Coffee lovers, distinguishing many flavors and cooking options are constantly looking for a drink for himself. Make it only by a high-quality automatic coffee machine. Consider drip or carob coffee maker whether to this ideal.
- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of drip coffee makers
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of carob devices
- 3 Features coffee machines
- 3.1 Trickle
- 3.2 carob
- 4 How does it work
- 4.1 Trickle
- 4.2 carob
Advantages and disadvantages of drip coffee makers
The advantages of drip machines:
- due to the small size, it takes up little space in the kitchen, so it's perfect for the home or apartment;
- beverage preparation process does not require special knowledge and skills;
- ease of maintenance and care;
- low cost of such devices;
- opportunity to prepare multiple servings of the beverage;
- there is an automatic heating function, which allows for a long time to maintain the temperature just brewed coffee;
- It allows you to make tea;
- Coffee turns out strong, but the sediment is not has.
- To coffee for a long time it worked properly and preparing quality drink, you need to constantly change it a filter that can be made of paper or metal. By purchasing the metal species will have to spend more money, however, and replacement in this case will be much less.
- After completion of the cooking process, the coffee maker must be well washed to further portions not turned bitterish.
- Contemplated devices may not create foam, which is obtained, for example, to espresso.
- You can use it to cook only filter coffee.
- Cooking time one portion can last from 5 to 10 minutes.
Along with all the properties of drip devices, they have a lot of fans because of the traditional American taste.

Advantages and disadvantages of carob devices
Benefits carob devices:
- finished beverage obtained quality, tasty, deprived of impurities and unpleasant flavors;
- cooking process takes less than a minute;
- can prepare the drink with foam;
- coffee grounds are not available, allowing you to enjoy a drink and on what not distracted;
- due to the action of steam on the milled grain, the amount per serving is slightly reduced, which results in saving of the powder, but does not spoil the taste of the beverage;
- It can be prepared in the usual black coffee, espresso, cappuccino and many other beverages;
- It uses ground beans and pods;
- It makes it possible to obtain not only the two portions of the beverage, but more of them by increasing the number of arms;
- some models have a device for whipping milk, which greatly expands the possibility of cooking.
Disadvantages of such devices:
- The possibility of getting burned by steam, if not handled carefully with the device.
- After each portion of beverage horn should be washed.
- It takes up much space.
- So that the machine works better and produced a delicious drink, the horn must be metal, not plastic. So for this you need to spend extra money.
In the cafes, bars and restaurants unique carob coffee machines used today, to cope with that only by experienced kofevaru.
Features coffee machines
Before to choose what is best drip coffee maker or carob, it is necessary to understand what features are inherent in each of them.

Considered appliances are the most simple of all types of coffee grinders. Despite this, they have been considerably improved in recent years than improved their level in the market. All models can have the following functions:
- heating the coffee even after several hours of preparation;
- adjust the larger and smaller fortress;
- the possibility to realize the quantity of coffee and water were used for one serving by the presence of the automatic dispenser;
- protective function that allows the beverage container to protect from transfusion;
- timer;
- Automatic count of the number of cups prepared beverage;
- presence indicator that indicates the temperature of the finished coffee;
- built-in grinder.
Choosing your favorite drip grinder, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the more she will have the opportunity, the more money you will have to pay for it.

The type grinders can be equipped with a number of functions:
- possibility to extend the life of the device due to presence of the auto-off function which is activated if the device is overheated;
- presence indicators, which are responsible for the amount of water in the tank, as well as provide information about when will be ready to drink;
- several horns make it possible to prepare immediately two different beverage;
- if necessary, work the coffee machine is always possible to stop;
- for long periods of coffee may remain warm.
Comparing features of the two coffee machines, it can be concluded that each of them has a right to exist.
They share some similarities: using ground coffee (which greatly reduces the quality of beverage) may be heated coffee ready. In addition, they are about the same price category, which gives the opportunity to buy their large number of people and enjoy freshly cooked fragrant drink on their kitchen.
Drip coffee makers prepare only the US, carob - espresso, cappuccino and other drinks. The difference between them is also in the fact that the first take up little space and do not require special skills in the process. The latter have a large size, are in need of the experience of working with them. This is due to the presence of steam and warmed horns inside coffee machines.
Despite this, we can confidently assert that the carob machines have much more useful features that can quickly make a drink.

How does it work
Different analytes coffee devices also operating principle. Let us consider each of these in more detail.
These devices brewed black coffee from the ground beans. In the water tank clean liquid is poured in the compartment for the coffee powder is poured. After turning on the coffee machine water is gradually heated to steam generation. Rising up and passing through small tubes, it condenses and percolates through the grind grain, feasting their taste and aroma. After a while you can see the finished drink in his cup.
To prepare a beverage, ground grain and pods may be used. In the event that used coffee grounds, carefully tamped it into the horn. To this process it was easier and faster to apply a special device called a tamper.
Once water gets in a special tank, include the unit and wait for the fluid warms up. After a short period of time, steam is generated. Passing through a small channel under pressure, the steam is cooled slightly and falls on the coffee, which is saturated with its flavor and flows through the bulb directly into the cup. Simultaneously in another vessel is heated and frothed milk foam.
The resulting drink is never unpleasant residue, and there is always gentle, airy foam. Cooking it should be subject to certain rules, otherwise it quickly settles.

Choosing carob or drip coffee machine, it is necessary initially to determine what you want from it, how much and how fast. The main difference between them lies in beverages, they can offer (US, eseresso, cappuccino, etc.), as well as methods for their preparation. One should also not forget about the quality of the finished coffee. Safe to say that open-end machines prepare him better than drip.