, It is necessary to correct in the house it was warm perform thermal insulation works, Correctly picking the insulation for the roof. When making a choice, find out what types there are, what are their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing should focus on specific material properties and design features of the roofing.
Thermal insulation of the roof must be performed using high quality materials PHOTO: i2.wp.com
Read article
1 Requirements for the heater for a roof
2 species
2.1 Foam and penoplex
2.2 Penofol and penoterm
2.3 Polyurethane foam
2.4 Slag and basalt rockwool
2.5 Glass wool and ecowool
2.6 Sawdust and expanded clay
2.7 Wood-fiber plates
3 Compare insulation for roofs
3.1 For thermal insulation characteristics
3.2 For ease of installation
3.3 In terms of service
4 Advantages and disadvantages
5 leading manufacturers
6 How to make a choice: buy a heater for the roof, we take into account the types of roofing
7 flat
8 pitched
9 Roof
10 consumer reviews
Requirements for the heater for a roof
High-quality insulation for the roof must meet a number of requirements:
have a long service life;
maintain performance characteristics and forms throughout the period of operation;
have a small share. Excessive load can adversely affect the strength of the bearing structure. The density and thickness of insulation for the roof to be optimal;
have cold resistance, maintaining properties with significant temperature variations;
have high sound insulating performance. For roof insulation, roofing sheltered, creating a lot of noise in the rain, this requirement is one of the most important;
be environmentally friendly. As part of the insulation for the roof should be no toxic materials that could have a negative impact on human health.
The thermal insulation material must meet certain requirements PHOTO: serviceexpress.co
Manufacturers offer different types of insulation for the roof. They differ in terms of cost, performance characteristics, size. We offer to meet with the main varieties, which often is given preference.
The composition and type of insulation may vary PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru
Foam and penoplex
Polystyrene is the cheapest embodiment. In this light weight insulation, thus avoiding excessive load. It is produced in the form of slabs. Easy to transport and assemble. It does not pass water. Treating unstable polymers, it has a limited lifespan.
Popularity foam is markedly reduced PHOTO: stroybrend.ru
Penoplex It falls into the category of a new generation of foams. Available in the form of rigid plates orange. It has a high water and vapor resistance. It eliminates the need for hydraulic and vapor barrier film. Is not exposed to the bacteria or fungus. It can be installed in any weather conditions. Unlike the previous insulation, penoplex:
It has an edge tongue and groove through which manages to put the plate without gaps. This eliminates the propenivaniya seams during installation;
It has a high density, due to which packed insulating layer capable of withstanding a significant load;
uniform. When cutting the insulation does not crumble;
It has a lower thermal conductivity. Due to this, to ensure the necessary level of protection can be by means of a heater layer of lesser thickness.
Important! It is necessary to take into account that at high temperature foam and penoplex burn, releasing acrid smoke.
Penoplex easy to assemble PHOTO: dmcp.ru
Penofol and penoterm
Penofol is foamed polyethylene, protected on both sides with aluminum foil. The latter has a sufficiently high reflectance, whereby a large amount of heat remains inside the house. Level penofol insulating properties depends on the thickness of the inner layer, which may be 10-30 mm. Foil Thickness 20 microns. The material is supplied in rolls of 18-30 m The manufacturer offers three classes of material.:
BUT. The foil has only one side. Used for thermal insulation of the roof and communications;
AT. Foil layer has on both sides. Suitable for thermal insulation of all types of surfaces;
FROM. On one side of the foil, on the other - the adhesive composition. It can be attached to the inaccessible grounds.
Penofol well reflects the heat PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru
Penoterm has a similar structure. The difference lies in the interlayer structure. foamed polyethylene, polypropylene and not the latter is used for the manufacture.
Polyurethane foam is able to become the best option for private homes. It has:
minimum thermal conductivity;
light weight;
high insulating characteristic;
biological resistance.
Is applied by spraying. It involves the use of special equipment, which significantly increases the cost of forming the thermal insulation layer. As a result, it becomes possible to fill all voids existing roof, and to form an airtight layer over the entire surface.
Special equipment is required for the formation of a layer of polyurethane foam PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Slag and basalt rockwool
waste metallurgical slag wool used for manufacturing. The material is not afraid of corrosive substances. Processing special waterproofing fluid to protect the insulation layer from adverse effects of precipitation.
Shklakovaya wool is resistant to aggressive substances PHOTO: decorexpro.com
Stone wool is most often selected for thermal insulation of pitched roofs. The heat insulator is produced by melting basalt and other rocks. This material:
It has a fibrous structure;
It is produced in the form of plates and rolled materials;
easy to assemble;
is not susceptible to the high temperature;
It has affordable price;
environmentally safe;
is not exposed to microorganisms and rodents;
It has good heat and sound insulation characteristics.
Stone wool has a fibrous structure PHOTO: sk42.ru
Glass wool and ecowool
Glass wool was popular a few decades ago. Today it is still used for roof insulation. It obtained by melting glass. The technical characteristics of the material comparable to the mineral wool. Supplied as a web material and the plates. Does not burn. It shows good insulating properties.
Attention! Installation work must be carried out in the PPE.
When laying glass necessarily use PPE PHOTO: sc01.alicdn.com
Ekovaty basis of the cellulosic fiber. This environmentally friendly insulation material. Ecowool drawback is the loss of volume after a manual process. To ensure sufficient lifetime of the thickness of the formed layer should be 25% more than settlement.
Ecowool - eco-friendly material PHOTO: kmv-stroitel.ru
Sawdust and expanded clay
Wood chips are one of the oldest insulation. These wood waste quite often used to insulation of private homes. Material hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. However, the choice in favor of this option requires a special analysis due to:
increased combustibility;
tendency to decay;
attractiveness to rodents.
