XXI century without reason called the era of the pragmatists. Rational comes to the fore. Not spared the trend and the construction industry. Equally, in the field of industrial and civil construction, and low-rise construction site valued function. In this regard, the recent increase in popularity projects of private homes with flat roofs. this phenomenon is fairly new to Russia, but, nevertheless, already popular. Houses with flat roofs can be found everywhere - from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad.
Special secret to growing popularity of projects with flat roofs there. Today ball on suburban real estate market efficiency rules. The owners seek to maximize efficient use of the useful area of the house and create a functional lay-out, choosing practical design, refuse architectural excesses. In this sense, the flat roof completely fits into the given concept.
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- 1 Argument №1. Every centimeter for business use
- 2 №2 argument. Saving
- 3 №3 argument. Easy to operate
- 4 №4 argument. high maintainability
- 5 №5 argument. Energy efficiency
Argument №1. Every centimeter for business use
To begin with, the flat roof allows maximum use of space. The top floor of this design has sloping walls, its area is not reduced attic. And in a dense housing flat roof and completely opens up additional opportunities. If you do not just flat roof, but also operated, then it is quite possible to arrange terrace, garden or a place to rest.

№2 argument. Saving
When the flat roof just appeared in the Russian reality, with them came the myth of the high cost of construction. However, experience has shown that it is nothing more than fiction. Rather, on the contrary, the device flat roof - one of the most effective solutions. The smaller area of coverage entails reducing the number of materials. Even the pupil is well known that the horizontal plane of the roof has a smaller area than the two, and even more pitched roof plane.
On the average, market experts estimate that cost of the device flat roof varies from 800 to 1500 rubles per square meter.
Perhaps the only thing that stands out individually: work on the device flat roof must be carried out by qualified personnel. When it comes to installation of polymeric membranes, the team should be fully own welding with hot air using special equipment. On the one hand, it can be perceived as a limiter. On the other hand, let us not forget that professional contractors and fully automatic equipment - a guarantee of durability and reliability.

Life hacking for those looking for something a professional crew. Ask the contractors, in ownership if they have welding equipment for PVC membrane, or they take it out. The fact that such a device costs several hundred thousand. Equipment availability is indirect evidence that the team is constantly busy at sites likely to have experience in installation of roofs of large areas, including industrial buildings, shopping mall. To work on such objects are increased requirements.
№3 argument. Easy to operate
flat roof exploitation involves a visual examination of the structure twice a year - spring and fall. After snow and frost is necessary to check the status waterproofing coatings, Tightness of the welds, junctions place in the area of parapets and installed equipment (eg TV antenna). In the autumn of the same on the roof of the rise is necessary, first of all, to check state funnels listvouloviteley, Remove the cover with leaves and branches, if any. Deal with these concerns can any adult, regardless of gender, education and type of activity. Sometimes the question is raised separately cleaning of flat roofs from snow.
It is very important at the design stage to calculate the design based on the snow load in the region. With the proper calculation climb onto the roof of the winter it is not necessary. Rather, on the contrary, snow clearing - this is an additional risk of damage to the waterproofing of the carpet. So even if you were in the winter with a shovel on the roof of his own house, remember the importance of:
- shovel should only be a wooden or plastic (no metal);
- can not use axes, Crowbars, etc .;
- necessarily leave snow layer thickness of at least 10 cm.
№4 argument. high maintainability
When viewed from the roof should be carefully considered a horizontal surface and with special attention to explore space adjacencies. For small cuts and injuries to install a patch for PVC membrane can be their own. Again, if as a thermal insulation layer PIR stacked plates, the water ingestion does not affect the heat-saving properties.

№5 argument. Energy efficiency
Comfort indoors depends on the ability to pass heat insulation layer. In other words, the lower the thermal conductivity the better conserved microclimate inside. Insulation boards PIR, which essentially is a rigid polyurethane closed between two layers of foil, has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.021 × W / m × K*. He is equally good in terms of the north, as perfectly keeps heat inside, and in the southern regions, the insulating structure from the heat that reigns outside. And in fact, in both cases, provides insulation energy savings. In the first embodiment, in heatingIn the second on conditioning.
*The thermal conductivity, measured within 24 hours of production.
By the way, the white PVC membrane also contribute to the issue of energy efficiency design. The fact that the dark roof on sunny days can be heated to a temperature above 80 ° C, all this heat accumulates in the room. White membrane reflect UV rays, while maintaining a comfortable temperature surface.
Flat roof - a modern solution, which in addition to high functionality has a very important advantage - expressive aesthetics. Against the background of the standard of building houses with flat roofs stand out unusual design. The construction of such structures has long mastered by experts. In addition, the industry now offers complete, modern solutions that allow you to select roofWhat is called a "turnkey".
Share in the comments, if you are using the flat roof, and if not, why not.