofing and construction fortress.
Masonry gable may be performed using technologies figure vykladyvaniya

If this version is supposed to create a loft space, the inside of the ends of the recommended warm and, if possible, gidroizolirovat. Most often, after laying bricks, frontal zones does not decorated.
Look like a window in the gable of house: photos of unusual design
If we see a window in the gable, then immediately we realize that such an arrangement is considered to be interrupted. Its presence makes it possible to most effectively illuminate the attic room. However, the size of window may have some inconsistencies, making the aperture or decorative or functional.
In the houses of the modern type in the gable area set windows double-glazed windows
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How to make the gable roof Siding: examples in the photo
Making gable roof with the help of siding - this is a relatively new technology. This material is a wavy sheet metal, which effectively removes any water that may accumulate as a result of precipitation. This building material is manufactured in any color. Suitable for homes from foam blocksAs well as those that are completely finished lining and similar material.
By siding necessarily stacked insulation materials for each case

Decorative stone for the cladding of the gable
If you use an individual material for skin, whether it is the style of the existing decoration of the house is suitable must be accurately understood. Decorative stone can imitate granite, Amethyst, basalt, and others. It can be easily placed on a smooth surface. Usually scenery made if construction built of foam blocks, aerated or lasting drywall.
stone and wood can be used for decoration of the pediment at the same time
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