With sawdust insulated not the whole roof entirely, and only the ceiling soffit. For this wood waste is distributed evenly over the surface. It is the most affordable option for insulation of private homes.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"To increase the insulating properties can be sawdust by mixing them with clay. The prepared mixture is distributed evenly over the floor of the attic unexploited. "
Sawdust - an affordable option PHOTO: centro-pol.ru
LECA is chosen by many developers because of versatility and good performance. It can be used for thermal insulation not only slabs but the roof. The bulk material is distributed evenly over the insulated surface. Then compacted granules. Often they are a component of the cement-sand mortar, used for the device of the flat roof.
The possibility of using expanded clay as insulation for the roof is calculated at the stage of designing. Due to the weight of the bulk material increases the load on the bearing structures and foundation. The result of warming depends on the observance of the technology, it is sufficient and uniform layer formed.
Expanded clay increases the load on the supporting structures PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ru
Wood-fiber plates
Such insulation may be used as thermal insulation material and the basis for subsequent finishing. They are characterized by thermal stability, which is especially important for mansard roofs. However, due to the high cost of the material is often the choice is made in favor of other heaters.
Reliably protect from cold PHOTO: moz-dok.by
Compare insulation for roofs
Operational characteristics of insulation may vary significantly. Choosing a suitable option, it is necessary to compare the properties of thermal insulation materials in order to choose the most suitable option.
When you select must take into account a number of criteria PHOTO: build-blog.ru
For thermal insulation characteristics
From the point of view of operation properties, heat insulation properties for thermal insulation of the roof are key parameter in selecting a suitable option. The lower the thermal conductivity of the material, the less it will need to provide a comfortable environment in the house. The average values ​​are as follows:
The average thermal conductivity, W / (m · K)
Insulation for roofs
Mineral wool
extruded polystyrene
Polyurethane foam
For ease of installation
The order of performance and complexity of the installation works depends on the shape of the insulation for the roof. In the presence of the necessary equipment and skills, difficulties arise when performing the installation. If the work is done on their own, should give preference to roll materials or plates.
Mineral wool is easy to install their own hands PHOTO: pochtidoma.ru
In terms of service
The service life of the laid according to the rules of insulation for the roof differs significantly. Mineral wool is at least 30 years. We sprayed insulation at least 25 years of extruded polystyrene 20, foam 15. As a rule, high-quality insulation materials are able to retain their functionality for half a century. For modern insulation, this figure is much higher. But a layer of sawdust will have to update more often.
The service life of high-quality material is large enough PHOTO: oknamoskovii.ru
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages of insulation for the roof is directly dependent on its composition. Thus, for the typical polyurethane seamless possibility of forming a durable coating with high insulating properties. However, he is afraid of exposure to ultraviolet light and are fairly expensive.
The foam is suitable for different rooms, has a low thermal conductivity and affordable price. Waterproof. Easy to assemble. However, because of its fragility, tendency to condensation and acrid smoke during combustion of choice is often made in favor of other materials.
The advantages and disadvantages depending on the composition of the raw materials used PHOTO: orchardo.ru
Stone wool is opposed to the emergence of the fungus. Not afraid to mechanical impact. It has good sound insulation characteristics. Fireproof.
Cellulose Fiber Advantages:
good sound insulation;
environmental friendliness;
moisture resistance;
Disadvantages ecowool:
thermal conductivity increase after a period of operation;
the need for special equipment.
Penofol is eco-friendly, waterproof, non-combustible material. Easy to install and transport, but has a low hardness. Furthermore, although penofol reflects heat well, it is rarely used as the primary heat insulating material.
leading manufacturers
High-quality insulation for the roof can be found in the catalog of many domestic and foreign manufacturers. Well proven products released under the trademarks:
How to make a choice: buy a heater for the roof, we take into account the types of roofing
Embodiment roof imposes significant imprint on the form of a heat insulating material used. Not to be mistaken with the choice, you should definitely find out what experts recommend the use of a heater for thermal insulation of a certain type of roof.
View of the roof affects the choice PHOTO: daemmt-besser.de
Such a roof tend to make the exploited. To insulation able to withstand operational loads, it must have sufficient rigidity. Most often the choice made in favor of extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool slabs. Many manufacturers offer specialized materials for decorating such a coating. In fibreboard initially provided the desired slope and special chute for rapid water drainage. The main thing is to perform the installation correctly.
Flat roof takes a significant load PHOTO: sk-pba.ru
Pitched roof at home with a cold attic. The order of thermal insulation in this case may be different. If the insulation material is planned to be laid between rafters, is selected in the mineral wool plates form which is inserted into the spacers.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
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"Reducing the cost of insulation may be a cold roof, placing insulating material on the attic floor."
Pitched roof is insulated differently PHOTO: agronet.ua
To the level of insulation of mansard roofs are increased requirements. With it formed the walls and roof of the living room. In this case insulation material used must be environmentally friendly and safe for human. Special attention is paid to the level of fire safety. The use of foam often refuse, opting for mineral wool. For the latter include steam and waterproofing layer.
Attention! A suitable embodiment is for mansard roof insulation, in which a thermal conductivity less than 0.2 W / (m · K).
The thickness should be sufficient to create a comfortable environment PHOTO: decorexpro.com
consumer reviews
To make the right choice, it is necessary to meet real customer reviews.
Review of the insulation Isover:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2132762.html
Isover insulation
Review of the insulation Rockwool:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2132762.html
Rockwool insulation
Review of the insulation Penoizol:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_7313793.html
Share in the comments, some insulation for the roof, in your opinion, is the best and why.